Top 10 Disney Quotes We Use All the Time

#10: “Adventure Is out There”
“Up” (2009)
One of the best parts of being a kid is believing that anything can be an adventure. When Carl and Ellie first meet, he’s a little stunned by her fiery spirit but also in awe of everything she says. We also adore her enthusiasm and how the sky is quite literally the limit for all her exciting future plans. And honestly, as kids, we were probably just like her! However, as even Carl and Ellie eventually find out, sometimes life has other plans. Even when it throws us the odd curveball, we like to use little Ellie’s parting words to Carl to remind ourselves that there are always adventures right around the corner.
#9: “Wrong Lever!”
“The Emperor's New Groove” (2000)
This movie has many quotable moments, though some fit everyday life better than others. Why tell someone they’ve distracted you when instead you can say, “You threw off my groove.” However, there’s one quote we can’t resist using, even if we have to force it into conversation. As Yzma and Kronk head to the secret lab, they have a little mishap that sees Yzma fall through a trap door. Whenever we’re faced with a lever, button, or any other kind of control, we can’t help but say, “Pull the lever Kronk.” But while our devices are unlikely to send us plunging into a crocodile-infested body of water, we still can’t resist pulling out our best Yzma impressions and yelling, “Wrong lever.”
#8: “Giving Up Is for Rookies”
“Hercules” (1997)
We can’t all understand what it’s like facing off with the God of the Underworld. However, we can understand what it feels like when the going gets tough and giving up seems like the only option. After Hades unleashes the Titans, all hell breaks loose. They attack the Gods on Mount Olympus, while the Cyclops targets Hercules, who’s lost his super-strength after making a deal with Hades earlier. Just as all hope seems lost, Phil arrives in the nick of time to give Herc a much-needed pep talk. Since then, whenever we face a mammoth challenge, we remind ourselves that “giving up is for rookies,” and we ain’t no rookies.
#7: “Always Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide”
“Pinocchio” (1940)
You know those times when you’re facing a big decision or moral dilemma? Wouldn’t it be great to have someone like Jiminy Cricket to guide you toward the right path? After the Blue Fairy brings Pinocchio to life, she tells him he can become “a real boy” if he proves himself “brave, truthful, and unselfish.” Since it’s a lot to expect a wooden puppet who just gained consciousness to know right from wrong, she assigns Jiminy to be his conscience. Now, when faced with difficult decisions, we like to “Give a Little Whistle,” as we recall this quote. We’re pretty sure our parents also borrowed from this movie to stop us from lying as kids.
#6: “Dahling”
“The Incredibles” franchise (2004-21)
Edna Mode is an icon. She’s probably the Pixar character many of us wished we’d grow up to become. The first step of that journey was to go around calling everyone “darling” but pronounced “Dahling.” We don’t know what it is, but something about how she says it just sounds so classy, with great flair and a perfect level of attitude. Plus, it’s suitable for a variety of contexts, from joy to disdain. One of our favorite moments is when Bob comes to her for a new super suit, and she says: “I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.” It’s not just a great quote but an invaluable life lesson, too. We still want to be Edna when we grow up!
#5: “Ladies Do Not Start Fights”
“The Aristocats” (1970)
“But they can finish them”. There’s an art to the burn, and siblings seem to have perfected it. Duchess’ kittens are no different. As they play-fight through their home, things get a bit too rambunctious. At one point, Toulouse, who has been a spectator in this game of cat and… cat, accidentally drops a candlestick on his sister’s head, causing her to cry out for their mom. As Duchess enters, she gently reprimands her kittens, who try to shift the blame onto each other. If you have siblings, you’ll find that painfully relatable. Anyway, Marie delivers such a brilliant comeback that we decided to keep it in mind for our future squabbles.
#4: “Just Keep Swimming”
“Finding Nemo” (2003)
“Finding Nemo” taught us that the best way to hold your claim on something is just to repeat “Mine” over and over again. It also taught us that when life gets you down there’s only one thing you can do. Dory introduces Marlin to her mantra, which is all about finding strength in the face of adversity. As we learn in the sequel “Finding Dory,” this great life lesson was imparted to her by her parents. So, when we just need that little pick-me-up to remind us that we, too, are resilient and could— metaphorically— swim an entire ocean, we like to sing this little ditty to ourselves, too. Boy, is it catchy!
#3: “Ohana Means Family”
“Lilo & Stitch” (2002)
One thing that we love about “Lilo & Stitch” is that it shows us that there is no one right way to be a family. Family is about the people who show up, the people who care for you, and the people who will do anything for you. So, when Nani tries to throw out the troublesome Stitch, her little sister reminds her of what their father would always say. She’s not wrong, either. When Stitch is shown the same love and care one might give a family member, he does mellow out a bit. In fact, Stitch truly learns to understand the meaning of “Ohana” and tells Nani as much later on.
#2: “I’m Surrounded by Idiots”
“The Lion King” (1994)
“The Lion King” taught us that “The past can hurt,” but it can also offer invaluable wisdom for the future. It also offered us “A wonderful phrase” to help us through life’s harder moments. Yet, never have we related more to a Disney villain than we do to Scar in this moment. After the Elephant Graveyard incident, the Hyenas sit around licking their wounds, so to speak. They haven’t noticed that Scar has entered and is listening to their every word, not that they’re particularly bothered by his presence, either. Look, we’ve all been in situations where others’ foolishness is just baffling. Scar is only saying what we all wish we could in those moments.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“If You Can’t Say Something Nice, Don’t Say Nothin’ at All,” “Bambi” (1942)
Thumper: Reminding Us to Bite Our Tongues Since 1942
“I’m Disinclined to Acquiesce to Your Request,” “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl” (2003)
So Much More Fun than Just Saying “No”
“To Infinity and Beyond,” “Toy Story” (1995)
How to Make Even the Most Mundane Outing Sound Like an Epic Adventure
“Some People Are Worth Melting For,” “Frozen” (2013)
The Preferred Love Language of “Frozen” Fans
“A Queen Is Never Late. Everyone Else Is Simply Early,” “The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement” (2004)
We Haven’t Been Late to Anything Since We First Heard Queen Clarisse Share Her Wisdom
#1: “Dishonor!”
“Mulan” (1998)
Mulan and Mushu don’t exactly get off on the right foot. She’s a little confused over why her ancestors would send a tiny lizard to protect her, and Mushu’s ego is a million times bigger than his small stature. He tries to sell his strong points to our protagonist but she doesn’t seem all that convinced. When he pushes too far, she gives him a well-deserved slap. You know those times when you feel so insulted you can’t find the right words? If you’re a Disney fan, you might find yourself borrowing from Mushu. We know we do! And if our offender had a cow, we’d wish dishonor on it, too!
What Disney quotes do you often drop into everyday life? It would be “Practically Perfect” if you shared them in the comments.