Top 10 Funniest Lily Moments on How I Met Your Mother

#10: At Least What I Said Is True
“Moving Day”
It’s no secret that Lily and Marshall have a…very physical relationship. So, after she and Marshall get more privacy, it’s not surprising that she takes an opportunity to experiment in the bedroom. They realize they can be as loud as they want and take advantage. However, they did have to set some boundaries. Lily specifically expresses that she didn’t appreciate Marshall yelling that he was the best. At the same time, he wasn’t enthusiastic about her acknowledging Ted’s absence. Their exchange and her comeback is priceless. While Marshall may have thought Lily’s last comment was uncalled for, we thought it was perfect.
#9: Wedding Dress Disaster
Just like many engaged people, Lily struggled to find all of the perfect things for her special day while staying within her budget. When she goes to a bridal boutique, she starts out by trying on cheap dresses while her friends try to keep her spirits up. But the group decides to spice up the shopping experience by having her try an expensive dress for fun. However, that’s where everything goes hilariously sideways. We couldn't help but chuckle when Lily asks Robin to kill her so she can die in the dress. Another funny moment comes directly afterwards when she inadvertently ruins the dress…twice. Lily’s unconvincing excuse was the icing on this raspberry and chocolate cake disaster.
#8: Lily Lies to Stop Marshall’s Stunt
“The Leap”
During a surprise party gone wrong, Marshall attempts to hype up the guests by promising to jump from one rooftop to another. Lily naturally steps in to literally talk her husband off the ledge. When her initial arguments don’t persuade him, she throws a hail mary and fakes a pregnancy announcement. But Lily wasn’t expecting him so convinced. After he goes along with the lie way too easily, she changes her mind about his leap. What made this entire exchange funnier was the fact Lily actress Alyson Hannigan was pregnant during this scene. While Marshall failed to see through his wife’s lie, at least he did make that jump.
#7: Mr. and Mrs. Stinson
“World’s Greatest Couple”
While Marshall and Lily’s break-up was sad, the episode where she has to move in with Barney because of the separation consists of one hilarious scenario after the other. First, Lily tries to be cool with all of the oddities in his apartment. They also make an absurd agreement to play a married couple in order to help Barney ward off his one night stands. She’s so committed to the bit at one point that she makes up an elaborate backstory on the fly to get rid of someone. Although we’d love to watch this funny arrangement forever, they eventually stop their bit after they unintentionally begin to act like a married couple. At least their breakup put a smile on our faces.
#6: Lily’s Low Voice
“Last Cigarette Ever”
When the gang starts smoking again, they all end up regretting it within a few days. The most entertaining side effect of their habit was Lily’s ridiculously exaggerated low and raspy voice. Whenever she speaks in the episode, we immediately burst out laughing. This is partially because the legendary Harvey Fierstein voiced all of her raspy lines. But we also loved that she says things in her new voice that she wouldn’t normally bring up in conversation. Throughout the episode, Hannigan fully commits to the bit and makes each line delivery look convincing. Although we’re glad everyone ends up kicking the habit, we do admittedly miss Lily’s raspy tones.
#5: Drunk Baby Lily
“Not a Father’s Day”
While Lily is discussing whether it’s the right time to have a baby or not, she has more than a few glasses of wine. The bottle gives her so much liquid courage that she shows up at Marshall’s office and demands that they start trying to become parents on the spot. Lily’s forward nature already had us laughing. However, the real comedic gold comes when she starts acting like a baby in a slide-splitting montage. She makes a mess in the office, runs around causing chaos, and cries when her bottle of wine is taken away. Marshall’s entertaining experience with drunk baby Lily conveniently ends up being what convinces him to hold off on being parents.
#4: Stupid Eye Patch
Lily and Marshall’s engagement night ended with a hilarious pop. When her future spouse opens a bottle of champagne to celebrate, the cork hits the bride-to-be’s eye. Lily takes the injury in stride and even jokes while the couple takes a cab to the hospital. After she got an eye patch, we were gifted with a fantastic moment. While wearing her new accessory, she ends up sitting silently next to Marshall. But Lily forgets that he’s there until he speaks. Her reaction and dialogue are absolutely priceless. Honestly, we think Lily should rock the eye patch look more often.
#3: “You’re Dead to Me” Look
“Slapsgiving 2: Revenge of the Slap”
During the second slapsgiving episode, Lily’s father unexpectedly makes an appearance. His presence immediately triggers her deathly glare. But it’s no normal look. Lily’s eyes glow, scary music starts playing and an ominous wind begins to blow. Oh, and her dad also explodes. A superb montage reveals that Lily’s Dad wasn’t the only one who got this glare. Everyone from a bodega owner to a bridesmaid gets burned by this expression. Although we loved seeing Lily’s humorous glare, we’d hate to be on the receiving end of that harsh look. And while Marshall tries to imitate his partner’s expression, he can’t quite match her intensity.
#2: Lily Follows Chloe
After Marshall gets a date with his barista Chloe, his ex Lily gets a little too curious about his new love interest. The single character gets so obsessed that she follows the new woman down the rainy streets of New York. As Lily pursues her target, we hear her ridiculous internal monologue. To make matters funnier, she throws in some physical comedy too. A desperate Lily eventually ends up disguising her voice while hunched over just to get Chloe’s attention. The entire pursuit proved how far the lead character was willing to go to assess the competition. Fortunately, Lily’s honesty about her obsessive act helps win Marshall over again.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Lily Can’t Aim, “Legendaddy”
We Wouldn’t Recommend Asking Her to Toss Anything Delicate
Comparing Herself to The Hot Bartender, “Girls Versus Suits”
Lily Makes It Hilariously Clear That She Doesn’t Think She’s In the Bartender’s League
Breaking & Replacing Scotch, “Last Time in New York”
We’re Still Not Sure If Lily Stole the High End Drink
It’s My Birthday!, “Say Cheese”
Lily Celebrates Her Birthday Every Chance She Gets
Where’s The Poop, Robin?, Various
Everytime Robin Is Acting Suspicious, Lily Is Able to Sniff It Out
#1: “You Sonuvabitch”
Lily’s catchphrase always leaves us in stitches. Whenever someone does anything to annoy her, anger her, or throw her off, she delivers this iconic line. She usually does it with a hilarious face to match. Throughout the series, she changes up the line for extra comedic value. As Lily is holding her baby, she uses pig latin to obscure the bad word. And when she’s addressing her adult son, she calls him a “son of a me.” Lily is somehow intimidating and adorable at once whenever she says this line. Whether it's her delivery, expressions or the fact that the last four words are all combined into one, hearing this phrase always puts a smile on our faces.