Top 10 Game of Thrones Betrayals

When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die… or live long enough to see your allies turn on you. Welcome to, and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 betrayals on “Game of Thrones.”
For this list, we're looking at the most shocking backstabs from the first six seasons of this jaw dropping fantasy drama. This list is dark and full of spoilers; so a SPOILER ALERT is now in effect. If you're not caught up, neither the old gods nor the new can help you. You have been warned.
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#10: Arya Betrays the Faceless Men
Arya first betrays the cult of assassins known as the Faceless Men by killing Ser Meryn Trant, for her own vengeful reasons. As punishment, her sight is taken away and her training becomes much more brutal and severe. Arya’s sight is eventually restored and she’s offered a second chance to appease the Many-Faced God. Her target: a beloved actress named Lady Crane. Arya has a change of heart, however, and decides to warn Lady Crane instead of killing her. Her actions not only go against the code of the Faceless Men, but also result in Arya facing-off against The Waif and nearly meeting her demise. But not today, god of death. Not today.
#9: Ramsay Kills His Father
You don’t get called the Bloody Bastard without good reason. In Westeros, those from noble Houses born out of wedlock don’t have claim on the titles of their fathers. Ramsay’s bastard status is eventually changed, ofcourse, and he’s named Roose Bolton’s true heir. However, once his father remarries, Ramsay knows that his position is in jeopardy. After learning that Roose’s newborn child is a boy, Ramsay doesn’t hesitate to kill his own father. Despite her pleas for mercy, Ramsay also releases his starving hounds on his stepmother and infant half-brother, taking the title of Warden of the North in the most bloody and brutal way. As if we needed another reason to despise this guy.
#8: Tommen Teams Up with the High Sparrow
After the High Sparrow betrays and imprisons Cersei, she’s forced to endure the humiliating walk of shame, administered by the very group she propelled to power. In an attempt to uproot the terrifying Faith Militant and spare Margaery the same humiliation, the Lannisters and Tyrells team up to end the High Sparrow’s reign. Too bad he’s way ahead of them. Arriving at the Sept with an army, the Lannisters and Tyrells learn that King Tommen has agreed to unite the crown and the faith, providing them with unprecedented power. Tommen’s betrayal leads to Jaime’s dismissal from the Kingsguard and the eradication of trial by combat, condemning his mother to be judged by the faith.
#7: Jon Snow Betrays Ygritte
When Jon is tasked with infiltrating Mance Rayder’s army and gaining their trust, he doesn’t expect to fall for the feisty wildling Ygritte. Jon’s loyalties are repeatedly questioned and when he’s asked to prove his allegiance to the Wildlings by killing an innocent man, he refuses and flees. This betrayal hits Ygritte the hardest since she has always defended him and firmly believed he was on their side. It’s a heart-wrenching scene since both realize where they stand, and love isn’t enough to keep the two together. Also, talk about the worst breakup! He chooses his brothers of the black and duty over her. We don’t fault Ygritte for shooting arrows at the bastard who broke her heart.
#6: Jorah Mormont Betrays His Khaleesi
Man, Daenerys just can’t catch a break. She couldn’t have anticipated that one of her most trusted advisors had been betraying her from the start. Jorah’s betrayal is uncovered when Ser Barristan opens a royal pardon meant for Jorah as a reward for spying on Daenerys. Jorah confesses his deceit, but swears that his growing respect and admiration for the Mother of Dragons has made him a true believer in her cause. Disgusted by Jorah’s treachery and the fact that he was aiding the people who killed her family and stole the throne from House Targaryen, Daenerys can’t stand to even look at the man and exiles him.
#5: Theon Betrays Robb and Steals Winterfell
Ever do something you ended up regretting? Theon has many regrets for betraying the Starks, especially Robb, who trusted him to gain support from the Iron Islands. Once there, Theon is desperate to gain his father’s approval, deciding to change sides and attack the North while Robb’s forces are busy fighting the Lannisters. Theon has the chance to send a warning to Robb about the Ironborn attack, yet he burns the letter, deciding that his loyalties lie with his family rather than the Starks. You know, the family that adopted and raised him as a ward? The Ironborn capture Winterfell and Theon proclaims himself the lord of the castle, holding Robb’s younger brothers as hostages.
#4: For Hands of Gold are Always Cold
For a guy who’s spent most of his adult life in the beds of one brothel or another, Tyrion really should have learned not to let his guard down around prostitutes. Tyrion loves Shae deeply and unconditionally, but breaks off their relationship when he fears for her life. Shae… doesn’t handle rejection well. During Tyrion’s trial, Shae’s testimony is filled with lies about him, condemning her former ‘lover’ to death and forcing him to choose a trial by combat as a last resort for his freedom. After his escape, he finds her in his father’s bed, and that gives him a chance for a very definitive breakup.
#3: Littlefinger Turns on Ned Stark
This is the betrayal that sent a massive ripple effect throughout the Seven Kingdoms and beyond, and which is still felt six seasons later. Despite the fact that Ned Stark doesn’t fully trust Littlefinger, he enlists him to bring the City Watch over to his side for the imminent conflict against the Lannisters. However, at the last second, the City Watch turn on Ned, kill his men, and arrest him, revealing that Littlefinger’s loyalty was with the Lannisters all along. Ned’s attempt to play by the rules in a very dangerous game leads him to be branded a traitor and executed, his head placed on a pike outside the Red Keep. Ned, buddy, didn’t Littlefinger tell you not to trust him?
#2: For the Watch
Being the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch is a thankless job, as you have to make difficult decisions while also trying to maintain order and morale. Jeor Mormont’s death at the hands of his own men gone rogue is quite brutal, but the death of Mormont’s successor, Jon Snow, scores bonus betrayal points for being calculated and literally gut-wrenching. Jon’s brothers turn on him because of his controversial decision to let the wildlings through The Wall to help defend against the White Walkers. Unarmed and helpless, Jon is repeatedly stabbed for the “sake” of the Night’s Watch. It’s heartbreaking to watch him as he tries to stand as young Olly, whose village was pillaged by wildlings, delivers the final blow.
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- Theon Is Betrayed by His Own Men
- Doreah and Xaro Betray Daenerys
- Littlefinger Kills Lysa Arryn
#1: The Red Wedding
Here’s a tip: if you make a promise to the Freys, keep it. Walder Frey, still bitter that Robb broke his vow to marry his daughter, shows the King of the North some twisted hospitality. A joyful union between Robb’s uncle and one of Walder Frey’s daughters ends with a dizzying death toll that includes Robb’s pregnant wife and most of Robb’s men. Catelyn Stark begs Walder to spare her son, but he’s unmoved by her tears. Roose Bolton, Robb’s own bannerman, reveals his alliance with the Freys and Lannisters by killing Robb, thus snuffing out the Northern rebellion. Caitlyn soon joins her son, making the decimation of House Stark by the Freys and Boltons our top betrayal.