Top 10 Celebrities That Tried To Get Their Co-Stars Fired

These celebrity feuds got way out of hand. From Charlie Sheen & Selma Blair, Tori Spelling & Shannen Doherty, to Alec Baldwin & Shia LaBeouf, these big name celebrities have attempted to get their co-stars fired. WatchMojo counts down ten celebrities that tried to get their co-stars fired.
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#10: LisaRaye McCoy & Stacey Dash
“Single Ladies” (2011-15)
This show on VH1 centered on three friends and their titillating lives, but perhaps the juiciest story happened behind the camera. Stars McCoy and Dash certainly had their disagreements, and when McCoy appeared on Centric’s “Being,” she admitted that she was a driving force in having Dash fired. Shortly after McCoy told her co-star to back off, Denise Vasi of “All My Children” stepped in to replace Dash for the show’s second season. So, while Dash’s termination may not have come straight from McCoy, it sounds like she certainly had a say in it.
#9: Charlie Sheen & Selma Blair
“Anger Management” (2012-14)
Charlie Sheen has been a bit of a wild card in recent years, and on the set of “Anger Management,” he was allegedly extremely difficult to work with. However, despite the issues stemming from his attitude, no one dared to say anything. No one, that is, except Selma Blair. She complained about Sheen’s work ethic to the producers, and after he got word of her complaints, he allegedly told them that it was either him or Blair. Seeing as Sheen was the star, it was bye-bye Blair. This was good timing, as the producers allege that they were planning to write Blair off the show, anyway; Sheen’s ultimatum simply hastened the process.
#8: Kirk Cameron & Julie McCullough
“Growing Pains” (1985-92)
When atheist Kirk Cameron was 17, he became a born-again Christian, and as a result, he began to insist that “Growing Pains” take a more family-friendly approach, as he was reluctant to act out the racy scenes. As the story goes, Cameron’s religion was a driving force for McCullough’s termination, as he was appalled that she had posed for Playboy and criticized the show for endorsing pornographic material. However, Cameron and the producers claim that she was written off the show for creative reasons and that Cameron had nothing to do with it. Whatever the story and reason, Cameron and McCullough remain distant and hostile towards each other to this day.
#7: Tori Spelling & Shannen Doherty
“Beverly Hills, 90210” (1990-2000)
Shannen Doherty had quite the reputation throughout the 90s as being particularly difficult to work with, and this resulted in her termination from “Beverly Hills, 90210,” the show that made her a superstar. Throughout filming, Doherty was an alleged pain, as her diva behavior got on the nerves of co-stars and crewmembers alike. Deciding that enough was enough, Spelling called her father, who also happened to be a producer for the series, and asked him to let Doherty go. Complying with his daughter’s wishes, Aaron Spelling fired Doherty, and her character was written off the show.
#6: Sylvester Stallone & Richard Gere
“The Lords of Flatbush” (1974)
While you may not have heard of it, this low-budget movie about street teens stars legends Sylvester Stallone and Henry Winkler. It would have also starred Richard Gere, but after numerous fights with Stallone, he was fired and replaced during rehearsals. Stallone says that Gere would often get too into character and that he would ignore his co-workers and their wishes, which resulted in Stallone elbowing him in the head and forcing the director to choose him or Gere. Well, Stallone is in the movie and Gere isn’t, so we all know how that turned out.
#5: Lucy Liu & Bill Murray
“Charlie’s Angels” (2000)
Have you ever wondered why Bill Murray was inexplicably replaced by Bernie Mac for the “Charlie’s Angels” sequel? As the story goes, it was allegedly due to Lucy Liu, as she and Murray did not get along on the set of the original movie. One day, they had a massive fight that supposedly stemmed from Murray telling Liu that she couldn’t act, which resulted in Liu taking swings at Murray. While Murray has said that their fight was blown massively out of proportion and that Liu wasn’t the reason for his departure, it’s still telling that he did not return for the sequel. It’s almost as if an angel was more important than Bosley.
#4: Alec Baldwin & Shia LaBeouf
“Orphans” (2013)
For this entry, we’re going to Broadway, where Alec Baldwin and Shia LaBeouf were scheduled to star together in an adaptation of Lyle Kessler’s play “Orphans.” Baldwin immediately disliked LaBeouf, calling him “scattered.” According to Baldwin, LaBeouf blew up on him one day for ruining his flow, and Baldwin had had enough. He went to the director and explained that he couldn’t work with LaBeouf anymore and that one of them needed to go. While Baldwin offered to quit, the director decided to fire LaBeouf instead, seemingly due to his attitude and Baldwin’s star power.
#3: Ryan Gosling & Rachel McAdams
“The Notebook” (2004)
Yes, believe it or not, this extremely popular fairy tale of a movie wasn’t so glamorous behind the scenes. Gosling and McAdams were at each other’s throats throughout much of filming, and things got so heated that Gosling eventually asked the director to replace McAdams. During the shooting of one scene, Gosling decided McAdams wasn’t giving him enough to work with. He pulled the director aside and asked him to bring in another actress to read off-camera. Rather than do that, he had the two stars go to a private room and dish it out. It seemingly worked; they dated for the next four years.
#2: Will Smith & Janet Hubert
“The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” (1990-96)
While this show may have been a ton of fun to watch, it sounds like it was anything but on the set. Like most stories, this one has two sides. Will Smith claims that Hubert didn’t like him, and his co-star, Alfonso Ribeiro, declared that she ruined the cast’s family dynamic and made it very difficult for them to work. Of course, this isn’t the way Hubert sees it. In an omg! Insider interview, Hubert opened up about how Will Smith allegedly responded to her firing, saying “‘we’re just gonna replace her and act like nothing happened.’” Well, that’s EXACTLY what happened, as Hubert was let go from the show and replaced by Daphne Maxwell Reid for seasons 4-6.
#1: John Stamos & the Olsen Twins
“Full House” (1987-95)
“Full House” is infamous for its sugary sweet stories. It’s hard to believe, then, that a pair of babies was fired behind the scenes. Stamos declared at the Television Critics Association that the Olsen twins cried too much on set, and that he told the producers to get rid of them. The producers then brought in replacement babies, but they didn’t work out, and the Olsens were re-hired. Stamos has since said that he’s glad that the twins ultimately did the show. They’re probably glad they did, too, as they quickly shot to superstardom.