Top 10 Darkest Power Rangers Moments

For this list, we'll be recounting the Ranger scenes that gave us all a sinking feeling in our stomachs. Whether by tragic events, grim undertones, or just the sense of all hope being lost, these moments gave the Rangers that extra edge you'd think a series with such a campy concept couldn't have. If you haven't been catching up, there WILL be spoilers.
Written by Joey Turner
Even the most colorful heroes can have some of the blackest hours. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Darkest Moments in Power Rangers.
For this list, we’ll be recounting the Ranger scenes that gave us all a sinking feeling in our stomachs. Whether by tragic events, grim undertones, or just the sense of all hope being lost, these moments gave the Rangers that extra edge you’d think a series with such a campy concept couldn’t have. If you haven’t been catching up, there WILL be spoilers.
#10: Lord Zedd in the Command Center
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
It’s been a rough week for the Rangers – a powerless Kimberly’s been kidnapped, and her life force is being drained away. Worst of all, it looks like the only way to save her is to negotiate with Lord Zedd… in the Command Center. Reluctantly, they teleport Zedd in, and he tells them his demands – they either work for him, or risk Kimberly’s life. Of course the Rangers win in the end, but the dimly lit ambiance really adds to the grimness of the situation – the Rangers’ most deadly enemy in their base, rubbing salt in their wounds, and gambling with their dear friend’s life… still think Zedd lost his edge after getting married?
#9: Master Org destroys the Wild Zords
“Power Rangers Wild Force” (2002)
You’d think Master Org did enough damage when he killed Cole’s parents, but he’s not done yet. He later evolves into an all-powerful Org beast – easily beating the Rangers back, teleporting himself onto the Animarium… and hunting the Wild Zords almost effortlessly. The Zords won’t give up though, and at one point it almost seems like they’ve beaten him… but it’s all in vain. Master Org mercilessly slaughters the Wild Zords one by one, and the Rangers can only watch in horror as their dearest friends – and their powers- perish. Acting completely alone, one vengeful doctor became the Org that nearly brought about the Rangers’, and Mankind’s extinction… without breaking a sweat.
#8: The Dark Wish
“Power Rangers Mystic Force” (2006)
The Rangers have been becoming dependent on their magic, to the point where they start looking for magical shortcuts. They try to use Jenji to fight a battle for them, but Imperious captures him… and makes one fateful wish. The world is then thrown into a monochrome nightmare where the Mystic Force Rangers never came to Briarwood. Darkness has its grip over the land and all the good magic is gone – including the Rangers’ powers. What’s worse, the Rangers still retain all their memories – forcing them to remember how this was all their doing, and serving as a mocking reminder of what happens when you take what you have for granted.
#7: Lord Drakkon’s Backstory
“Boom Studios’ Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (2016-)
The Boom Studios comics add a new sense of depth to the campy “Mighty Morphin” seasons… especially with the introduction of its new villainous Ranger, Lord Drakkon. In an alternate timeline, Tommy Oliver, scared and confused after escaping Rita’s influence, was easily swayed back into joining the Evil Empress’ cause – helping to speed up her global takeover. In the final battle, Jason was to become the White Ranger to even the odds, but Tommy took the powers for himself – morphing into a Green/White hybrid Ranger… and killing Jason. From that day on, Tommy ruled his world with an iron fist as Lord Drakkon, showing us what could’ve been if he never joined the team.
#6: Alex’s ‘Death’
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
“Time Force” tackled many tough issues, such as racism and unclear futures… all after killing off a Red Ranger in the season premiere. In the year 3000, Alex is the Red Time Force Ranger, and Jen’s fiancé. He helps capture the mutant criminal, Ransik, but when Ransik escapes, Alex pursues him… only to be struck down right in front of Jen’s eyes. Alex passes in his fiancé’s arms, making her promise to keep chasing Ransik no matter what. Alex mysteriously returned later on –possibly due to the changing timelines- so Jen should be happy… but it’s clear he isn’t the same man she fell in love with anymore.
#5: Trakeena’s Attack on Terra Venture
“Power Rangers Lost Galaxy” (1999)
Trakeena was already fueled by vengeance against the Rangers, but when she inadvertently fuses with the treacherous Deviot, she becomes malicious and unhinged. She stages an all-out assault on Terra Venture… by turning her army of Stingwingers into suicide bombers that’ll destroy everything they come near –including several buildings and two Megazords. After the 9/11 attacks, the series had to cut back on the citywide destruction scenes, and even heavily edit certain scenes from “Time Force” that even remotely resembled the tragic event. “Lost Galaxy” gets a pass since the finale aired in the 90s, but we guarantee that something like this wouldn’t fly if made in a post-9/11 world.
#4: Rito Destroys the Thunder Zords
“Mighty Morphin Power Rangers” (1993-95)
When “Mighty Morphin” wanted to change the status quo… they really went all-out. Rita’s bumbling brother, Rito Revolto, has arrived, and despite his dimwitted behavior, he gives the Rangers a thorough beating. He leads an ambush of monsters that pushes the Thunder Megazord and White Tigerzord to their limits. After one too many fatal blows, it’s all over – the Rangers’ powers give out, and the Megazords explode and literally fall apart, piece by piece. The Zords going to pieces is actually unexpectedly gruesome – their limbs and heads fall off, wires jut out, and the Rangers can only watch in horror as their best weapons crumble before their very eyes.
#3: Zordon’s Sacrifice
“Power Rangers in Space” (1998)
With the possibility of the series ending for good, “In Space” took itself very seriously – especially in the season finale. The stakes have never been higher as every then-major Ranger villain begins an all-out war across the Universe. On a lighter note, Andros finally finds the missing Zordon on board Astronema’s ship. The sage knows what can save the universe… but the price is fatal. With no options left, Andros is forced to shatter Zordon’s energy tube, destroying the mentor that had been like a father to so many, and unleashing an energy wave to wipe out the invasion. Thankfully, the series ended up continuing, so Zordon’s sacrifice was not in vain.
#2: Kendrix’s Death
“Power Rangers Lost Galaxy” (1999)
The Psycho Rangers are back in town, but together, the Galaxy and Space Rangers easily defeat them all… except for Psycho Pink. Using the Savage Sword, she stabs Cassie’s morpher, which causes a devastating energy storm that threatens to destroy both Terra Venture, AND Cassie. In one brave effort, Kendrix rushes in and destroys the Sword… but takes the full impact of the blast. With her actress’ health ailing behind the scenes, there was only one proper way to write Kendrix out – as the hero who gave her life for her friends and colony, and the first main Ranger to die on the battlefield. Fortunately, Kendrix mysteriously returns to life in the finale.
Before we unveil the most sullen Ranger moment, here are a few honorable mentions.
Captain Mitchell’s Deal with Diabolico
“Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue” (2000)
Ransik’s Origin
“Power Rangers Time Force” (2001)
Dayu and Deker’s Past
“Power Rangers Samurai” (2011)
#1: RPM as a Whole
“Power Rangers RPM” (2009)
Anything from “RPM” could’ve taken up HALF of this list, so why not count it as a whole? To start with, the season is set in a dystopian future where the world’s become a wasteland ruled by the Venjix computer virus and his robot army. The virus destroys the lives of many humans, and forcefully enhances some with cybernetic implants to use as his minions. What was once an attempt to get payback at a corrupt government facility turns into an accidental doomsday device…created by us. To top it all, the season ends with the ambiguous feeling that Venjix may still be alive. Would you believe the original “Sentai” was WAY more lighthearted?