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Top 10 Hottest Game of Thrones Men

Top 10 Hottest Game of Thrones Men
VOICE OVER: Rebecca Brayton
Chivalry's not dead yet, but it's probably gonna get its head cut off in the next season of this popular fantasy drama. Join MsMojo as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Hottest Male Game of Thrones Characters.

For this list, we're looking at the hunks of the hit HBO series that rock our medieval fantasy world. All men from “Game of Thrones” are fair game here, so let the challenge begin… but wait: seeing as though we're covering characters from all seasons and looking into their character arcs, let this be your one huge spoiler warning first!

#10: Daario Norharis

Some men are lovers, others are fighters, but then there are those who are both. Sign us up for that, please! A sellsword for the Second Sons, Daario killed his fellow mercenary commanders when they ordered him to assassinate Daenarys Targaryen. He instead pledges allegiance to her and has been on her team ever since, and has even become her main squeeze. Khal Drogo must have been a tough act to follow, but this Commander of the Second Sons succeeds with a cool ease.

#9: Petyr Baelish

Yeah, yeah, we know, we love to hate him too, but hear us out! True, we still haven’t really gotten over him stabbing Ned Stark in the back, but there’s something to be said for a man who started with nothing but stands ready to topple kings. Power is sexy, cunning is sexier, but ambition can make or break a man. And Littlefinger’s drive is nothing short of legendary, while also being his defining quality and greatest attribute. In fact, it was his alliance with Lysa Arryn that set forth many of the show’s events.

#8: Jorah Mormont

We’d let this knight fight for us in a heartbeat. Once disgraced from a noble house for selling slaves, Ser Jorah has since sworn allegiance to the Mother of Dragons and vowed to keep her safe. Like many, Jorah is a skilled warrior, but unlike many, he carries his skill with a quiet and calm demeanor. It’s when his patience breaks that we become afraid for him. He loses points for being a permanent resident of the friend-zone, but he makes up for it with his stoic panache.

#7: Gendry

One of King Robert Baratheon’s many bastard sons, this one caught our attention for his strong resolve, impressive stature and kindness. A proficient blacksmith, Gendry also boasts decent fighting skills and is as loyal as they come. A close friend to Arya Stark in an immeasurably cruel world, the true heir to the Baratheon throne both fits in with the harsh and unforgiving, and stands out among them. It doesn’t hurt things that he’s also handsome as hell and jacked.

#6: Renly Baratheon

Once a solid contender in the War of Five Kings, Renly is as handsome as he is sly. In retrospect, he probably would have made a pretty decent king too – and he woulda looked good sitting on the Iron Throne. A lover and a fighter, Renly was married to one of the hottest ladies in the Seven Kingdoms, but maintained a loving – albeit hush-hush – relationship with her brother for many years. Furthermore, Renly was as successful as he was thanks to his thoughtfulness and likability, and for that he makes number 6 with ease.

#5: Oberyn Martell

Tall, dark and handsome. Yep, this guy is the whole package, not to mention the fact that in a show filled with sexy accents, the Dornish prince stands far out from the crowd. Nicknamed the Red Viper for his impressive and fluid fighting skills, Oberyn came to King’s Landing in season four and instantly won over many a fan. Unfortunately, like many characters on this show, his lust for vengeance would be his ultimate downfall. In spite of this, he still holds a dear place in our hearts.

#4: Jon Snow

We could go on at length about his brilliant eyes, jet black hair and strong jawline, but the fact is Jon can be summarized in six words: Ned Stark’s bastard, who knows nothing. In all seriousness though, Snow has been a fan favorite of the show for many years, thanks to his aforementioned looks and/or because of his soft kindness and commitment. Oh, and after watching that scene in the cave, we’d have to say that Jon Snow does know something after all.

#3: Robb Stark

The eldest son of Eddard Stark, Robb was thrust into responsibility at a young age, and came to earn the title of King in the North. Strong, moral, and righteous to a fault, Robb popped off the screen from day one with his classically handsome looks and headstrong demeanor, and remained a prominent fan favorite right up until the Red Wedding. Whether you loved the character or just thought he was smoking hot, most agree his was one of the saddest deaths to happen on the show.

#2: Drogo

For all viewers who like their men big, strong and fierce, this one is for you! This massive horse-riding warlord started off in a rather malevolent relationship with Daenarys Targaryen before the two formed an unlikely companionship. It also doesn’t hurt that he happens to be the Khal, or chieftain of the nomadic Dorthraki. A man of few words, Drogo’s titanic stature usually speaks for him. But if he has to open his mouth, you probably won’t like what he has to say. He only really has one rule: Do not mess with him!

Before we stare in awe at our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions!
- Loras Tyrell
- Grey Worm
- Jaqen H’ghar
- Eddard Stark
- Ramsay Bolton

#1: Jaime Lannister

Possibly one of the most handsome men in Westeros, the Kinglsayer was an easy choice for our top pick. From the first season, his flowing golden hair and malicious attitude had him pegged for a favorite, but it wasn’t until his journey alongside Brienne of Tarth that we saw the fostering of his humanity. And so, with his striking good looks and abilities as a swordsman, he makes the top pick for our list, despite err... fathering children with his sister... look, the heart wants what the heart wants, but right now we’re just gonna focus on his other qualities.

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