Top 10 Brutal Deaths on Rick and Morty

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Brutal Deaths on Rick and Morty. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the most disturbing, over-the-top, graphic, and insane slayings of various characters on “Rick and Morty” so far. If technology was banned, who would win in a fight between Jerry and Rick? Let us know below!
#10: Turning the Tables on the Tina-teers
“A Rickconvenient Mort”
After Morty falls for Planetina, he learns that she’s manifested by Tina-teers, a group of adults who hold elemental rings and exploit her for profit. It’s pretty much a dark reimagining of “Captain Planet.” As Eddie attacks Morty to stop him interfering, Morty goes on a rampage, biting off Eddie’s finger and burning him alive with the fire ring. The other Tina-teers are in a deal to sell Planetina when Morty bursts in and kills them all. Few scenes, animated or otherwise, contain as many brutal or creative kills in such a short time! Planetina goes on to pull off some of her own as she fights environmental destruction - enough to turn even Morty off!
#9: A Father’s Fatal Mistake
“Interdimensional Cable 2: Tempting Fate”
If this had happened on Earth, Jerry would 100% be unalive. In this season two episode, Jerry has a moral dilemma about sacrificing “little Jerry” so it can be used as a replacement heart to save the beloved alien, Shrimply Pibbles. But when Jerry has doubts and everyone slates him, he snaps and changes his mind...again. As a synthetic heart is being installed in Pibbles, Jerry interrupts the operation with a “weapon” of sorts. He then strips and runs at the unconscious alien, declaring he’s a good person…and that’s when it gets graphic. He’s shot by security guards 57 times in front of his family. But since it happened in this alien hospital, Jerry was fixed in a lickity split.
#8: Maximus Freaks Out
“Vindicators 3: The Return of Worldender”
With Rick, Morty, and the Vindicators stuck in a “Saw”-esque nightmare that Rick set up while drunk, things went off the rails for the parody superheroes. Pretty soon after the reveal, Vance Maximus, aka Renegade Star Soldier, freaks out and decides to leave, despite Rick’s warnings. As soon as Maximus gets into the vent, we hear gunshots and machines whirling, followed by the mess it makes of him as half his body flies around the room. Later, after the shocking discovery of Million Ants and Supernova hooking up behind Alan Rails’s back, the insect hero inserts itself into Rails, causing him to gruesomely explode. Yikes. Not quite as friendly as “The Avengers”.
#7: Wasting the Wealthy
“Look Who's Purging Now”
“Rick and Morty” loves a good parody. And for this episode, it was “The Purge’s ”turn After Rick and Morty are stranded on an alien world during ‘the Festival’ (basically the Purge), Morty cuts loose, slaughtering a violent mob. Later, Rick and local girl Arthricia visit the wealthy people responsible for the Festival in power suits. And they absolutely wreck them, all to the cheerful sound of the song “Feel Good”. Heads go flying, bodies burn, and one guy even takes a rocket in a very delicate area, leaving Arthricia and Rick dancing in the aftermath of the carnage
#6: Annihilating Aliens
“Total Rickall”
Imagine having to kill people you have amazing ‘memories’ about to save the world. That’s pretty much the premise for the episode “Total Rickall”. After being infected with a parasitic alien that implants positive memories and takes the form of quirky characters, the Smiths know they have to go nuts. Anyone who they have a negative memory about lives. The others, well, they’re gunned down in a violent slaughter. It’s a lot to take in, as the fatally wounded characters morph into gross worms and perish. What makes the disturbing violence worse is that a lot of thee imaginary friends beg for their lives to be spared. However, the Smiths remorselessly gun them down.
#5: ‘Saving’ Summer
“The Ricks Must Be Crazy”
Taking the simple command “keep Summer safe” to heart, Rick’s ship unleashes mayhem. Straight off the bat, a guy who gets too close is zapped by a laser into chunks in a way that recalls 2002’s “Resident Evil.” Another guy is paralyzed, because Summer said not to make it fatal. The ship continues its warped warpath by making a melting replica of a cop’s deceased son to break him psychologically. The vessel also mocks Summer for how she speaks, which is just rubbing salt into a wound. After all the massive violence that Summer witnessed, she should be in therapy for a couple of decades at least.
#4: Sloppy Souvenirs
“One Crew Over the Crewcoo's Morty”
With an episode mocking heist films, there has to be a moment where there's a big reveal that shocks everyone and even confuses them. And “Rick and Morty” didn’t disappoint…just maybe the surprise wasn’t delivered in a typical, heist-like way. After beating Miles Knightly in a heist-off, Rick reveals that the attendees at Heist-Con are under his control. So, he tells them to steal everything. As they take apart the stage, they decide that Knightly is part of the convention. To start with, they nick his clothing and his wallet. But then, it gets gory. The fans tear Knightly apart, each looking for a biological keepsake to take home. Even Rick found it a bit much.
#3: Toxic Children
“Rest and Ricklaxation”
Even something as simple as a spa day can be turned into a nightmare on “Rick and Morty.” After the duo’s toxic selves are extracted, they break out and cause havoc. Toxic Rick creates a device to turn the planet into a nightmare, bringing out the worst in people. It infects a children’s party, prompting a performer in a knock-off Mickey Mouse outfit to shout at the kids, before they attack him. When the process is reversed, it’s revealed that the party got a LOT worse, with the performer decapitated, and the children now turning on each other. Without the toxic beam’s effects, they’re exposed to the horror they’ve committed. Good luck with explaining this one to the cops.
#2: Right in the Eye
“Edge of Tomorty: Rick Die Rickpeat”
After Rick dies (only to be reborn in clones across the multiverse), Morty strikes out on his own. Using a death crystal to guide his actions, he believes he can live a happy life with Jessica. However, he ends up transforming himself into a “Venom”-like goo monster instead. Morty gives mass to Hologram Rick, but all it takes to defeat him is a sting in his eye by Wasp Rick. Only, Wasp Rick doesn’t inject venom. He injects eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. The baby Wasp Ricks burst out of Hologram Rick’s face in a grizzly fashion.
#1: Seeing Double
“Rick Potion #9”
To call this first season episode ‘stressful’ for Morty is an understatement. After all, he contributed to wrecking the planet by having Rick create a creepy love potion, which ended up turning everyone into abominations. Things got even worse when he and Rick dipped out to find a new universe. They needed a dimension whose Rick and Morty just perished, so they could slip in and take their place. Upon their arrival, they found the remains of their other selves, who had just been blown up. They then had to bury their broken selves in the garden, giving Morty a mountain of trauma to cope with for the rest of his days.