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Top 10 Most Romantic How I Met Your Mother Moments

Top 10 Most Romantic How I Met Your Mother Moments
VOICE OVER: Phoebe de Jeu WRITTEN BY: Matt Klem
Kids, we're gonna tell you about the most romantic "How I Met Your Mother" moments. Our countdown includes Ted meets Tracy, Ted finds Robin's locket, Ted does Christmas for Robin, and more!

#10: Ted & Robin Break Up
"Something Blue"

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Despite being told she wasn’t the mother from the first episode, fans had been pulling for Ted & Robin to get together during the first season. When they finally did, we got to experience one of Ted’s great loves throughout season two. Ted steals a blue French horn from a restaurant they had their first date on and it becomes a symbol of their romance. It even resurfaces at the very end of the show. It’s also the focus of a conversation between Ted & Robin that breaks our hearts. [“You stole a blue french horn for me. *beat* I would have stolen you a whole orchestra.”]. It’s one of the most healthy breakups shown on television, but still makes us teary

#9: Barney & Robin Break Up
"The Rough Patch"

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After seeing these two fight again and again, Lily, Ted, and Marshall decide to try and instigate a breakup between Barney and Robin. Puppetmaster Lily has pulled out all the stops and is sure her plan will work. It all falls apart though when Robin & Barney confess to each other that they haven’t been happy in a long time. Instead of a traditional breakup, Robin suggests something else. [”Well maybe this isn't a breakup. Maybe this is two friends getting back together”]. Like with her breakup with Ted, our hearts sink as we’re sad for the loss of a couple. Yet we can’t help but smile at how clever the writers are in giving us a beautifully written moment in the middle of a breakup.

#8: Ted Does Christmas for Robin
"Symphony of Illumination"

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It’s not a big leap to know that Robin is someone extra special to Ted. In some ways, she may have been the real love of his life without knowing it until far later in the show. Robin goes through a false pregnancy scare and then learns she can’t ever have kids. She processes this by having an imaginary conversation with her fictional children, but also chooses to keep her medical condition secret from everyone. Ted knows something’s wrong, and when Robin won’t fess up, he relents by decorating the apartment for her. He doesn’t care what’s bothering her, only that she needs to be cheered up. It’s a friendly gesture that borders on romance, and we can’t help but love it.

#7: Ted Meets Tracy
"Last Forever - Part Two"

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After nine years and over 200 episodes, the series finale finally gave us the moment the show had been named after: Ted finally met Tracy, the mother of his children. From the moment Ted steps under the umbrella and starts talking to her, the entire conversation that follows is pure, romantic gold. Fans had been waiting an eternity to see these two together, and despite what some might say about other aspects of the finale, this was a moment every fan was drawn into. As the two come to realize how their paths have unknowingly crossed many times, there’s an immeasurable long stare between them. It’s a moment that cements these two together, making the long journey there worth every step.

#6: Barney & Robin Get Back Together
"The Final Page - Part Two"

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The sitcom experimented part way through the series with having Barney & Robin become a couple. Yet, the two opted to return to being friends in the middle of season five. That didn’t however deter the writers from finding other creative ways to get these two back together. The first half of season eight was used as a long play called “The Robin” taken from Barney’s famous “Playbook”. Most would see what he did as being pretty deceitful and Robin even calls him out on it. Yet for someone like Barney, this is the type of romance he’s made for. It’s unconventional, but for these two, it seems to work.

#5: Ted & Victoria
"The Wedding" & “Drumroll, Please”

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Introduced in season one, Victoria came to be one of Ted’s greatest romances, and it all started at a wedding. Framing the episode around the idea of their never seeing each other again gave some amazing moments between these two. The “drum-roll” kiss was sweet enough, but it’s the walkaway in the middle of the dance that really tugs on Ted’s heart strings. He thinks he’s never going to see her and it fills him with both love and disappointment. We’re glad he decided to forgo the “one night to remember” premise and found her at the bake shop later though.

#4: Marshall Surprises Lily at the Airport
"Three Days of Snow"

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With a revolving door of women for Barney, and Ted’s lackluster attempts at finding the mother, we’re glad this series had Lily & Marshall to keep things sane. Between cute nicknames, and quirky Halloween costumes, they show how couples need to go the extra mile to keep love alive. After missing Lily at the airport due to weather, Marshall finally finds her and brings a marching band in tow. It’s silly and a bit over the top, but that’s what makes this couple so grand. Moments like this remind the audience that love can be shown in many ways.

#3: Ted Finds Robin's Locket

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Ted has made it known that even after Robin got engaged, he was still in love with her. His conversation with Jeanette gave us the most perfect definition of what it was to him. [best description of love clip]. So it’s no surprise that between Ted sitting with Robin in the rain, and her suggesting they run off together on her wedding day, that the two would have more than their share of moments in the final season. They experience a long pause, filled with suggestions, while sitting at the carousel, but it’s Ted’s restrained description of getting the locket for her that stands out to us. He’s showing real love without wanting anything in return.

#2: Lily & Marshall Get Back Together

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We mentioned earlier how Marshall & Lily have been the rock when it comes to relationships on the show. However, even these two encountered a bump in the road when Lily left to go to San Francisco. Both were heartbroken, and it did lead to some funny moments from both of them, but above all else, it led them both back together. When Marshall’s date goes off the rails because of Lily, the two end up on the steps of the apartment. It’s from here we see how Marshall’s heartfelt talk to Lily really brings home how much he’s missed her. It shows both humility and forgiveness as the two share a kiss and find their way back together again.

#1: Two-Minute Date with Stella
"Ten Sessions"

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There’s no doubt in the minds of any HIMYM fan that Ted was always the one trying to find a way to bring romance into his life. With his eyes set on Stella, he wants that date, but even after multiple tries, she’s unwilling due to her hectic schedule. It’s from here we get the best romantic gesture shown on the show. Knowing she only has two minutes for lunch, Ted sets in motion a cab ride, a dinner, a movie, and dessert all within Stella’s two minute window. It’s a perfect example of how Ted is willing to work within any boundaries given, and ultimately helps him get the girl.
