Top 20 Starter Pokemon

#20: Fennekin
“Pokemon X & Y” (2013)
The definitive firefox, and we’re not talking about the web browser. Able to reach temperatures of over 390 degrees Fahrenheit, this tiny Pokémon will set its challengers ablaze and melt your heart in the process. As Fennekin evolves into Braixen, it develops a stronger connection to the mystical. It even starts to carry around a flaming stick with the essence of a wand. With magic that’s hot to the touch, Ninetales and Vulpix ain’t got nothing on this most fantastic of foxes.
#19: Snivy
“Pokemon Black & White” (2010)
While the Unova region boasts no shortage of new companions to befriend and battle with, young trainers who selected this leaf serpent at the start of their journey were treated to one of the most rewarding partners in the whole fifth generation. Few other starters exude this much personality right off the bat, but that’s precisely why it’s so satisfying to earn its respect until it evolves from the unimpressed Snivy into the prideful Serperior. Such a clear progression of character makes this slick snake a worthwhile ally for any newbie trainer. Unova’s other starters are a tough pair to compete with, but Snivy more than holds its own.
#18: Chikorita
“Pokemon Gold, Silver & Crystal” (1999-2000)
Remember when there were only 150 Pokémon? That number has certainly increased since then, and Chikorita kicked off a second generation of Pokémon in style, though it also isn’t afraid to layer on the charm and cuteness, even if it does look part-pear. As it evolves, it takes on the appearance of a little brontosaurus that’s overdosed on tree stars. Able to handle itself in battle and sooth anybody with its regenerative powers, this grass-type Pokémon will make anybody want to go green.
#17: Oshawott
“Pokemon Black & White” (2010)
A seashell, or “scalchop,” may not seem like a deadly weapon, especially in the hands of an adorable sea otter Pokémon. This instrument gives Oshawott an unlikely competitive edge in battle however, acting as his blade and shield. Once Oshawott becomes Dewott, it gets an arsenal upgrade with two scalchops on its thighs. As Samurott, it takes on the appearance of a sea lion equipped with samurai style armor. Throw in some water abilities and you’ve got one formidable Pokémon.
#16: Litten
“Pokemon Sun & Moon” (2016)
Skitty and Meowth step aside, there’s a new cat on the block, and this one takes the litter. As mischievous as it is adorable, this feline feels like the natural marriage of the fire and dark type it would eventually become. When it fully evolves, it exchanges cuteness for sheer intimidation, and the results speak for themselves. Let’s just say there's a good reason that of the hundreds of Pokemon available, this fully-evolved fire feline was the one chosen to be in “Smash Bros..” Just don’t forget it all started with this lovable cat.
#15: Tepig
“Pokemon Black & White” (2010)
The thought of adding yet another fire starter that evolves into a dual fighting type seemed like hogwash, but this darling pig and its future forms still carved out a place in our hearts thanks to a carefully crafted design and unique theming. Tepig begins as an innocent fire-boar, but its evolution into Pignite and then Emboar sees it make great use of its wrestling influences. Watching our once-innocent partner arm-thrust the competition into dust is everything we never knew we wanted. Even if its type combination treads familiar territory, Tepig and its evolutionary line remain memorable thanks to a design motif that’s unlike anything we’d seen before.
#14: Scorbunny
“Pokemon Sword & Shield” (2019)
Can you think of another Pokemon that fist-bumps you as a greeting? Yeah, we can’t either, which is exactly why this speedy rabbit is so hard to deny. With how much infectious energy even its idle battle animation radiates, we’re surprised it’s not an electric type. It’s a shame you can’t play a game of soccer with it in “Sword and Shield,” since its evolution’s signature Pyro Ball would surely lead to some intensely hot matches.With all the spirit of an energizer bunny blended with the physicality of a soccer pro, Scorbunny and its evolutions easily tear up the turf of the Galar region.
#13: Turtwig
“Pokemon Diamond, Pearl & Platinum” (2006-08)
For beginner trainers who prefer the comfort of a sturdier partner, this plant turtle is the obvious choice. With the highest starting defense of the region’s starters, Turtwig is a tank that can weather any attack without losing its lovable earnestness. He may take longer to evolve than Chimchar or Piplup, but we can’t complain when it means we get more time with this adorable yet surprisingly formidable ally. But its fully evolved form isn’t without its use, either - did we mention Torterra brings with it a literal tree on its back? Perfect for providing shade in your long trek across the mountainous Sinnoh region. If that’s not top-tier Pokemon utility, we don’t know what is.
#12: Rowlet
“Pokemon Sun & Moon” (2016)
Alola is a region like no other, so it makes sense it would give us one of the most unique grass starters in any generation. It’s almost unfair how cute this thing is in its first form, but don’t be mistaken into thinking this cuddly owl is all feathers, no peck. Upon evolution, it channels its inner Robin Hood and gains the ghost type. It gets points for being the only starter with this type combination, but also for its undeniably awesome design that seamlessly blends both its owl and archer influences. When it comes to a Pokemon line that encapsulates both cute and cool, Rowlet hits the bullseye.
#11: Torchic
“Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald” (2002)
Looking like a newly hatched chick, Torchic is kind of like the fire equivalent to a certain other beloved winged starter. Despite its cute as a button exterior, this Pokémon packs a powerful fireball. That won’t stop you from wanting to give it a warm hug, though. Torchic will grow into a full-fledged cock-fighter upon evolving into Combusken and become mightier than a Shamo chicken after evolving into Blaziken. Choosing Torchic is guaranteed to blaze your trail to the Pokémon League, and possibly give you a craving for red-hot Buffalo wings.
