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Top 10 Differences Between Fate: The Winx Saga & Winx Club

Top 10 Differences Between Fate: The Winx Saga & Winx Club
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Shaina Higgins
To clear up confusion, these are the differences between "Fate: Winx Saga" and "Winx Club." Our countdown includes clipped wings, Riven, Terra Nova, and more!

#10: Clipped Wings

Everybody thinks they know fairies. Sparkly dust, magic powers, fancy wings...While “Winx Club” delivered on all of that and more, “Fate: The Winx Saga,” seems determined to establish its own identity right off the bat. The entire look of the show is intended to be more grounded in reality than the cartoon, with a subdued color palette and less avant garde fashion choices. And not a wing in sight. We learn in the first episode that this wasn’t always the case though. Fairies in “The Winx Saga’s” Otherworld used to have a lot more in common with the popular idea of fairies than they currently do. That’s not to say that will always be the case though...

#9: Equal Opportunity Environment

“Winx Club'' features a cast of fabulous fairies, and fierce fighters, but the cartoon keeps a strict gender divide between the two. All the fairypower comes courtesy of the girls, while the guys appear as warriors called Specialists. We are introduced to both groups again in “The Winx Sage,” but now with equalized representation. We quickly meet male fairies, like Terra’s brother Sam, who have the same elemental powers as their female counterparts. Likewise, we can see female trainees among the Specialists. This strikes us as a net positive in terms of change. We like the opportunity to more fully experience the different forms that power takes in the Winx world.

#8: Three for One

There’s more to Beatrix than meets the eye. It’s not surprising considering that she’s actually three characters streamlined into one. Beatrix is an amalgam of The Trix, a trio of witches who always meant big trouble for the fairies of “Winx Club.” She claims elements of her personality from all three, which is why it might be difficult to put her in any single box. Her electrifying powers, however, seem to reference Trix sister Stormy most closely. So how will she live up to her three forebearers? Time will tell. With a talent for manipulation, a nose for trouble, and a mysterious agenda, Beatrix is a character who should never be underestimated.

#7: Riven

Riven is a name familiar to fans of “Winx Club,” but the character on “The Winx Saga,” may not be exactly who they were expecting. Both versions seem to see themselves as somewhat of an outsider, but it's a quality that takes different forms. “Winx Club’s” Specialist, Riven is a lone wolf type with a serious disposition. Meanwhile the Riven we meet in “The Winx Saga” is more rebellious and likely to cause trouble. Maybe this personality shift accounts for the other major change to the character. While the animated Riven is the love interest of Musa, live action Riven can’t seem to resist Beatrix’s dark charm.

#6: Missing Pieces

Most fans realize that characters get lost in adaptation, but that doesn’t soften the blow when it actually happens. Fans of “Winx Club,” were disappointed to see that the Netflix lineup seemed to be down two fairies. Animal fairy Roxy was a later addition to the animated group, and was never as central to the story as some of her friends. But Tecna, a fairy with technology based magic, was one of the founding members of the Winx Club in the original series. Not only is she a core part of that dynamic, but her powers offer so much potential for creative exploration. We just have to hope “The Winx Saga,” finds the opportunity to bring her into the mix eventually.

#5: Sky

Of all the “Winx Club,” characters who made the Netflix cut, Sky might have gotten the biggest demotion. He may be a school legacy, and the most promising Specialist at Alfea, but his animated counterpart was an actual prince. In “The Winx Saga,” he just has to settle for dating a princess. Though Sky is Bloom’s love interest in “Winx Club,” on Netflix he has been involved with Stella. Meanwhile, Stella’s original love interest Brandon has yet to appear. That said, there were still plenty of sparks between Bloom and Sky on “The Winx Saga.” It seems safe to assume that there’s a long game in play for their relationship.

#4: Terra Nova

Among the fresh faces created for “The Winx Saga,” we meet Terra. The Earth fairy is like a bit of sunshine at Alfea. She’s reflexively friendly and kind, albeit a little insecure. However, Terra’s not a doormat; she periodically shows a good sense of her own value. It’s nice to see a character demonstrating that sweet is not another word for weak. Though she’s an original character, Terra still has links to “Winx Club.” The original series featured an Earth fairy named Flora, who still exists in the Netflix series as Terra’s as-yet-unseen cousin. Hopefully this means she’ll have a chance to appear next season. We would love to see the green goddesses combine their powers.

#3: Musa’s Powers

With a name like Musa and a perpetually present set of headphones, it might be easy to guess what this fairy’s power is. Not so fast, though. It’s true, on “Winx Club,” Musa’s magical abilities extend to all things sonic. Her “Winx Saga” counterpart works with different kinds of waves though. Specifically, brain waves. As a Mind fairy, Musa’s empathic abilities and power of emotional manipulation are as much a challenge for her as they are a gift. Her headphones here are a source of comfort, rather than a token of her magic. Though she shares a name with one of the “Winx Club” originals, most fans see the character as a Musa in name only.

#2: The Burned Ones

Another of the Netflix series’ original creations are the mysterious Burned Ones. These crispy monsters provide the main threat to Alfea’s safety throughout the first season of “The Winx Saga.” Vicious killers who attack mindlessly, and can spread their condition through infection, the Burned Ones were the strongest signal possible that Netflix was slanting this show towards an older audience. At the beginning of the series most students believe the Burned Ones have become a myth, but things are shifting in Alfea. After sixteen years, the Burned Ones are out for blood again. Why are they back? Who do they serve? How is it all connected? All burning questions for the show to address.

#1: Blinded by the White

“Winx Club,” originally earned praise for the diversity of its characters. Since its debut in 2004, calls for inclusive casting have only grown louder, so it just doesn’t make sense that the creators of “The Winx Saga” would go in the opposite direction. Though Precious Mustapha’s Aisha remains faithful to the look of her animated counterpart, she is now the only POC with a prominent role on the series. Musa is depicted as East Asian in the cartoon, while Flora, the character replaced by Terra, was designed to look like Jennifer Lopez. It’s cool that creator Brian Young wanted to depict different body types, but in 2021 there really is no good excuse for making your cast less racially diverse than your source material.
