Top 10 Games That Deserve A Second Chance!

First impressions are important, but sometimes you need to try again. Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Games That Deserve A Second Chance.
Special thanks to our user “J.r. Clement” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
First impressions are important, but everybody deserves a second chance, right? Welcome to, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Games You Should Give a Second Chance.
For this list, we’re observing some games that had a rocky start to their release, but have made a turnaround since.
#10: “Torment: Tides of Numenera” (2017)
Nothing could disrupt your launch worse than having the spotlight taken away. That’s exactly what happened with “Torment”. If you haven’t even heard of this game, we don’t blame you. This game, funded on Kickstarter, was released on the same day as “Horizon Zero Dawn.” Ouch… As the spiritual successor to the RPG “Planescape: Torment”, “Tides of Numenera” presents an intricate and intelligent story that should not go unnoticed. So, if you’ve finished “Horizon” and are looking for another RPG, “Torment: Tides of Numenera” has got you covered.
#9: “Yooka-Laylee” (2017)
A spiritual successor to “Banjo-Kazooie”?! Shut up and take my money!! Unfortunately, not everything blossomed into roses at launch. It’s easy for any player to walk away from a game with a wonky camera, unskippable cutscenes, and a HUB world that feels like a labyrinth. Playtonic has addressed these issues and the game is now a bit more enjoyable thanks to a few much-needed design tweaks, as well as improvements on controls and options. If you were disappointed with the original package, you might be satisfied with the new adjustments if you give it a second take.
#8: “Spider-Man: Web of Shadows” (2008)
Pretty much every superhero has had a hard time getting a good game, but a few do manage to pull through. Spider-Man games have been shaky in recent years, with the exception being 2008’s “Web of Shadows”. The game may suffer from a weak story and a few glitches here and there, but where “Web of Shadows” shines is in giving the player a good sense of what it would be like to have spider powers. Its combat and web-slinging generate a healthy amount of thrilling moments that make you feel like the web-headed hero. So, if you need your fix of “Spider-Man” before Insomniac releases their newest game, “Web of Shadows” won’t steer you wrong.
#7: “Warframe” (2013)
It can be hard for a free-to-play game to make a good impression. “Warframe” was no different at launch. This third-person shooter used to be buggy and a little barren of content, with gameplay that would only last an hour or two before it waned. With the addition of new maps, new characters, and monthly updates, “Warframe” has earned its twenty-six million player base. So, if this title failed to impress on your first try, it's time to check in and try out the new stuff.
#6: “The Elder Scrolls Online” (2014)
You might recognize this title as “that ‘Elder Scrolls’ game no one plays”, and while you wouldn’t have been wrong around the time the game launched back in 2014, that’s simply not the case anymore. While “Elder Scrolls Online” suffered a very rocky start, with its poorly written story, boring combat, and expensive subscription fees, things have gotten significantly better. Since the “One Tamriel” update that opened up the world to lower-level players, and later the “Morrowind” expansion, Bethesda has given us plenty of reasons to come back. Better stories and quests? Check. PvP mode? Check. No more monthly subscription fees? Perfect.
#5: “Hitman” (2016)
An episodic release doesn’t complement every game, so people were skeptical in the case of 2016’s “Hitman”. Once IO Interactive announced the game would be released episodically, not even the hardcore fans stuck around very long. The reason for this move was to give the levels more depth in an effort to add some replay value to the game. IO succeeded in this by adding various methods of taking out your targets and implementing new challenges to increase difficulty. Yes, this was a questionable release, but IO was clearly telling the truth.
#4: “Titanfall 2” (2016)
Much like “Torment”, “Titanfall 2” suffered from bad timing, releasing a week AFTER EA’s other shooter, “Battlefield 1”, and a week BEFORE Activision’s “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare”. It’s a real shame because “Titanfall 2” displayed a massive improvement from its predecessor, especially in its single-player campaign. “Titanfall 2” is a romp, fueling every moment with frenetic, fun, fast-paced action. If you’re looking for something a little different in your first-person shooters, “Titanfall 2” will not disappoint.
#3: “Diablo III” (2012)
Not to worry, folks! Error 37 is not a problem anymore! But even once that was settled, there was still as significant lack of content. There just wasn’t much replayability once you beat the game. Blizzard eventually added in a paragon leveling system and additional difficulty settings, but it wasn’t until the “Reaper of Souls” expansion when the game got some real meat on its bones. Featuring an armory system, an improved inventory system, and seasonal events, “Diablo III” has gotten beefier since launch.
#2: “Pokemon GO” (2016)
Anyone with a phone must remember this experience. “Pokemon GO” exploded with the public… who lost interest shortly after. At launch, servers were overloaded, the game crashed too many times, and there wasn’t much outside of catching Pokemon and conquering gyms. But since the hype died down the game has received a massive overhaul. Gen 2 & Gen 3 Pokemon have since been added, The tracker now shows which Poke-stop wild Pokemon hang around near, real-world weather can boost or weaken certain types, and most importantly: Raid battles against Legendary Pokemon have been added. So now you can finally catch MewTwo in Times Square.
#1: “No Man’s Sky” (2016)
Put your torches and pitchforks away and hear us out. “No Man’s Sky” was one of the messiest launches we’ve seen since “E.T.” on Atari. Despite this, developer Hello Games has been hard at work to make “No Man’s Sky” the game we were originally promised. If you choose to make your return to the stars, you’ll find new features like base-building on planets, land-based vehicles, improvements to the economy system, a Creative mode, and a Survival mode. With positive feedback pouring in, the future of “No Man’s Sky” seems bright, and now could not be a better time to grab your copy.