Top 10 Funny Movie Character Names

Sometimes, a movie is only as amusing as its character's names. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Funny Movie Character Names. For this list, we're taking a look at big screen characters with names that were punch-lines in and of themselves.While some of these names might be a little risqué, and a few even make us clutch our pearls, we can't help but have a hearty little chuckle. And maybe a scandalized giggle or two.
Special thanks to our users Tristan Hartup, codyyy, Watchmojyguy, billysurfer90 and Jason Heilbronner for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Egg Shen
“Big Trouble in Little China” (1986)
This bus driver for Egg Foo Young Tours doesn’t just drive obnoxious tourists through Chinatown for a living – he also happens to be a pretty powerful magician and practitioner of ancient magic. He also happens to be named Egg. While his name is an awesomely creative tie-in to his formal occupation, it also makes his formidable black magic that much more unsuspecting. Because honestly, who’d ever be able to say that he or she was defeated by an egg and a trucker in a magic battle to the death? Lo Pan, that’s probably who…but that’s it.
#9: Fook Mi / Fook Yu
“Austin Powers in Goldmember” (2002)
Oh, stereotypes! In this third installment of the “Austin Powers” franchise, we’re treated to some extreme satire on the Japanese schoolgirl temptress trope, but times two. Austin Powers has just been knighted at Buckingham Palace so he returns to a party in progress and runs into a set of gorgeous twins with some rather naughty names. Clearly, there isn’t much left open for interpretation once the ladies introduce themselves to Austin, and as the trio heads towards the bed, we already know what the “fook” is about to happen.
#8: Dieter Von Cunth
“MacGruber” (2010)
This movie spin-off of the “Saturday Night Live” sketch sees Will Forte star as MacGruber, a comically less talented version of the character, “MacGyver.” In the film, MacGruber has been recruited to track down and stop a bad guy from getting his hands on some nuclear weapons. It just so happens that the dude they’re after also killed MacGruber’s wife some years before, so he’s pretty much a super jerk. Which is probably why the writers gave him such an….interesting name. A name that certainly does not accidentally sound like a vulgar word for a part of the female anatomy, right? Right.
#7: Deuce Bigalow
“Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo” (1999)
When all else fails, a name that rhymes is always good for a laugh. Such is the case in this late ‘90s comedy starring Rob Schneider. As the titular Deuce Bigalow, he plays a fish cleaner who accidentally destroys an expensive fish tank and has to find a way to pay for the damage he’s caused. Naturally, he decides to turn to the world’s oldest profession to make a quick buck. We enjoy the fact that his name rhymes with his newfound occupation, but we also think that it makes for some really inventive business cards.
#6: Pahpshmir
“The Naked Gun: From the Files of the Police Squad!” (1988)
In this slapstick comedy, Leslie Nielsen plays Lt. Frank Drebin, a Police Squad member trying to thwart an assassination attempt on Queen Elizabeth II. Of course, this wouldn’t be a Police Squad film without an abundance of pratfalls and visual gags. But one of the funniest elements of the film is the name of the main villain: Pahpshmir. He goes by one name only, and that name sounds a lot like a particularly uncomfortable physical exam. The character himself is fairly unpleasant, so at least the theme is consistent.
#5: Alotta Fagina
“Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery” (1997)
Between Basil Exposition, Number 2, and Fat Bastard, this spy spoof franchise has no shortage of silly names, but Ms. Fagina from the first installment exceeds all expectations. An obvious parody of the infamous Bond girl, Pussy Galore, Alotta Fagina is every bit the vixen but without the equally hot counterpart. Austin Powers first encounters the aggressively sultry seductress at a blackjack table, where her introduction causes him to do a double-take. She then later uses her feminine wiles to secure information from Austin during a dip in the hot tub, as only a Fagina can.
#4: Biggus Dickus
“Monty Python’s Life of Brian” (1979)
This one’s pretty obvious. The ‘70s British satire tells the story of a man named Brian who, having been born next door to Jesus on the same day, is mistaken for the Messiah and rapidly gains a following as a miracle worker through a series of misunderstandings and minor coincidences. In a famous scene from “Life of Brian,” the titular hero has been captured and taken before Pilate. But during questioning, there’s a bit of confusion regarding a certain character and his unfortunate name… and things aren’t made any easier during the discussion around Biggus Dickus (and his wife) considering Pilate’s got a speech impediment!
#3: McLovin
“Superbad” (2007)
When you’re a teen boy trying to secure a fake ID in order to score some booze, it’s usually best to play it safe when it comes to choosing the name on the card. At least, that would be the sensible thing to do, but in this hilarious comedy starring Jonah Hill and Michael Cera, that’s the exact opposite of what happens. They play two teenagers trying to buy alcohol for a party when their friend, Fogell, comes through with a fake ID that they hope’ll get them all one step closer. Except that the name he chooses to call himself on the ID is… McLovin. Which sounds less like a legal adult and more like a Valentine’s Day fast food combo.
#2: Dirk Diggler
“Boogie Nights” (1997)
While most of us would probably use the name of our first pet and the street we grew up on to figure out our porn names, when you’re remarkably…well-endowed, some names just come naturally. In this drama, Mark Wahlberg plays a nightclub dishwasher who quickly rises to fame in the ‘70s porno scene. That’s thanks in large part to his anatomical gifts, but also because he managed to choose the most comically perfect porn name ever. It’s almost crass, but not really, and has a certain essence of porn, but in an everyday sort of way.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Steve Stifler
“American Pie” (1999)
- Marty McFly
“Back to the Future” trilogy (1985-90)
- Short Round
“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom” (1984)
- Pizza the Hutt
“Spaceballs” (1987)
- Calvin Candie
“Django Unchained” (2012)
#1: Gaylord Focker
“Meet the Parents” (2000)
There’s nothing inherently wrong with the name ”Gaylord,” and even the last name “Focker” might simply raise an eyebrow or two in passing. But together, the name “Gaylord Focker” seems like a cruel, lifelong joke by some rather vicious parents. In this comedy hit, Ben Stiller stars as “Greg” Focker, a man who is enduring an extraordinarily awkward visit with his girlfriend’s family. With all the misfortune that befalls Greg during his visit, it’s safe to say that his ridiculous name is the least of his worries. But for us, it’s the icing on a rather hilarious cake.
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