Top 10 Things You Missed In Rick and Morty Season 6 ep 4

Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Things You Missed in Rick and Morty Season 6 Episode 4. For this list, we’ll be looking at some of the more subtle and not so subtle call backs and references found in “Rick and Morty” season 6 episode 4. If you or your night person hasn’t seen this episode, be warned- there will be spoilers. What would you have your night person do? Let us know in the comments!
#10: Opening Quote
The quote from T. S. Elliot found at the beginning of this episode comes from an unfinished play titled “Sweeney Agonistes” by the poet. Only two scenes were published by Elliot and they are commonly performed together as a one act play. The story centers around the character Sweeney who, while in the company of two ladies of the night, tells them a story of life and death. Thematically it deals with spiritual awakening and salvation placed against violence and horror found in the modern world. This is not unlike conflict between Night Summer and Rick who want the other to adopt their version of reality. It’s these kinds of existential thoughts that give us the hoo-has.
#9: Shoney’s
Once Summer tells Rick that the Somnambulator has been destroyed, she declares she wants pancakes from Shoney’s. We’re first introduced to the restaurant in season 3 where it serves as a representation for Rick’s cerebellum when he’s hooked up to the Series 9000 Brainalyzer. When Space Beth returns from her space crusades after finding out she may be a clone, both she and Rick get a drink at Shoney’s. Unfortunately for the Smith family, they don’t get to have brunch because it’s soon revealed that Night Summer was able to foil Rick’s plan.
#8: Rick’s Room
Rarely do we get a chance to peek into Rick’s room as we mostly see him in the garage or subterranean lair. He has an interesting alarm clock that births a rooster for a wakeup call only to turn to ash mere seconds later. Taking a closer look at his wall, we see that he has some interesting things pinned there. He has various diagrams and calculations but also photos of a Meeseeks, Abradolph Linkler, Dr. Xenon Bloom and a Zigerion. It would seem that Rick likes to sleep in his day clothes. That could be why he doesn’t like to have anyone else in his room.
#7: Abs
Both Rick and Morty put their night people to use by having them exercise during the night so they can show off their rock hard abs during the day. They even go so far as to host a podcast together full of ab related puns. This isn’t the first time the show has fixated on a well defined core. Back in season 4, while aboard the Story Train, Rick and Morty some seriously ripped individuals. Both are seriously impressed Tickets Please Guy when he rips off his shirt. Rick is even more so when Story Lord reveals his jacked bod. Later, when Jesus reveals his washboard abs, everyone bows in awe. This could be what convinced Rick to step up his ab game.
#6: Robot Voices
When Night Summer takes control of the Smith household she does so with the help of some drones. It’s not clear where they came from but it’s possible she had Night Rick craft them. The sound and cadence of their voices are very similar to the Daleks from “Doctor Who.” Rick has compared himself to the Doctor in the past so that could explain their voices. However, one of the drones sounds like Jerry Lewis, so if they were made by Night Rick, maybe he’s also a Jerry Lewis fan?
#5: Night Movies
After the night family has taken over the Smith household, the script is flipped. Night Summer, with the help of drones, forces the daymenoids to complete tasks for the night family. Jerry and Rick are forced to wash dishes while Morty is made to do crunches. Strangely enough, Beth is given the task of destroying movies with the word ‘day’ in the title while keeping movies with the word ‘night’. She tosses into the fire “Independance Day”, “Groundhog Day” and “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” while keeping “Talladega Nights.” During the end credits we even see the night family watching the “Night at the Museum” film series. At least they’re on brand.
#4: Indestructible Alien Plates
When Rick receives Night Summer’s request to rinse his plate, he’s adamant that he won’t do it because it’s not his job to make their lives easier. His attitude only escalates things because the night family destroys all the dishes in the house in response. Instead of reconsidering his position, Rick travels to the Forbidden Zone to have indestructible dishes forged. This sequence is not unlike that in “Avengers: Infinity War” when Thor travels to Nidavellir to have Stormbreaker made by Eitri. Rick should have just rinsed his dishes but we also now know that Marmaduke is a unit of measurement.
#3: Gene
It must be tough to be the Smith family’s neighbor. After Rick’s car is destroyed, Gene asks if they’re having car trouble while taking his dog for a night walk. He’s brushed off by Rick. Gene was previously seen in season 5 when Rick’s Garage AI asks him for batteries and solar panels. When he shows up with what the Garage AI asked for, he’s also brushed off. Prior to this, he’s cussed out my Morty after asking overheating Morty and Beth argue. It seems like Gene is just trying to be a friendly, if maybe clueless, neighbor. After his plants are destroyed by Beth, we understand his frustration with trying to help the Smiths.
#2: “Us”
Having a night version of yourself to do all the things can’t or won’t do during the day seem like a pretty deal. We see that Beth has mastered the trumpet, Summer is fluent in Spanish and Rick and Morty are ab-solutely cut. Of course things awry when it turns out that the night family are sentient beings with their own wants and desires. The way they talk and move is eerily like the doppelgangers in the film “Us”. In fact, the film starts off much like this episode with white text on a black background. When the Wilson family first meet Red and their doubles, they’re held hostage similar to Rick’s first encounter with the night family. They weren’t forced fed food scraps, though.
#1: Seize the Day
After Rick runs afoul of the night family, he’s surprised to find out that the night version of him isn’t the one in charge. It turns out that Night Summer is their leader. While force feeding Rick food scraps from his unrinsed plate, she reveals that she’s long been inside Summer waiting for an opportunity to come out and use the night to paradoxically seize the day. Perhaps Rick should have seen this coming as Summer has become more involved with him and Morty over the course of the show. Back in season 3, she even mentions how she’s “carping all them diems.”