Top 10 Friendships in Mortal Kombat 11

#10: Fetch, Good Drone
Sonya Blade
Have you seen Sonya's little turret drone!? It's so freakin' cute! She better be giving the good boy some pets! Just when we thought we'd only see the little guy in Sonya's special moves and Fatalities, our hearts melted when we saw this Friendship. Awww, look! He even brought back a dead Tarkatan! Daww, who's a good boy!
#9: Masterpiece
We’ve seen Skarlet bend blood to make some lethal weapons. Scythes, whips, and daggers, oh my! Surprisingly, Skarlet now has the ability to use blood for good, and no, it’s not by conducting blood transfusions. Instead, she’s using it!? Okay, it’s not the first thing we would have thought of, but...good stick figure, I guess. Not sure if your brush strokes needed that much force, though.
#8: Frost-Capades
Ah, another murderous mistress of “Mortal Kombat” is showing a lighter side to her personality. We’ve known Frost as the arrogant apprentice to Kuai Liang, the youngling that has a lot of anger issues. However, this doesn’t mean Frost is only full of angst as her Friendship gives us a glimpse into a possible hobby. Keep it up, girl! You could go far with ice skating! Well...maybe not with the creepy cybernetic head.
#7: Kung-Ductor
Kung Lao
If you wielded Kung Lao’s iconic bladed hat, what would you use it for? To chop wood? Play a dangerous game of frisbee? Make a fine slice of pizza? Well, the Shaolin monk has a better idea that might seem a little more “off the rails”, if you catch our drift. How much do you want to bet this guy is a fan of “Thomas the Tank Engine”?
#6: Stuntman
The Terminator is programmed to be an unstoppable killing machine, a vicious, metal brute that will do anything to eliminate its target. However, what if it’s incredible precision and outstanding abilities were used for something less violent? What if it were to entertain than eradicate? Oh my god, AND it gives the thumbs up!? This is perhaps the funniest thing they could have done for the Terminator!
#5: Let’s Go Fly a Kite
The God of Wind has finally returned to “Mortal Kombat”, and not only is he fun to play, but he’s come with some awesome Fatalities. (Oh, wait...we can’t talk about those…) His Friendship, on the other hand, is incredibly hilarious! As if the “Mary Poppins” reference wasn’t enough, Fujin’s skipping animations had us grinning from ear to ear. Although, that Raiden kite looks like it may be a bit tough to handle.
#4: Do You Want to Build a Shao Kahn?
Why shouldn’t this be on the list? Just because of a subtle “Frozen” reference? No, there’s a big, BIG reason why Kitana’s Friendship gets so high up here, and chances are you already know why. Hell yeah, baby! Mileena made it into MK11! It may not be as a playable character, but she’s still in. This is a win for everyone, dammit! Now...we want more. MAKE HER PLAYABLE, ED!!
#3: Come On, Bats!
How could someone as maniacal as the Joker possibly have a Friendship? It isn’t exactly done voluntarily, but it does make room for a sort-of cameo from a certain Dark Knight. The only way this could have been better is if Bats swooped down and started beating the crap out of Joker. Still, this satisfied us enough to put it in the Top 3.
#2: Shaolin Hustle
Liu Kang
Whereas Kung Lao is spending his time pretending to be a conductor, Liu Kang has been honing his skills in something else. Given how this monk is obsessed with rapid-fire kicks, it only makes sense that he’d be practicing his disco. Besides, how else is he going to woo a beautiful Khan like Kitana? Who needs tangos when you have something like the Shaolin Hustle?
Before we reveal the friendliest of Friendships, here are a few Honorable Mentions…
The Rainbow Konnection
Shang Tsung
Me and My Shadow
Noob Saibot
Beach Party
Hellish Desire
Johnny Cage
#1: Sexy Jax-A-Phone
Between Noob’s jump-rope skills, Liu Kang’s disco moves, and Frost’s ice-skating abilities, it’s safe to say that the entire “Mortal Kombat” cast is capable of putting on a dance show. However, the show wouldn’t be complete without Jax. Why? Well, you only need to see this once to be sold. Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you… Saxin’ Jax. We could literally watch this all day.