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Top 10 Celebrities Who are HORRIBLE to Their Fans Badly

Top 10 Celebrities Who are HORRIBLE to Their Fans Badly
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script Written by Nick Spake

Some celebrities love their fans and will do anything – well, almost anything – to make them happy, while others couldn't care less! Some celebrities like Justin Bieber spit on their fans, and we mean that literally, while others like Lea Michelle straight up ignore those who simply want a picture with her! Whether they refuse to sign autographs, refuse to take a picture with fans, ignore fans, lash out on them, or do their best to snub those who are most loyal to them, these celebrities from music, movies, TV and more are some of the worst offenders.

#10: Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz can be an incredibly charming onscreen presence, as demonstrated in movies like “The Mask” and “There’s Something About Mary.” Of course she’s also played her fair share of mean-spirited characters in films like “Annie” and “Bad Teacher.” Apparently, Diaz isn’t exactly the sweetest thing off camera either. This actress is known for dissing fans, reluctant to take pictures with them or sign autographs. At the premiere of her 2014 comedy “Sex Tape,” Diaz reportedly refused to pose for a picture with her fans, saying something along the lines of “If I do it for you, I’ll have to do it for everyone else.” This might explain why Autograph Collector Magazine named Diaz the worst Hollywood autograph signer in 2006.

#9: Lea Michele

As Rachel Berry on “Glee,” the wickedly talented Lea Michele plays a showboating, narcissistic diva that constantly puts herself before others. Based on how she treats some of her fans in real life, it’s entirely possible that Lea and Rachel are one and the same. In one notable instance, a young fan approached Michele on the lot and asked for an autograph. Michele just passed her by while a PA claimed that that the actress didn’t have time, causing her admirer to break down in tears. This fan just so happened to be up-and-coming actress Hailee Steinfeld, who later earned an Oscar nomination for her role in “True Grit.” It appears that Michele and Steinfeld have since made up, as they hugged it out at the 2011 SAG Awards.

#8: Tobey Maguire

On the big screen, Tobey Maguire is best known for playing your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. In reality, though, Maguire isn’t always particularly friendly. As a matter of fact, he sometimes has more in common with Spidey’s dark alter ego. Aside from having the occasional public tantrum, Maguire reportedly avoids signing autographs and shields his face from the paparazzi. Back in 2007, he used his great reflexes to slap a camera right out of a fan’s hand. This is especially ironic since Peter Parker is a photographer who makes ends meet by selling pictures of Spider-Man. Maguire really had no excuse for being so impolite… unless the photographer was Eddie Brock that is.

#7: Britney Spears

The media and the public have been pretty cruel towards Britney Spears in the past. So we can’t blame her for being cautious in the line of flash photography. That doesn’t give her the excuse to be straight up rude to fans, however. In 2014, some of Spears’ most adoring followers paid a whopping $2,500 for a VIP meet and greet. Then when Spears finally showed up, each fan only got to spend approximately three seconds with her. The fans were told not to hug or touch Spears either, amounting to an all-around awkward experience. This isn’t the only time the pop princess has reportedly disappointed fans. Maybe that’s why the song is called “Oops!... I Did It Again.”

#6: Bruce Willis

This actor knows a thing or two about playing hardasses. Even when the cameras aren’t rolling, though, he’s notorious for being something of a grump. Kevin Smith was once a big fan of Bruce Willis, but his attitude changed after directing him in “Cop Out.” Working with Willis proved exceedingly difficult for Smith, who called him “the unhappiest, most bitter and meanest emo-bitch I’ve ever met at any job I've held down.” In addition to his fellow celebrities, Willis has clashed with everyday fans. When a couple little kids recognized him in a mall food court, the “Die Hard” star allegedly yelled at them. No wonder this guy doesn’t do more children’s movies.

#5: Chris Brown

It’s no secret that Chris Brown isn’t the nicest guy on the planet, especially after he pled guilty to assaulting Rihanna in 2009. Considering how Brown treated his then-girlfriend, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that he doesn’t seem to have much respect for his fans either. Gossip columnists had a field day in 2013 when he was arrested in Washington DC for reportedly punching a man. This brawl supposedly transpired when the stranger photobombed Brown’s snapshot with a couple ladies. The rapper subsequently socked the man in the face, landing him back in jail. Through his various squabbles and meltdowns, Brown has alienated plenty of fans, but at least he still has Tyga.

#4: Kanye West

Humble, giving, compassionate: none of these words have ever been used to describe Kanye West – in the media, at least. This hip-hop artist is legendary for his disrespectful, bizarre, and occasionally flat-out nasty conduct. Apart from getting into fights with photographers, West often snubs his loyal fans. He was far from ecstatic when a couple guys tried to take a selfie with him at the Super Bowl. In one of his worst moments, West scorned some fans for not standing up during a performance. He didn’t realize at the time, however, that they were in wheelchairs. West also isn’t afraid to throw out fans for interrupting his concerts. That’s kind of hypocritical, seeing how Kayne has interrupted his fair share of live shows.

#3: Justin Bieber

It seems like Justin Bieber wants the world to think he’s too cool for school, but most of the time he just comes off as a jerk. Whether he’s hocking loogies from a balcony or comparing a curvy woman to a “beached whale,” Bieber has reportedly mistreated countless fans. The young pop star has also disappointed fans during performances, arriving late, walking off stage, and threatening to break their phones. Speaking of which, he once took a fan’s phone and shoved it down his pants. While many are sick of Bieber’s bratty behavior, there are still numerous people out there that identify themselves as Beliebers. Regardless, it may be time for the Biebs to grow up a little.

#2: Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is frequently classified as a mean girl who is idolized and revered despite being unkind to others. If fan testimony is any indication, that description might be dead on. Like the other celebrities here, this reality TV personality often disses fans and refuses to take pictures with them. Kardashian probably wouldn’t have ranked so high on this list, however, if it weren’t for what she reportedly told her ex-husband, Kris Humphries, via voicemails and text messages. According to sources, Kardashian referred to her audience as “gullible,” “stupid imbeciles,” “boring little nobodies,” and “pathetic people with no lives of their own.” Gee, and we thought Kanye was bad.

Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable, or in this case dishonorable, mentions:

William Shatner

Amy Schumer

Kevin James

#1: Ariana Grande

Do you want to join the Ariana Army? Well, you may want to reconsider. Reports indicate that Grande constantly brushes off fans and will only allow her good side to be photographed. There are even allegations that Grande once wished her fans would die. The pop starlet stirred up a tidal wave of controversy in 2015 upon entering a doughnut shop. Grande proceeded to lick several pastries without paying for them and proclaimed that she hated America. The incident offended Americans and Arianators, not to mention doughnut lovers everywhere. Grande later expressed regret on the Internet. Of course this isn’t the first time Grande has apologized to her fans, and many think that her words often come off as insincere.
