Top 10 Darkest Moments On Atlanta

"Atlanta" has just as many dark moments as it does funny ones. For this list, we’ll be looking at the times this surreal show brought itself to earth with serious story turns. Since we’ll be exploring the details of these dark moments, a spoiler alert is in effect. Our countdown includes Devin's dark fate, Clark County's recording session, an isolated Paper Boi getting threatened, and more! Which “Atlanta” twist surprised you the most? Let us know in the comments below.
#10: A Sudden Shot
"The Big Bang”
When series heroes Earn, Albert AKA Paper Boi and Darius are sitting in their car, a man suddenly comes up and kicks off their side view mirror. Although tensions are high, the conversation is full of funny moments. But the humor stops once a gun goes off. While this shocking turn plays out in the episode’s opening minutes, it’s revealed later why this happened. It turns out that Paper Boi insulted the mystery man’s girlfriend. After his negative words sparked this incident, we learn that he and Earn were arrested in the closing of the episode. This grim event made it clear from the beginning of the show that things could get real at any moment.
#9: Clark County’s Recording Session Turns Dark
"Money Bag Shawty"
Most of the time, rapper Clark County is a pretty chill and fun person to hang around with. That’s why it was so unsettling to see his angry side come out in the studio. While Clark County is recording, the audio software suddenly crashes. He immediately turns his frustration and quiet rage on the engineer. Every time something goes wrong with the software, Clark County’s threats get more severe. He eventually reaches a breaking point and leaves the studio while two members of his entourage stay behind. Since this duo quietly encouraged potential witnesses to leave, we had a sinking feeling that the engineer faced severe consequences because of the audio issues.
#8: Earn Loses a Fight
“North of the Border”
Tensions had been building between Earn and his cousin’s friend Tracy throughout season 2. After each of their actions directly and indirectly ruin a professional trip, the two disagree who’s to blame. And once Tracy crosses the line with a cruel joke, Earn decides he wants to let his fists do the talking. The duo ends up squaring up for a heated fight on the side of the road. Although Earn is driven by rage, it’s quickly apparent that he stands no chance against his opponent. It’s disheartening to see him lose the fight so badly. The fact that Earn has to ride in a car with Tracy right after getting beat down just adds insult to his new facial injuries.
#7: The Coconut Crunch-O’s Ad That Isn’t For Kids
During one of “Atlanta’s” funniest episodes, we get commercial parodies that provide tongue-in-cheek social commentary. In the end, an innocent looking cereal ad sent the most blatant message. The Coconut Crunch-O’s commercial sees a wolf try to steal breakfast cereal from three young Black people while an officer is nearby. This harmless parody turns dark when the cop starts using excessive force. As the situation gets more uncomfortable, the young witnesses plead for the wolf to be freed. But even though they start filming the incident, the officer continues his arrest. The ad’s multiple parallels to real life incidents with law enforcement in America added a heavy layer of social commentary to this cereal ad.
#6: Earn Tries to Frame Clark County
"Crabs in a Barrel"
The ridiculous looking golden gun introduced in the season 2 premiere became a serious problem in the finale. After scrambling to make a crucial flight for a European tour, Earn realizes he accidentally brought the flashy weapon to the airport. Knowing that his career and possibly his freedom could be taken away from him, he slips the gun into rapper Clark County’s bag. We had never seen Earn do something so ruthless. While framing the musician could’ve helped his cousin Paper Boi get a bigger spot on the tour, the gun could’ve also doomed an innocent man. And once Clark County reveals that his manager took the fall for the gun, Earn realizes his ruthless actions took down an unintended target.
#5: Lee Is Severely Punished By Law Enforcement
"Streets on Lock"
While Earn is waiting to get bailed out of police custody, he witnesses a man named Lee behaving strangely. Both actions and dialogue indicate this new character is dealing with mental illness. Unfortunately, both the authorities and people in the station just make fun of Lee’s bizarre actions. But everyone stops laughing after he spits toilet water at an officer. After the enraged cop quickly lashes out at Lee, he’s left screaming as multiple people hold him down. The violence in this scene would’ve been enough to make an impact. But the implication that Lee likely won’t receive help and will likely end up back in custody made this scene hard to watch.
#4: An Isolated Paper Boi Gets Threatened
An already rough day for Paper Boi got worse when he was suddenly robbed and nearly shot. After escaping from his attackers by running into the woods, he encounters a random man. At first, this new character seems to be a harmless joker. But the man refuses to leave Paper Boi’s side. When the musician tries to collect his thoughts, his life is threatened again. Paper Boi was already lost, hurt and exhausted. To see him nearly lose his life to a random man was almost too much to bear. Fortunately, Paper Boi makes it out of the woods before the credits. But it’s clear this incident rocked him to his core.
#3: Witnessing a Fatal S.W.A.T. Incident
“The Jacket”
After Earn loses his jacket with a very important key inside of it, he follows a trail of breadcrumbs to try and get it back. He finally discovers that his Uber driver from the previous night has it. While Earn is waiting to reclaim it, a S.W.A.T. team suddenly arrives. The officers don’t hesitate to take the Uber driver down in front of his family permanently for past crimes. We’re forced to linger on this incredibly dark turn when Earn asks if the officers can check the deceased man’s pockets. In the end, it turns out that the key was in a completely different spot. Ultimately, both the audience and Earn witnessed an incredibly violent and grim act because of a jacket.
#2: Devin’s Dark Fate
A young Earn’s excitement about showing off his new FUBU shirt turns to dread when his classmate Devin comes in wearing a similar outfit. Both of them get harassed by others for potentially wearing a knockoff. After Albert helps convince people Earn’s shirt is real, Devin is relentlessly mocked by his peers. The next day, we discover that the harassed student took his own life. This jaw-dropping plot point provokes a wide range of sobering reactions from students and school officials. Since we never see Earn and Albert speak about the incident aloud, we don’t know how deeply their classmate’s passing affected them. But it’s clear that neither of them would ever look at a FUBU shirt the same way again.
#1: The End of Teddy Perkins
"Teddy Perkins”
In one of “Atltanta’s” bleakest stories, Darius journeys to a creepy house to pick up a special piano. But his efforts are blocked at every turn by the extremely unsettling Teddy Perkins. Although the disturbing man’s bandaged brother Benny tries to help in a quiet moment, Darius gets handcuffed and held at gunpoint. Before Teddy can pull the trigger, he’s taken out by his brother. The bandaged Benny follows this gruesome act by taking his own life. Unfortunately, Darius couldn’t do anything but watch this grim family drama unfold. The look on his face as he drives away empty-handed speaks volumes. Teddy Perkins truly took Darius and the show to the darkest place it has ever been.