Top 10 Creepiest Catfish Episodes

#10: Danny & Rosa
There were red flags in this online courtship from the get-go. Florida boy Danny had fallen in love with Rosa, a beautiful if troubled young woman. Unfortunately, Rosa was always coming up with bizarre excuses for why she couldn’t meet in person; the worst being that she was arrested for beating up another girl. Nev and Max’s arrival only served to make things worse, but even they couldn’t have predicted what was about to happen. They took Danny to confront Rosa in person, but were shocked to discover that Rosa was actually a man by the name of Jose. In the words of Nev, it turns out Jose was putting on an “impressively creepy” fake voice the entire time.
#9: Falesha & Jacqueline
Falesha’s life was upended when someone stole her name and photos and created a fake profile; and what Nev and Max found during their investigation was freaky with a capital F. It turns out that the person behind the mask was a girl by the name of Tracey. Not only was Tracey unaffected by the confrontation, but she openly boasted that she was proud of her actions. This internet Jekyll and Hyde was living as Tracey during the day and posing as Jacqueline by night. When Max asks her if she ever worries about one of her online victims killing themselves, she flippantly responds by saying it would be their fault, not hers. The worst catfish are the ones who have zero remorse for their actions.
#8: Lucille & Kidd Cole
The internet is littered with creeps like Kidd Cole, aka Jerez Coleman, who are trying to make a quick buck any way they can. In season three of “Catfish,” Coleman’s scams were brought to light with the help of Nev and Max. The con artist had been posing as a successful rapper in order to fleece unsuspecting victims of their hard-earned money. Well, Lucille had had enough and decided to fight back. Unfortunately for her, the confrontation with her aggressor didn’t exactly go as planned and ended with Nev tossing Kidd Cole’s phone into a river. Seeing as how Coleman was later arrested for making terrorist threats, it would appear he failed to learn his lesson.
#7: John & Kelsey
Prepare to have your rage meter turned up to 11. John contacted the “Catfish” team when he began to suspect that his internet crush Kelsey wasn’t who she said she was. When the team finally tracked Kelsey down, they were outraged to discover that Kelsey was actually Adam, a serial catfisher who bragged about his numerous online trickeries. In fact, Adam claimed to have duped 30-40 people! The cringiest moment comes when John asks Adam what he thought of his dick pic. However, the creepiest moment comes when John asks Adam what his endgame is, to which he replies, “just to have fun with you”. Yikes.
#6: Artis & Jess
Everything about this “Catfish” encounter was creepy as hell. Artis met Jess online and the two immediately hit it off despite both being in relationships at the time. Artis was willing to leave the mother of his three children to be with Jess, but things uh, didn’t exactly work out the way he had hoped. Nev and Max arranged for the two to meet, but Artis was flabbergasted when a scruffy dude named Justin showed up instead. The encounter was something out of a David Lynch film, with Justin emerging from his car slow clapping and dripping in attitude. He immediately launches into an aggressive tirade that culminates with the now-infamous, “you could still be my chocolate kiss” comment. Sweet dreams!
#5: Mike & Caroline
When someone you meet online refuses to meet up in person and instead chooses to leave super-creepy notes on your car, you know you have a problem. Such was the case for Mike, who thought he’d met the love of his life in Caroline only to discover that she was an entirely different person. The creepiness didn’t stop with drive-by notes either. Mike claims that “Caroline” would take pictures of the outside of his work and send them to him and that she told him she had colon cancer. In the end, “Caroline” turned out to be a woman by the name of Heather, who was not only cancer-free, but had actually catfished Mike before! If that were us, we’d be on the next bus out of town!
#4: Rod & Ebony
These two potential lovebirds met on an online dating site for gay men. Rod was looking for love while Ebony, a transgender woman, was simply looking for a friend. The two wound up chatting and eventually professed their love for one another. However, trouble was brewing beneath the surface of this seemingly perfect online connection. It turns out that Ebony was not transgender or transitioning at all, and was in fact a biological lesbian woman. Rod was shocked and ultimately confessed, saying he “was just using Ebony because she was sending me money, and I don’t really have feelings for her.” Damn, that’s harsh. The two have since mended their relationship, but at this point they’re just friends.
#3: Blaire & Markie
This relationship was steeped in drama from the get-go. Blaire met Markie on Instagram and the two quickly hit it off. However, when Blaire asked to meet up, Markie concocted an elaborate tale involving a kidnapping and a stint in the hospital. Things only got stranger when Nev and Max were finally able to get the two women together for a sit down. The mystery girl was surprisingly upbeat about the meeting, but still couldn’t stop herself from spinning a web of lies when she was asked to explain herself. We don’t know what the creepiest part about this episode was: Markie’s lies, or her overall aloofness to the entire situation.
#2: Kayla & Courtney
If a stranger contacts you claiming to be a medium for your dead father’s spirit, maybe call the cops and not the producers of a reality show. Kayla, whose dad killed her mother before committing suicide, went with the latter; with predictably creepy results. Unlike most episodes of “Catfish”, Courtney never pretends to be someone else, she simply claims to be acting on behalf of Kayla’s deceased father. It’s all incredibly spooky, with the eeriest moment occurring when the two finally meet in person. With Nev and Max looking on, the two women share an awkward embrace, with Courtney remarking that Kayla has her father’s eyes. While the “Catfish” boys appear skeptical, Kayla seems willing to accept Courtney’s story, which just makes it creepier.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are some dishonorable mentions:
Brendan & McKenna
Ramon & Paola
Keyonnah & Bow Wow
Antwane & Tony
Courtney & Isaak
#1: Tracie & Sammie
This “Catfish” episode still sends shivers down our spines. Tracie, an actress living in Los Angeles, was contacted by Sammie, one of her fans. She told Tracie all about her friend Reese, who was dying from cancer. She later claimed that Reese had passed away and even provided Tracie with footage of her funeral. Sammie turns out to be 100% real, which does little to calm our nerves. During their tense confrontation, Tracie asks Sammie about that creepy funeral footage, only to discover that it was from Sammie’s cousin’s funeral. Uh yeah, it doesn’t get much weirder than that.