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Top 10 Divisive Video Games

Top 10 Divisive Video Games
VOICE OVER: Dan Paradis
Script written by Nick Spake

Can't gamers just get along? Apparently not. Join as we countdown our picks for the Top 10 Divisive Video Games.

For this list, we're taking a look at video games that people seem to either love or hate with no universal consensus.

Special Thanks to our users "mac121mr0" & "Harry Milner" for suggesting this topic with our interactive suggestion tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
Script written by Nick Spake

#10: “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword” (2011)

Upon release, “Skyward Sword” received praised for its interactive motion controls, creative boss battles, and the most fleshed out portrayal of Zelda ever. Where some saw “Skyward Sword” as the best “Zelda” game since “Ocarina of Time,” others thought it was the franchise’s most uneven entry since “The Adventure of Link.” The naysayers felt the motion controls were more frustrating than engaging, a few of the bosses became repetitive, and Fi somehow managed to be even more annoying than Navi. Even if “Skyward Sword” isn’t everybody’s personal favorite “Zelda” title, most gamers were simply happy to be back in Hyrule, which undeniably looks phenomenal here.

#9: “Batman: Arkham Knight” (2015)

Where “Batman Arkham City” is like “The Dark Knight” of superhero games, “Batman Arkham Knight” is more along the lines of “The Dark Knight Rises,” which people either view as an epic finale or an unsatisfying letdown. The easiest thing to criticize in “Arkham Knight” is the PC version, which was released as an unoptimized mess. However even if you bought a console version, naysayers would argue that the Batmobile overstayed its welcome and the boss fights were uninspired. Since the formula wasn’t broken, however, many saw this as a perfect way to close out the trilogy.

#8: “Sonic Adventure” (1999)

Despite being a hit back in 1999, some would argue that “Sonic Adventure” hasn’t aged especially well. In retrospect, the story doesn’t make much sense, the camera can get pretty glitchy, and the character animation ranges from laughable to downright awful. Oh, and do we even need to discuss the waste of space that is Big the Cat? Even with these issues, others stand by “Sonic Adventure” for its inventive stages, speedy gameplay, and use of the Rashomon effect. Whether you think it holds up or not, at least we can all agree the game is infinitely better than some other 3D “Sonic” titles.

#7: “Super Mario Sunshine” (2002)

Whenever a new “Mario” platformer comes out, people look forward to visiting snow lands, desert lands, and a wide variety of different places. Thus, some gamers were disappointed that the levels in “Super Mario Sunshine” didn’t offer much diversity. Virtually all of them stuck to one general theme: tropical island. Those awkward cutscenes didn’t exactly astound anyone either and why can’t we do our beloved crouch jumps? Regardless, the game still won over numerous fans with its inspired gameplay, beautiful landscapes, and the innovative addition of FLUDD the water backpack. To them, it ranks up there with “Super Mario Bros. 2” as an unsung masterpiece.

#6: “Diablo III” (2012)

Over a decade after “Diablo II,” the third core installment in this dungeon crawler series FINALLY came out. But was “Diablo III” worth the wait? The critics seemed to think so, as most of them complemented its new skill system and addictive gameplay. Diehard fans weren’t nearly as generous, however, criticizing the game’s always-online DRM, questionable writing and real money auction house – the later of which many blamed for the grind heavy end game content. Countless users claimed that the franchise had been dumbed down and this wasn’t a true successor to “Diablo II.” Blizzard has since rectified almost all of the major complaints – save maybe for the DRM – and Diablo III still enjoys immense popularity to this day, but many are still reluctant to forgive and forget.

#5: “Minecraft” (2011)

Although “Minecraft” has become a gaming phenomenon, it’s definitely an acquired taste. If you’re an imaginative individual who loves building and exploring, chances are you’ve sunk countless hours into this sandbox experience. Since the game doesn’t have a clear objective and possesses a simple, blocky appearance, though, it’s easy to see why some people just don’t understand the appeal. “Minecraft” requires a lot of patience and even more creativity, but if you have all the right tools, be prepared to lose yourself in this virtual Lego world.

#4: “Gone Home” (2013)

One of the best-reviewed games of 2013, “Gone Home” was hailed for its multi-layered narrative and realistic environment. Based on the positive critical feedback, gamers were compelled to download this title, although not everyone was pleased with their purchase. Angry customers have complained that the game costs roughly $20 when it only has a couple hours worth of content. On top of that, there aren’t any puzzles to solve or enemies to fend off. The whole game is just exploring an average house inhabited by an average family. For many, however, that’s exactly what made “Gone Home” so special.

#3: “Mass Effect 3” (2012)

No matter what decisions you make throughout the “Mass Effect” trilogy, this third installment will essentially end the same way, offering little closure and no boss battle. The fact that “Mass Effect 3” was Commander Shepard’s last voyage only made this exponentially more infuriating for loyal fans. Nevertheless, most people would agree that the rest of the game is actually pretty damn amazing, overflowing with awesome action, rich storylines, and emotional character moments. If only it weren’t for that infamous ending, “Mass Effect 3” might be viewed as the franchise’s greatest outing. Instead, BioWare polarized its fan base in the final hour.

#2: “Destiny” (2014)

One of the most anticipated games of our current console generation, Bungie’s “Destiny” looked liked it was going to revolutionize the first-person shooter genre, just like they did with Halo. So did “Destiny” live up to the immeasurable hype? Well, the game became the biggest new franchise launch ever and players have racked up hundreds of hours of playtime. So obviously Bungie did something right. Yet, many felt “Destiny” ultimately fell short of expectations. They debated that the story was underwhelming, the end-game content relied too heavily on grinding, and the whole experience was fairly generic. One way or another, it’s probably safe to say that Bungie lightning didn’t strike twice.

Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:

“Final Fantasy XIII” (2010)
“Deadly Premonition” (2010)
“Heavy Rain” (2010)
“Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” (2015)
"Star Fox Zero" (2016)

#1: “Call of Duty” series (2003-)

“Call of Duty” is one of the most popular video game franchises out there and has had an evident impact on the multiplayer genre. With that said, it’s understandable why so many people are sick of this series. After peaking with the original “Modern Warfare,” Activision seemingly fell into a familiar routine. They release at least one new “Call of Duty” every year, but never change the basic formula. It’s as if they’re selling us the same shooter over and over again with no end in sight. Since fans keep buying each game, though, Activision has little reason to appease the haters.

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Where is No Man's Sky?
I'm so tired of this goddamn website pointlessly bashing Arkham Knight in almost every list they make