Top 10 Funniest Phineas and Ferb Moments

#10: Candace the Vampire
“The Curse of Candace”
This episode appears to be working towards an obvious punchline throughout. After getting attacked by a bat at the movies (it happens), Candace begins to suspect that she’s becoming a vampire. Candace only grows more paranoid as she gains vampiric abilities and loses her reflection. It’s implied that this is all due to Phineas and Ferb’s latest inventions, leading to a series of misunderstandings. The thing is, though… Candace was right the first time. When Phineas takes off her cloak and sunglasses, Candace disintegrates into a pile of ash. It turns out that she was actually a vampire. Nothing a dustpan and glue can’t patch up. As unexpected as this twist is, it totally adds up, which makes the moment all the more hilarious.
#9: Buford’s Many Molds
As if getting turned to dust wasn’t bad enough, Candace also got liquefied by one of Phineas and Ferb’s inventions in a later episode. It’ll take more than some sponges and a bucket to clean this mess up. In order to restore Candace, the gang needs something that matches her original form. Fortunately, Buford has a very specific item for such an unusual situation: a life-sized mold of Candace’s body. If you think that’s bizarre, Buford reveals that he has molds for all of his friends. It’s never explained why Buford has these molds, but that’s part of what makes this gag so great. The cherry on top is that Linda already knew about Buford’s molds and she sees it as totally run-of-the-mill.
#8: Peter the Panda
“It’s About Time!”
Dropping in on Doofenshmirtz, Perry the Platypus finds the evildoer two-timing him with another animal secret agent, Peter the Panda. Their fight is briefly put on hold so Doof can “break up” with Perry while Peter fetches some sodas. We love how courteous these arch-nemeses are. What ensues is like something out of a teen drama, complete with two musical montages. It’s so surreal that we’re not sure whether to cry or laugh, although we lean towards the latter. On a “Dr. Phil”-esque talk show, it’s revealed that this has all been part of Doof’s elaborate plan to freeze the top secret agents. Although there’s only room for one nemesis in Doof’s heart, Perry and Peter ultimately team up to take him down.
#7: Avengers Assemble
“Mission Marvel”
You know, maybe Candace wasn’t a vampire. Maybe Thanos just wiped her out in the Snap. “Phineas and Ferb” and Marvel did have a crossover after all. When the Avengers get hit with Doofenshmirtz’s Power-Draininator, they turn to Phineas and Ferb for help. The creators reportedly collaborated with the Marvel writers on this episode. So, while the heroes and villains are portrayed in a much wackier light, the jokes are still character-driven, a key example being the Hulk’s anger over a juice box straw. The episode is also packed with numerous references that Marvel fans will appreciate, such as when Doof confuses Red Skull for Ghost Rider and Perry the Platypus is mistaken for Howard the Duck. There’s even room for a Stan Lee cameo.
#6: Whatever Happened to Dad?
“Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars”
Who is Phineas and Candace’s biological father? There are various theories, but we never find out in the series. In this noncanonical “Star Wars” parody, however, we’re almost given an idea… the keyword being almost. Reunited with Candace, Phineas introduces her to their stepbrother Ferb. This prompts Candace to ask the question that’s been on our minds since the pilot: [broll: “What happened to Dad?”] Just as Phineas is about to clue Candace in, he’s cut off by the Death Star exploding. Although our heroes survive the blast, Phineas doesn’t get to complete his sentence. This may enrage some conspiracy theorists, but you have to admit that this is a hilarious bit of trolling on the writers’ behalf. We’ll gladly take this punchline over a conclusive answer.
#5: Finally Busted
“Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!”
For the first time, Linda sees one of Phineas and Ferb’s inventions: a flying car, as well as a massive tower. In what may be the show’s funniest reaction shot, she realizes that this isn’t an isolated incident and the boys have been doing this sort of thing all summer. As the camera zooms in on her face, Linda reflects on everything Candace tried to tell her before. This moment had been built up for over forty episodes and the payoff couldn’t have been more satisfying. After giving her daughter an apology of sorts, Linda sends the boys to reform school because the tower accidentally destroys part of the house. While the episode turns out to just be a dream, this revelation is nevertheless priceless.
#4: A Foregone Conclusion
“Summer Belongs To You!”
As Candace spends the summer trying to bust the boys, Isabella tries to get Phineas to see her as more than a friend. She hopes that something romantic will finally spark on a trip to Paris, but Phineas remains as oblivious as ever. Isabella’s frustration reaches its boiling point when Phineas notices Ferb’s heartbreak over Vanessa. Phineas can also tell that Candace is broken up over Jeremy, yet he can’t tell that Isabella is in love with him. Barely able to contain her aggravation, Isabella feels as if her head may explode. Isabella is usually such an optimistic character with a cheerful voice and adorable demeanor … which makes it all the more hilarious when she becomes legitimately angry.
#3: Doof’s Tragic Backstory
“This Is Your Backstory”
“Phineas and Ferb” has no shortage of memorable running gags and Doof’s tragic past is among the funniest. In a Season 3 clip show, Doof’s various flashbacks are compiled together by Norm. His upbringing is even funnier and sadder when we watch it unfold in chronological order. Doof was doomed from the start when his mother didn’t show up to his own birth. We’re not sure how that works, but it sets a precedent for Doof’s rocky relationship with his coldhearted parents, as well as his overachieving brother. Considering that Doof spent much of his childhood posing as a lawn gnome and his best friend was a balloon, we can understand why he was driven to take over the Tri-State Area.
#2: Isabella Out-Cutes Mitch
“Meapless in Seattle”
It’s always humorous when something menacing is crossed with something cute. In a dastardly plot to take over the galaxy, Mitch uses cutonium to make himself irresistible to others. Even when Mitch is blasting a death ray, it’s hard not to say, “aw.” As darling as Mitch is, he’s no match for Isabella. In the most scientific way possible, Phineas tells Isabella that she’s adorable to her core. Isabella swings into action as if a ferocious battle against the alien is about to commence. In the blink of an eye, however, Isabella goes from Ellen Ripley to Shirley Temple, hitting Mitch with the ultimate “Whatcha Doin’?” Cuteness saves the day!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Shaun of the Dead” Reunion, “Night of the Living Pharmacists”
From One Zombie Homage to Another
Stretch Marks, “Split Personality”
Did Someone Really Say That in a Disney Show?
Candace on the Big Screen, “The Fast and the Phineas”
Candace Is Funniest at Her Angriest
Isabella Kisses Phineas, “Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension” (2001)
We’ll Never Forget It
Squirrels in Candace’s Pants, “Comet Kermillian”
Squirrels & Hip Hop, a Natural Fit
#1: A Sponge & a Starfish
“Summer Belongs to You!”
Co-creator Dan Povenmire has cited “SpongeBob SquarePants” as an inspiration for the show. So, we suspect it was all in good fun when “Phineas and Ferb” took a not-so-subtle shot at the sponge. Stranded on a deserted island, Phineas haplessly searches for something that can be used to help them escape. Digging himself into a literal hole, Phineas stumbles across a sponge and a starfish. Phineas briefly deludes himself into thinking that these undersea creatures could be used to make something, only to realize how “ridiculous” he sounds. The joke is only made funnier when you consider that Nickelodeon turned down “Phineas and Ferb” for being too complex. We guess it’s not about the parts you use, but rather what you build them into.