Top 10 Funniest Broad City Cameos

#10: Shania Twain
“Twaining Day”
Back when she worked at Soulstice, Abbi often lied about being Shania Twain’s personal trainer to make her job seem more impressive than it actually was. In Season 4 when Abbi finds out Twain has actually started training at Soulstice, she convinces Trey to let her train Shania with him. We already knew Shania Twain as a country music legend, but she really showed off her unexpected skills as a comedic actress in this cameo. Her ability to make fun of herself and play along with the “Broad City” style of humor just further elevates this singer to icon status.
#9: Fred Armisen
“What a Wonderful World”
The first episode lets you know early on what kind of show you're in for with Fred Armisen’s absurd cameo. Abbi and Ilana, hoping to make some extra money for concert tickets, decide to do some house cleaning in their underwear. Fred Armisen plays their creepy client, who watches them the entire time while pretending to be a baby. This somehow doesn’t seem to be a dealbreaker for the girls, until he refuses to break character long enough to pay them. Fred Armisen plays this bizarre character so well, and his appearance really sets the tone perfectly for the rest of this hysterical series.
#8: Fran Drescher
When Abbi and Ilana head down to Florida to clean out the latter’s late grandmother’s apartment, we meet Aunt Bev, played by the priceless Fran Drescher. Just like Ilana and her mother, Aunt Bev is another woman in this family who is unapologetically confident in herself and totally larger-than-life. The scenes where Drescher is paired with Ilana’s mom, played by Susie Essman, are especially entertaining as both characters have such dynamic personalities. Also, seeing Fran Drescher in over-the-top Florida-style clothes totally reminds us of “The Nanny” and we just can’t get over it.
#7: Whoopi Goldberg
“Game Over”
This brief but memorable cameo is the last place we expected to see EGOT winner Whoopi Goldberg appear out of nowhere, but we also can’t think of anything more fitting. After Ilana gets fired from her job at “Deals! Deals! Deals!,” her coworkers celebrate her leaving by erupting into a spontaneous and celebratory gospel song. Joining the choir of elated employees is Whoopi Goldberg herself, back in the habit again in a reference to her role as a singing nun in the “Sister Act” films. The surprise reveal when Whoopi turns around in her costume is hilarious, but equally funny is the strange bit where she keeps hitting Ilana’s long-suffering co-worker Nicole to snap her out of her daydream.
#6: Aidy Bryant
“St. Mark’s”
This “SNL” comedian and her real-life husband Conner O’Malley play Allie and Chris, a couple Abbi and Ilana have clearly been trying to avoid. The girls run into the couple in a restaurant, and watching them awkwardly try to explain why they haven’t seen the couple in a while is equal parts relatable and hilarious. Bryant and O’Malley perfectly portray characters so unaware of their surroundings it’s embarrassing to anyone with them, and it’s easy to see why Abbi and Ilana have been avoiding them. In a less-than-subtle escape attempt, Ilana spills her wine on Abbi and insists they have to leave. Allie and Chris’ thoughts on Abbi and Ilana after they leave are just the cherry on top of this ridiculously funny scene.
#5: Amy Sedaris
“Apartment Hunters”
This criminally underrated comedian plays an eccentric real estate broker named Pam who shows Abbi and Ilana a series of increasingly terrible apartments available for rent. In a series full of interesting and creative one-off characters, Pam is absolutely unforgettable. Every line is a nugget of comedic gold that gives just a little more insight into her insane life. Sedaris delivers every line perfectly and with all the positivity needed to make both the dreadful apartments she’s showing and her own shocking misfortune in life sound bearable. For anyone who’s had to hunt for an apartment in a big city, Sedaris’ character is all too familiar, but still endlessly enjoyable to watch.
#4: Amy Poehler
“The Last Supper”
As a producer of the show and a long time “Broad City” fan since their web series days, it’s no surprise Amy Poehler would pop up unexpectedly in cameos from time to time, but her performance as an overworked and exasperated chef in a very fancy restaurant is absolutely perfect. Very different from her typically upbeat and optimistic characters like Joy from “Inside Out” and Leslie Knope from “Parks and Rec,” Poehler’s chef character is hot-tempered and ruthless. Most of this attitude is directed towards her waiter boyfriend, played by Seth Morris , who switches from a calm demeanor in front of the restaurant’s patrons to matching his girlfriend’s snarky energy in the kitchen, reminding us that not everything is truly what they seems.
#3: Kelly Ripa
“Coat Check”
This actress and talk show host plays an exaggerated hard-partying version of herself when Abbi takes it upon herself to return Ripa’s lost coat. Abbi’s tenacity pays off when a grateful Ripa invites her into her massive apartment and the two bond over a mutual love of Bed Bath & Beyond. Abbi soon realizes she’s in over her head as America’s sweetheart reveals a side of her that likes to live on the edge. Together the two get drunk and high, but Abbi decides she’s had enough when two scary male prostitutes show up and she promptly thanks Ripa for the drugs and leaves. Ripa’s performance was definitely one of the most unexpected cameos on “Broad City,” which makes it all the more remarkable and amusing.
#2: Hillary Clinton
This episode is full of guest star gold, including cameos from Alan Alda and Cynthia Nixon, but this surprise appearance from a real U.S. presidential candidate is one of the most out of the blue guest stars we’ve ever seen. Ilana, recently fired from her job at “Deals! Deals! Deals!,” applies to work at the New York City office of the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. Though she has to quit after learning her volunteer position is unpaid, Ilana takes the opportunity to show Abbi the office before unexpectedly running into Hillary Clinton herself. Regardless of your opinion on Clinton, all “Broad City” fans can agree Ilana and Abbi’s excitement upon meeting the politician is one of the funniest moments in the series.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Tony Danza as Abbi’s Dad
Steve Buscemi as a Mugger
Adam Levine as Himself
“Jews on a Plane”
Blake Griffin as Himself
#1: RuPaul
Multiple Episodes
This absolute legend of show business has the perfect guest role on “Broad City” as Marcel, the eccentric and discerning manager of a trendy restaurant Ilana’s just landed a job at. The “Broad City” universe is blessed by RuPaul’s presence for not one but three glorious episodes, and we’re so grateful we got to see so much of Marcel’s character throughout. RuPaul is a huge fan of the series and how it portrays his favorite parts of New York City, and his love of the show is evident in his flawless performance. Ilana’s whole waitressing story arc is one of the best storylines in “Broad City,” made even better by an extra special guest star we can’t get enough of.