Top 10 Funniest Ralph Wiggum Moments

There’s more than one way to play a flute. Welcome to WatchMojo and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Ralph Wiggum Moments.
For this list, we’re looking at moments from The Simpsons where Ralph baffled us, made us cringe, or made us laugh in a way we never expected.
#10: The Audition
“Radioactive Man”
There’s out to lunch and then there’s hungry for lunch – and Ralph is both. The littlest Wiggum is among the throngs auditioning for the coveted role of Fallout Boy. It’s hard to expect much from the little guy, but this was a surprise. When Ralph walks in and Lunchlady Doris gives him his cue, he immediately forgets the roomful of Hollywood producers and lets his stomach do the talking. In classic Ralph fashion, he then misunderstands that he’s being thrown out of the audition; instead assuming his question about tomorrow’s lunch is being answered.
#9: Unitard
“Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)”
Ralph isn’t clever enough to come up with double-entendres on purpose, and that’s what makes this moment all the better. Homer’s gotten into the ice cream biz, and all the kids in Springfield are decidedly excited. While the neighborhood children are all clamoring around Mr. Simpson’s truck, Ralph is off in his own little world – as per ush. For whatever reason, he decides to stick his cone on his forehead. You may think you know where this joke is going, but the self-deprecating non sequitur that follows is hilariously out-of-the-blue.
#8: Duck, Duck, Goose
“Sleeping With the Enemy”
When Bart finally gets a perfect grade, a party’s thrown in his honor. However, not many people show up. The few guests there are decide to get the party started – or “Barted” – with a game of “Duck, Duck, Goose.” Ralph doesn’t get the premise – obviously – and instead overdoses on Ducks. When it’s much later that night and Ralph is STILL ducking, a frustrated Bart lets him have it, causing Ralph to cry and comically waddle away. Ralph must have short-term memory issues, though, because the next time we see him he’s back at the Simpson home, playing with the chairs instead.
#7: I Bent My Wookie
“Lisa’s Rival”
Ralph manages to win a diorama competition ahead of his brainier classmates with help from some limited edition “Star Wars” action figures. As you can imagine, he is ECSTATIC, skipping his way down the sidewalk, boasting about his big win. Unfortunately, he gets a little ahead of himself, tripping, falling and damaging his toys in the process. His reaction to ruining his Chewbacca toy is a sentiment that rings true with all “Star Wars” fans – and an endlessly quotable one at that. In true Ralph style, he follows it up with yet another classic line when Lisa and Allison invite him to play Anagrams.
#6: Why Do People Run from Me?
“Little Girl in the Big Ten”
Lisa’s trying to make some new friends by faking it as a college student. Then Ralph shows up. When he excitedly tells Lisa about the painfully easy math they’ll be learning at school, she brushes him off with a relatively realistic excuse, leaving him in her dust. As Lisa and her new pals drive away, Ralph takes things down a notch with a sadly introspective question. Of course, that question is immediately answered, with a little help from Ralph’s overactive bladder and creepy smile.
#5: Making Babies
“Grade School Confidential”
Ralph’s whole life is like one big game of broken telephone… News of the affair between Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel is making its way through Springfield, and along the way the story gets exaggerated. But no one takes it further than Ralph. Explaining it to his parents, Ralph embellishes – or maybe just misunderstands what it is he saw in the closet. Either way, his version of the story is far from the truth. However, it’s his insistence that he saw one of the babies they were making that gives this moment the Ralph seal of peculiarity.
#4: Me Fail English?
“Lisa on Ice”
Although Ralph is known for saying silly things, some of his best quotes sound almost like poetry. At an assembly, Principal Skinner begins to call up students for academic alerts. Ralph, however, thinks he’s won a prize. When he’s told he’s actually flunking English, his reply is so perfect it’d sound like a well-scripted joke from anyone else’s mouth. A timeless quote used by grammar teachers and “Simpsons” fans alike, this is one one of Ralph’s simplest, yet most hilarious, moments.
#3: They Taste Like Burning
“Das Bus”
When the students of Springfield Elementary get stranded on a deserted island, it’s a “Lord of the Flies”-esque scenario, with the kids forced to survive on their own. Ralph goes searching for food, discovering – and eating! – a handful of berries. While, Wiggum’s slowness is endearing back in Springfield, it’d almost certainly get him killed in the wild: he keels over immediately, and when Bart unnecessarily asks him how the berries taste, Ralph gives a visceral and unforgettable response that we still quote every time we eat anything spicy.
#2: Super Nintendo Chalmers
“Lisa Gets an ‘A’”
To his credit, Ralph keeps trying to better himself – dumb as he may be. In this episode, Springfield Elementary finally has the funding to get computers for educational programs – and who needs one more than the struggling Ralph? As Skinner shows Lisa and Superintendent Chalmers around the lab, Ralph greets them, while also making it clear he’s got a lot left to learn. This moment is even more proof that while Ralph may not be great with words, he will always proudly celebrate his education and his ability to keep “learnding.”
Before we get to our top pick, here are some honorable mentions:
“This Little Wiggy”
I Want to Go Back in Mommy
“The Book Job”
Jesus Did Not Have Wheels
“Bart’s Girlfriend”
Singing 'Wannabe' While Using a Urinal
"How the Test Was Won"
Go Banana!
"Das Bus"
#1: Heartbreak
“I Love Lisa”
When Lisa gives Ralph a Valentine’s Day card out of pity, he falls head-over-heels for her, completely unaware that it’s an act of kindness. His attempts at flirting fail, so Ralph takes his dad’s advice on persistence, inviting Lisa to Krusty’s 29th Anniversary Special. Ice cream stains aside, it’s actually Ralph’s proclamation of love on live TV that puts Lisa over the edge. She tears Ralph apart, viciously declaring how little she feels for him. Being the great big brother that he is, Bart replays the event for Lisa, showing her exactly when Ralph’s heart – and ours – finally breaks.