#10: Chimchar
“Pokemon Diamond, Pearl & Platinum” (2006)
It’s surprising it took as long as it did to get a monkey-inspired starter, but this flame chimp was well worth the wait. Both goofy and powerful, Chimchar makes a great partner to relax with at the Hotel Grand Lake, but also for setting the regional gyms aflame with its high attack stat. It helps that the Sinnoh region is sorely lacking in fire types, making Chimchar more than just a commodity, but a near must-have for flame-enthusiasts. Even if that wasn’t the case, it’d be a no-brainer to pick this fire-monkey based on his battle prowess alone.
#9: Totodile
“Pokemon Gold, Silver & Crystal” (1999)
If Pokemon gave out best smile awards, this happy-go-lucky crocodile would be drowning in trophies. I mean, just look at that cheerful smirk! This eager water type seems incapable of frowning, and that positive attitude makes it one of our favorite picks for a journey across Johto. We dare you to try and find a Pokemon that seems as genuinely happy to just follow you around on your adventure. Spoiler: there isn’t one. Even in a franchise with an inundation of water types, we can’t help but circle back to this cheerful alligator, if only to run around with its overworld sprite a few more times.
#8: Treecko
“Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald” (2002)
Suave, effective and to-the-point, this bipedal gecko possesses a certain edge that isn’t found in the other Hoenn starters. Its clean design evokes a certain cool-factor, a quality that gets dialed up to an eleven when it evolves into the sleek Grovyle. Grass types are known for having a plethora of type weaknesses, but Treecko and its evolutions are no slouch in battle, especially since their super-effective leaf blade can make quick work of the region’s abundant water-types. The grass starter feels right at home in Hoenn’s tropical biomes, but thanks to a stylish design and good stat spread, it also has a place as one of our go-to team members.
#7: Piplup
“Pokemon Diamond, Pearl & Platinum” (2006)
Calling a baby penguin to mind, Piplup is an easy choice for any bird lover. Encompassing water and flying abilities, this blue bird stood out from all the rest upon debuting in “Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.” Piplup is so adorable that it’s actually kind of sad to watch it evolve into a Prinplup. Watching your Pokémon grow up is part of being a trainer, though, and Piplup is one Pokémon sure to make you proud. Just watch out for its steel beak.
#6: Cyndaquil
“Pokemon Gold, Silver & Crystal” (1999-2000)
Following up Kanto’s iconic Charmander is no easy task, but it’s hard to picture a more fitting sequel than this lovable quill Pokemon. Where most starters become more imposing as they evolve, Cyndaquil blends both these ideas from the very beginning. It can switch between innocent and battle-ready instantly thanks to the flames on its back which only ignites when it’s about to fight. With the ability to be as cute or cautious as needed for any situation, this ingenious skill gives the fire Pokemon a unique identity to rival its Kanto predecessor with.
#5: Froakie
“Pokemon X & Y” (2013)
There may have been frog Pokemon before, but they’ve never moved like this. Not many Pokemon at all, let alone starters, have as defined a physicality as this wide-eyed toad, highlighted exceptionally well in the anime. But of course, the real reward of choosing Froakie is putting that movement to the test by evolving it into a literal water ninja. Sporting one of the coolest designs of any fully-evolved starter, it’s obvious why out of every Pokemon Ash has caught, this is the one he developed a whole new form with. There’s a clear intent behind Greninja’s design influences that lend it a distinct personality and role in battle, making it one of the most fully-realized starters in the whole series.
#4: Mudkip
“Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire & Emerald” (2002)
Aside from being one of the best water-types in any Pokémon game, Mudkip can learn a wide variety of helpful abilities as it evolves into Marshtomp. Able to learn fighting, rock, and psychic movies, Mudkip is a versatile Pokémon capable of taking on almost any enemy. Its only real weakness is grass. As long as you teach it an ice or poison move, though, Mudkip is virtually unstoppable. Additionally possessing an incredibly huggable design, this fishy Pokémon has the whole package.
#3: Squirtle
“Pokemon Red & Blue” (1996)
Turtles may be slow, laidback animals, but Squirtle is one of the liveliest and slickest Pokémon you’ll ever come across. How many other Pokémon can you think of that wear sunglasses? As awesome as Squirtle is, you’ll eagerly await its evolution into a Wartortle and then Blastoise, who brings new meaning to water gun. Packing heavy artillery in its mighty shell, Squirtle’s final form is built like a tank, while the rest of its evolutionary line maintains the rule of cool.
#2: Bulbasaur
“Pokemon Red & Blue” (1996)
It may not be everyone’s top choice, but there’s no forgetting that Bulbasaur is and always will be number one on the Pokedex! Sporting a powerful plant bulb, vine whips, and variety of spores, Bulbasaur can easily hold its own in any Pokémon battle, even before it works its way up the frenzy plant to become the intimidating Venusaur! Even if you’re not a trainer, Bulbasaur can always act as an affectionate caretaker, though frankly to not have it blast away foes with a Solar Beam feels like a waste.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Pokemon X & Y” (2013)
“Pokemon Sun & Moon” (2016)
“Pokemon Sword & Shield” (2019)
“Pokemon Sword & Shield” (2019)
#1: Charmander
“Pokemon Red & Blue” (1996)
Was there ever any doubt? Equipped with a cheerful smile and a flaming tail, this lizard Pokémon is as cute as it is fierce. Let’s face it, though. The real reason we always choose Charmander is so it can evolve into Charmeleon and finally Charizard. Even if you can’t get your Charizard to obey you, who wouldn’t want a giant, flying, fire-breathing dragon in their corner? It doesn’t get any more badass than this fan favorite Pokémon, helped along the way by its adorable starting form.