Top 10 Coolest Looking Shiny Pokemon

Sometimes, looks ARE everything. Welcome to, and today we'll be counting down the Top 10 Coolest Looking Shiny Pokemon.
For this list, we've gathered Pokemon with the very best alternate color schemes--also known as “shinies”. Only official shinies are eligible on this list, which rules out several anime-only alternate forms. Apologies to fans of the pink Rhyhorn.
Special thanks to our users Noah Wittenberg, Drew Boxall, Robert Hoth, Chuck Rothans, HawkSeid29, Azra Hanukic and Northwest_native75 for submitting the idea on our interactive suggestion tool: WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Noctowl
Fans of the anime will be quick to recognize this winged Pokemon’s shiny form, as the Noctowl that accompanied Ash through the Johto region had this rare color palette. Ash’s Noctowl was actually the first official shiny seen in the series, and remains the only one ever owned by a main character. Its golden body and reddish wings are a notable departure from the original form’s subtle brown coat. However, Ash’s Noctowl had much more going for it than an exclusive color scheme. Its exceptional intelligence aided it well in key battles.
#9: Genesect
In the anime, Team Plasma creates the “Genesect Army”. The leader is a shiny Genesect, which sports an intimidating red finish to match its incredible power. Living up to its imposing presence, the red Genesect is a ruthless leader who wants to avenge the loss if their homeland. The red juggernaut served as the main villain in the 16h Pokemon movie, where it was able to hold its own with the likes of Mewtwo. Their epic battle shows that this Pokemon not only looks the part, but can also back it up.
#8: Umbreon
Sometimes, the subtle changes can be the most effective. This is definitely the case for the fan-favorite eeveelution’s shiny form. By simply switching Umbreon’s gold rings for a powder blue and changing its eyes to yellow, the creators of Pokemon produced a shiny that is universally loved and sought after. Umbreon’s base form is already amazing on its own. However, the shiny version has a more sleek and mystical presence.
#7: Greninja
When it comes to shiny Pokemon, the rule of thumb is that if you make it edgier – you make it cooler. Greninja is one of the few lucky enough to get this treatment as he drops the blue look for a much stealthier black. Given the whole ninja-theme, the shiny version kinda looks more fitting for the fastest Water Pokemon in the game. But since it’s base form, Froakie, is a starter Pokemon, getting a shiny version requires endless attempts of restarting the game.
#6: Mega Gengar
Gengar has always been an overwhelming fan favorite, even being named as original artist Ken Sugimori’s favorite Pokemon. However, its shiny sprite was always a bit of a disappointment, since its slightly darker color was barely noticeable. This was all forgiven in Generaton VI with the introduction of Mega Pokemon. Owners of shiny Gengar had their jaws hit the floor when first laying eyes on its Mega form, as it now sported a bone chilling white finish. The new look was so popular it even spawned a heap of merchandise.
#5: Hawlucha
As is always the case with wrestling, every hero needs a villain. That’s where Hawlucha’s shiny form comes in. It’s black cape and purple mask create a perfect foil to the original form’s bright color scheme. This was further demonstrated in the Pokemon anime, where a shiny Hawlucha was pitted against Ash’s own. It’s nickname in the episode, fittingly was “Dark Hawlucha”. Shiny Hawlucha proves that not all heroes wear capes--but some villains do too.
#4: Rayquaza
It’s the master of the Weather Trio that includes Groudon and Kyogre, was voted as Japan’s favorite version mascot in 2012, and was given a completely OP mega evolution in Generation VI. The special treatment doesn’t stop there, as Rayquaza was also given one of the best shiny designs in the franchise. Its distinctive dark grey gives it an awesome mechanical look. Admiring it is fun, but catching one is gonna be a little bit more tricky.
#3: Gyarados
Ask 100 Pokemon players who their first shiny was, and odds are that 95 of them will say Gyarados. Since it served such a pivotal role in Pokemon Gold and Silver, the Red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage was the first exposure to shinies for many. The ability to capture it after the story arch made Red Gyarados so common that owning a regular colored one was soon considered odd. This widespread use of a shiny Gyarados led many gamers to start searching for other shiny Pokemon – and its been a staple in the series ever since.
#2: Metagross
Although it has always been known for its immense power, Metagross’s design was always a step behind other pseudo-legendary Pokemon such Garchomp and Salamence. However, while other pseudo-legendary shinies typically fall flat, Metagross’ alternate look is downright awe-inspiring. Ditching the muted blue of the original in favor of a striking gold and silver combo gives this metallic quadruped a look that finally matches its strength. Metagross Mania was eventually noticed by the game creators, who featured a shiny Beldum as the first event Pokemon distributed for the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire versions.
#1: Charizard
Oh, come on. You saw this one coming. The badass black coat and red inner-wings had kids across the world even offering everything they had as trade bait. All of this was in pursuit of the fabled Black Charizard. Eventually, creators added fuel to Shiny Charizard’s hype train, giving the Pokemon’s Mega X form a Black redesign with blue flames. The Pokemon Company’s knack for giving fans what they want is what places Charizard atop the throne of all shiny Pokemon.