Top 10 Best Transformations on What Not to Wear

#10: Lizz
You know what they say, there’s no business like show business! Lizz has nine kids, and is a stage mother to boot. She struggles to find her own personal identity in her style, and often dresses in revealing or form-fitting clothes in inappropriate settings. Stacy and Clinton help her find pieces that are more classy than trashy– and trash her old wardrobe in the meantime. By the end of the makeover, Lizz loves her new look! She’s able to showcase who she is with her new clothes, and her nearest and dearest are fans as well!
#9: Riana, Taylor, & Megan
Three is a crowd! On the premiere episode of “What Not to Wear’s” final season, Stacy and Clinton take on a huge challenge– a trio of friends. Each one needs major fashion help! Riana, for one, dresses way too scantily. As for Taylor, well, her style is a bit lazy. And Megan is a plain jane. But once the three women begin to take Stacy and Clinton’s advice to heart, they learn how to express themselves with the perfect clothing. The friends are super into their own end results, and are shocked to see one another’s transformations as well!
#8: Mayim Bialik
Even celebrities need some help with their fashion choices sometimes! Before she portrayed Amy on “The Big Bang Theory,” actress Mayim Bialik got a makeover on “What Not to Wear.” As a busy mom, she struggled with putting effort into her appearance. Her clothes didn’t accentuate her body type, and made her blend into the crowd. But Stacy and Clinton gave her a whole new look– complete with fun colors and accessories to make her shine! Most importantly, she stayed true to herself throughout the process and chose pieces that made her feel confident without compromising her modesty.
#7: Leanne
We are the daughters of the witches you couldn’t… give a makeover to. Leanne is a Salem, Massachusetts based witch and psychic, and she dresses the part– even when she’s off the clock. She struggles in social settings due to her unconventional style. And she admits that her fashion choices function as a way to protect her from having to let her guard down. Clinton and Stacy help Leanne find clothes that embrace her personality. Therefore, she no longer needs to hide behind costumes. Leanne is thrilled with her new look, and her loved ones couldn’t be happier for her!
#6: Tania
Some people have a hard time growing up. While it’s great to be a child at heart, Stacy and Clinton gave a much needed makeover to Tania– a mother who dresses like a kid herself! She even confesses to wearing her seventeen-year-old daughter’s clothes. Worst of all, she sports a frog costume– the mascot outfit for her very own business– in meetings! It’s far from CEO-level attire. During her time on “What Not to Wear,” Tania finds a style that makes her feel confident and mature. And one that uses the color green appropriately!
#5: Casey
Sometimes all you need is a confidence boost. Well, five thousand dollars doesn’t hurt either. Casey comes on to “What Not to Wear” struggling with finding the right ways to dress for her body type. As a transgender woman, she often feels insecure with her proportions and needs help shopping for pieces that accentuate her shape. Stacy and Clinton show her that you don’t need to wear vests to accent your waist, and that her figure is perfect the way it is! By the end of her makeover, Casey finally feels comfortable calling herself pretty. If that’s not an amazing transformation, nothing is!
#4: Maria
Maria’s wardrobe was beyond bright– it was blinding! She needed some serious help using color in her outfits in a way that wouldn’t totally overpower her. Stacy and Clinton basically throw away the entirety of her massive collection of vibrant pieces, and guide her towards the light. But in this case, “the light” is the color black — and other neutrals! Maria is such a good sport throughout the process, and learns to love the new rules of fashion. Stacy and Clinton even kept in touch with her over the years– and yes, last we heard, she was still following their advice!
#3: Tristen
Where’s Pauly D? Are we on the wrong reality TV show? New Yorker Tristen wants nothing more than to be a “Jersey Shore” girl, and she dresses like it. She always looks ready for the club. And it takes a while before she learns to compromise and embrace Stacy and Clinton’s advice. But after trying on some new things, she begins to change her tune. Tristen realizes that she can feel sexy without having to show as much skin as she’s used to. She ends up with more grown-up clothes that make her feel great!
#2: Amanda
If Stacy and Clinton hate anything, it’s baggy sweatpants. Blogger and mother of three Amanda admits to taking a low-maintenance approach when it comes to fashion, especially since she became a mom at age 23. She feels insecure about the changes her body has gone through since childbirth, and has trouble seeing herself positively. But her experience on the show helps her shift her perspective, and she uncovers a personal style that gives her a new sense of confidence. By the end, she’s eager to show up to work events to flaunt both her new clothes and self-image!
#1: Dawn
They say to always save the best for last! In this case, it’s the very last episode of “What Not to Wear”. Stacy and Clinton spotted Dawn walking around the casino in Las Vegas in head-to-toe lace. The problem is, she sports that type of attire every day. As a final challenge, the co-hosts vow to fix her style in only twenty-four hours! Can they do it? Of course they can! Dawn is a little hesitant at first, but eventually comes around to the idea that she can show off her figure in covered-up clothes. Her transformation is so impressive, and perfectly ends a series that impacted so many lives!