Top 10 WTF Jerry Springer Show Moments

Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 WTF Moments on The Jerry Springer Show.
For this list, we’re taking a look at the craziest, funniest and weirdest moments to ever occur on “The Jerry Springer Show”.
#10: I Know Kung Fu
Who could forget David, the self-proclaimed kung-fu hillbilly? He came on the show because he was having a problem with his roommate, Lil-Wayne... not to be mistaken for the Grammy winning rapper of the same name. David “mastered” the art of kung-fu by watching countless Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damn movies on his VCR. In fact, David was so confident in his fighting abilities that he told security not to interrupt him while he’s “doing his thing”. When Lil-Wayne comes out it doesn’t take long before the two men are shirtless and throwing punches. Well, one of them was throwing punches. David was obviously sticking to the karate chop.
#9: Cheating with a Stripper
If there’s one thing “The Jerry Springer Show” is synonymous with it is revelations about infidelity, like when this guy informed his girlfriend that he’s been sleeping with a stripper. Sure, he claims it was purely physical, but his girlfriend doesn’t seem to want to split hairs, and starts smacking him in the head. Things go from bad to worse when the stripper enters the fray and a fight breaks out between the two women. With the crowd chanting, the stripper flashes her breasts and starts dancing on a pole. Meanwhile, the girlfriend is backstage throwing up. With the stripper refusing to be quiet, Springer has her escorted off stage. ...Why was there a stripper pole on set, anyway?
#8: The Brawl
What do get when you invite members of the Jewish Defense League and the Ku Klux Klan onto the same stage? Mayhem, that’s what. For some reason, the KKK stopped by “The Jerry Springer Show” to discuss race and religion with the JDL, with Springer acting as moderator... for some reason. However, and unbelievably, things quickly spiraled out of control when a KKK member mocked JDL chairman Irv Rubin by revealing a kippah beneath his hood, triggering an all-out melee between the Klan, JDL bodyguards, Springer’s security and even members of the audience! Now that’s worth the price of cable!
#7: Living in a Box
Say what you will about “The Jerry Springer Show”, but there’s no denying its knack for finding unique personalities. Take for instance this chap, who decided to shun the societal norm of living in a home to live in a cardboard box. All the man wanted was for his significant other to take him back, which she was having trouble doing seeing as how he, you know, wanted to live in a box. The best part about this WTF moment is when box-man threatens Springer, claiming he won’t leave the set until Springer convinces his wife to take him back. Hey, at least he doesn’t have to worry about paying rent!
#6: The Dance / Rap / Proposal
“The Jerry Springer Show” saw its fair share of break-ups, fights and proposals over the years. And while it’s usually pretty easy to predict when one is about to occur, this episode had the audience guessing till the very end. It starts with Judah doing a provocative dance for his boyfriend, but quickly devolves into an emotional rap about his desire to take their relationship to the next level. The whole thing culminates with Judah pulling a ring out of his pants and proposing, much to the crowd delight and displeasure. The boyfriend looks pissed, but surprises everyone by saying yes! It was a rare happy ending for the controversial show.
#5: Hooking Up with the Stripper Sister
What is it with men cheating with strippers? In this clip, we meet one of the most dysfunctional families on Earth. After a drunken night at the strip club, a man went to bed with his girlfriend’s sister... a stripper. Naturally this put all three parties at odds with each other. But it gets worse! Apparently, it isn’t the first time the stripper has done this to her sister – it’s the third! Shockingly, the two women come to blows, with the stripper losing a clump of extensions for her trouble. As the crowd chants some nasties, Springer is left holding the locks in disbelief, while the girlfriend wraps up the relationship.
#4: Lost Dentures
While we’d love to spend this entire entry talking about what a horrible person the man in this episode is – and, well, he is – we can’t ignore the fact that a women’s dentures literally fell out of her mouth during a fight. That fact that the woman in question is a hooker who is pretty pleased with herself for providing services to another woman's husband just makes her teeth falling out all the more hilarious. Thankfully, a security guard brings her a glass of water to deposit the teeth in. However, he then turns to the crowd and raises the cup like it’s the Holy Grail, garnering cheers typically reserved for a last-second touchdown in the Super Bowl.
#3: Self-Surgery & the Saw
By now it should be wholly apparent that there are some strange people out there. However, it takes a special kind of strangeness to handicap yourself because your “brain” told you so. Springer perfectly prefaces the episode, saying, “This may be the most bizarre story we’ve done in our 15-year history.” Apparently, Sandra, decided to cut off both her legs with a circular saw because the voices in her head told her to do so. 'Bizarre' barely scratches the surface when discussing this guest, who genuinely makes us worried for the future of humanity.
#2: Self-Surgery Pt. 2: This Time It's *Really* Personal
Jerry Springer may have jumped the gun when he referred to the previous story as the strangest one he’d ever heard. After all, those were just legs and a circular saw, not a penis and garden sheers. According to Earl – the guy with the sheers – he decided to snip his bits just a month before in order to prevent his stalker from being able to touch them. However, the stalker claimed they were once lovers, adding a new angle to the drama. Earl went on to express regret for his actions... as one might expect.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are some honorable mentions:
Mother-Daughter Dominatrix Team
Fight Over a Woman - Who’s a Man
Stolen Legs
Dwarf Stripper Fights Man Whose Wife He Cheated With
The Girl Next Door
#1: The Guy Who Married a Horse
Arguably the weirdest person to ever appear on “The Jerry Springer Show”, this guest actually started off appearing quite normal. He claimed to be having problems with his neighbors, who didn’t get along with his wife. However, things hit the fan when Springer brought out the man’s wife, who just so happened to be a horse! Marrying livestock is at best a mistake and at worst illegal, making this man’s arrangement with his horse truly astonishing. But, listening to Springer describe the episode on “The Meredith Vieira Show” is downright hilarious. Never change Jerry, never change.