Top 10 Craziest Moments from The Perfect Couple

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the wildest and most intense scenes in Netflix’s summer hit, “The Perfect Couple”. But be warned of major spoilers ahead. Which of these scenes were your favorite? What other memorable moments from “The Perfect Couple” should have made the list? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: The Opening Theme
One of the most talked about elements of the show isn’t its star-studded cast, its storytelling, or its gorgeous scenery, rather it’s the… opening credits. The eye-catching sequence has the cast on the beach showing off their dancing skills to Meghan Trainor’s “Criminals”. It generated a lot of buzz and perhaps divided fans, with some praising the creativity and satirical humor, but others calling it ludicrous and a little weird. Most of the cast weren’t on board, either, complaining about how out of place it felt and even reportedly forming a protest WhatsApp group. Liev Schreiber is said to have been the only cast member excited for the choreography, which isn’t surprising. After all, what’s a little dance number for the great Ray Donovan?
#9: Flashback
While some eagle-eyed viewers spotted Merritt wearing Tag’s $18,000 bracelet during her maid of honor speech, their affair is confirmed in the second episode. Against a backdrop of fireworks, Amelia is astounded to learn that not only had Merritt been having a relationship with Tag, but she was also pregnant with his child. Emotions run high as she angrily reacts to the news and Merritt seeks comfort and reassurance. This pregnancy is of course the linchpin of the series and the motive behind Merritt’s murder - so it’s a pretty crucial moment. The scene ends with Amelia alone on the beach left to process what she doesn’t know will be her last conversation with her best friend.
#8: People Magazine Interview
Greer Garrison Winbury is the author of 29 murder mystery novels featuring protagonists Dash and Dolly, who are inspired by her ostensibly perfect marriage to Tag. And, when the pair sit for an interview with People magazine to promote the latest of those novels, they gush on their marriage. It's all smiles and songs until Greer’s family comes up, however, and the tone immediately darkens. This scene may not be as outwardly crazy as some of the others on this list, but its power is in its subtlety as viewers are warned that there are secrets just itching to be revealed. And let’s not forget all those helpful marriage tips: don’t compare your spouse to a horse, don't talk about your sex life, and definitely don’t call your children inbred.
#7: Let Them Eat Cake
At this point in the show, it's fairly obvious Benji and Amelia aren’t getting married anytime soon, so Thomas and Abby decide to make an afternoon snack out of their wedding cake. A move which doesn’t quite sit right with Benji. He tries to ask them to return the cake but, not surprisingly, gets nowhere. He then chases Thomas around the kitchen table for a couple of laps, before, well, feeding him a lot of cake. The brothers get into a good old-fashioned cake fight before Abby’s vintage dress saves the day. The scene is amusing enough with squeaky voices and saucy spoon licking but it does leave viewers wondering: was there really nothing else to eat in that entire mansion?
It’s the morning of Benji and Amelia’s wedding and Summerland begins to stir. Greer is going through her morning skincare routine; Tag is in his office doing what he does best, and Amelia is trying on her wedding dress when she spots something on the beach. She goes down to the water’s edge in her wedding dress to check it out, and her screams pierce the air as she discovers Merritt’s body. This is the series’ first truly intense moment as it goes from a romantic wedding to a summer murder mystery. And it’s the catalyst for all of the craziness and drama to come.
#5: Doritos and NDAs
About halfway through the series, the family comes together for a pivotal meal. It starts out amicably enough with conversations about hotels, Greer’s books, Wine, and Doritos. But Amelia, still fuming over having to sign an NDA and not getting straight answers from Benji, decides to confront the entire family. The room grows quiet as Tag and Greer attempt to explain and deflect, but Amelia persists. Thomas, enjoying the drama, lets slip that Tag had an affair with Will’s former French tutor Mae Pratt and bribed her into silence after she attempted to take her own life. An enraged Will storms off leaving the rest of the not-so-happy family to awkwardly pick up the pieces. Maybe some Cool Ranch Doritos could have helped ease the tension.
#4: The Book Launch from Hell
Greer had high hopes for the launch of her Dash and Dolly Swan Song, “Death in Dubai”. Unfortunately, fate had other ideas. The first obstacle is the appearance of Broderick Graham, man of mystery and presumably bad guy. Again, you can cut the tension with a knife, as he slinks towards her like the grim reaper before being escorted out by security. Things quiet down for just a moment before the return of a predictably drunk Tag, from the police station and looking for some payback. He commandeers the stage and launches into a tirade that includes some pretty salacious tidbits and maybe the world’s most awkward rick roll. He then tumbles off the stage just as the balloons fall. Cue the Marching Band.
#3: Meet Not Cute
Greer returns from the police station with Broderick to find Tag practicing a damage control speech so everything can “go back to the way it was”. Instead, Greer decides she’s had enough, and things need to change. So, she tells everyone the story of how she and Tag first met, and not that fairy tale about meeting at an art gallery opening. It turns out Greer had been a high-end escort and Tag a repeat client. Nicole Kidman’s stellar delivery leaves the Winbury boys in shock and has us picking our jaws up off the floor. The scene also finally dispels the fictitious idea that Tag and Greer are “the perfect couple” or anything even remotely close. Here’s hoping Greer’s next book has more juicy details.
#2: Her Brother’s Keeper
Halfway through the final episode, police believe they know exactly what happened: Greer and Shooter gave Broderick $300,000 as payment to kill Merritt. They’re so confident of this theory that they basically throw out the rule book and interrogate Greer and Broderick at the same time with no lawyers. The interrogation goes around in circles until Greer hears that Shooter has been brought in and reveals the truth. Broderick is her brother and the $300,000 was a loan to pay off his gambling debts. The police can only look dumbfounded as their brilliant theory is eviscerated and it's back to square one. This scene gets an F in police work but an A for entertainment value.
#1: Villain Unmasked
As the show barreled to its conclusion, the identity of Merritt’s killer was the final secret. It wasn’t Greer, Broderick, or Tag, and it certainly wasn’t Colonel Mustard in the library with the Candlestick. In fact, it was Abby, Thomas’s very pregnant and often sardonic wife. She drugged Merritt using a pentobarbital pill and drowned her in the ocean with an almost blank look on her face. Ironically, her husband helped reveal the motive: keeping Merritt from giving birth and delaying the Winbury trust fund payout by 18 years. Abby is arrested and dragged off kicking and screaming while the rest of the family just watches. Despite an excellent performance from Dakota Fanning, however, it was an ending that received mixed reviews from fans.