Top 10 Funniest Robert Downey Jr. Interview Moments

#10: Thoughts on Fellow Actors
By the mid-90s, Robert Downey Jr. had already been around the entertainment block. This appearance on “Late Show with David Letterman” covered his run-ins with famous actors. RDJ seems to have been in a particular state of mind during this interview, and doesn’t hold back. He includes a story about Tom Cruise thrashing him in a ping pong match, which prompted Downey Jr. to jump the net and destroy the table. He isn’t finished though, because he also gives his thoughts on Hugh Grant. While he doesn’t SAY anything, we get the impression he may not have loved working with him …
#9: House Tour
Have you wondered what kind of place Robert Downey Jr. calls home? This Architectural Digest video takes viewers into a house that he and his wife converted from a windmill. Downey Jr. talks about the unique items in the space, including some art projects in the bathroom. He brings the energy up throughout with his observations on everything inside - which happens to include a lamp made using his own 3D head scan. Now everyone needs one of those! He also manages to fit in some jokes about designer Joe Nahem, who he describes as his older brother. We can see the resemblance!
#8: If He Wasn’t an Actor…
For this roundtable with Hollywood Reporter, Robert Downey Jr. discusses his craft with fellow actors. The star talks about “Oppenheimer” before answering questions about what he’d be doing instead of acting. Tapping into his complicated past, Downey Jr. pokes fun at his legal troubles. It’s both a humble and hilarious way to answer. When Jeffrey Wright later mentions wanting to be a lawyer, it sparks a funny callback to the bit. All of the panelists break into another fit of laughter in a great ending to the roundtable.
#7: Throwing His Phone
You know a director is powerful when they can compel somebody to throw away their phones! When describing the production on “Oppenheimer,” Robert Downey Jr. details the stricter aspects of Christopher Nolan’s set. This includes rules against personal electronics and limited bathroom breaks. After referencing these policies, Downey Jr. jokes that when he sees Nolan, he immediately wants to toss his mobile device. It’s an extreme reaction that we’d love to see happen in person. We imagine he’s exaggerating, but what comes through clearly is the respect the actor has for the director!
#6: “I Smell Meme”
It’s clear from this interview that Christopher Nolan and Robert Downey Jr. get along well. While the director is much more reserved, he does enjoy Downey Jr.’s ad-libs in this BBC Radio 1 segment. Nolan ends up laughing throughout at the actor’s quips. The conversation ranges from production memories to random facts involving the length of the IMAX film reel. It all ends with a finishing line that perfectly caps off the clip. That line feels like it should be a meme itself!
#5: Robert & Susan on the Red Carpet
Red carpet interviews can be pretty formulaic. But Robert and his wife Susan Downey keep it loose and fun in this clip from Extra TV. It’s clear that the two have great chemistry as they banter back and forth. He uses this opportunity to riff with his wife Susan about their kids. The actor then gets asked whether he’ll join Tom Cruise for a “Tropic Thunder” sequel. And he seems pretty open to the idea! The star leaves the interview joking about losing “Iron Man” to Cruise.
#4: Answering Difficult Questions
Not only can Robert Downey Jr. play heroic characters, but he can also step up to answer tough questions. These inquiries from kids cover a wide range of topics that allow the star to shine. He sheds light on his life with stories about birthdays, and about peeing in pools. He even gets to talk about one of his latest strange thoughts - whether or not he could ride an alpaca. Downey Jr. also reminds everyone that he’s the real “Iron Man” with his notes on underpants. At every turn, he manages to both answer the questions and get the interviewer chuckling.
#3: Fake Scripts & Making Fun of Tom Holland
Fans of Marvel know that they run a secretive operation for each film. The stars during this “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” segment share their experiences reading fake scripts, which Robert Downey Jr. jokes that he writes. There are also measures to try to prevent Tom Holland in particular from spoiling story details. Downey Jr. keeps the audience and his co-stars laughing, adding in a Men in Black reference we can almost believe! Naturally gifted as a performer, the “Tony Stark” actor doesn’t need to read from a script to entertain the audience.
#2: Reciting Taylor Swift Lyrics
Who knew that Robert Downey Jr. was such a fan of pop music? This W magazine interview features a moment where the actor delves into the lyrics of “Blank Space.” Delivering them with gusto, Downey Jr. shows that he might just be a Swiftie! The esteemed performer does the words justice in a compelling rendition of the track. With a few personal flourishes, he manages to blur the line between music and poetry. Do we sense a potential collaboration in the future? Hey, you never know!
#1: Emotional Interview
Joining “The Tonight Show” as a guest, Robert Downey Jr. is completely committed to this bit. The “Emotional Interview” segment involves both the actor and the host constantly changing their tune with funny prompts. Downey Jr. really digs deep to show off his acting skills, proving that he can be philosophical and hilarious. One minute he’s fishing for compliments before being given the complex task of having to smell bacon. The crazy ideas come at the star from every angle, but none of them trip him up. He even has to pretend like he doesn’t know what a car is. Through it all, the “Iron Man” lead reveals that he can make any situation fun.
Did we forget another hilarious interview with this star? Let us know in the comments below.