Top 10 Glee Mistakes You Totally Missed

#10: What Happened to Principal Figgins’ Approved Song List?
A raunchy performance of Salt-n-Pepa’s “Push It” by the New Directions upsets all the parents. So, Principal Figgins gives Mr. Schuester a list of pre-approved songs the glee club can perform that are guaranteed to avoid controversy for the school. Will accepts the list and laments how limiting the tunes will be. But in reality, it doesn’t seem like Figgins’ list affected the Glee club at all. The New Directions continue to perform like usual, including the songs “Last Name” and “Somebody to Love” at Invitationals just three episodes later. Neither of those songs involve Jesus or balloons like Figgins’ list requires. This makes it pretty clear that the pre-approved problem is one plot point that was just dropped entirely.
#9: Sam Isn’t Left-Handed
Exactly one hundred episodes into “Glee”, Sam finally reveals the answer to a question probably no Glee fan had even considered asking: which is his dominant hand? He states pretty confidently he’s left-handed. What makes this interesting is that he’s been shown to be right-hand dominant throughout the series. Maybe he’s just a little confused about his rights and lefts, but it’s still a strange line to be included that doesn’t really affect the episode’s plot at all. Honestly, though, it’s unlikely many people noticed as most fans were probably just excited to finally see iconic guest characters April Rhodes and Holly Holliday again.
#8: Ryder Forgets He Quit Glee Club
In the season four finale, Ryder finds out that Katie, a girl he’s fallen for after talking to her online, was actually Unique catfishing him the entire time. Ryder is so shocked and upset he decides to quit the glee club entirely after one last performance at Regionals. This feels like a finale cliffhanger fans would be eagerly waiting to get resolved in the next season. But in the season five premiere, Ryder is still in the glee club without any reason mentioned as to why. Maybe it was the powerful performance at regionals that convinced him to stay. Ryder might have also patched things up with Unique behind the scenes. Either way, he seemingly forgot all about his dramatic quitting announcement.
#7: Rachel’s Two Dads Change
In Glee’s pilot, a lengthy introduction monologue from Rachel gives us a ton of information about her backstory, including her birth by surrogacy to her two gay dads. A shot of some photographs in Rachel’s locker reveals what her dads look like. And from what we hear, they certainly seem like a very happy and loving family. Two seasons later, we finally meet Rachel’s dads. But they look totally different from the men that we saw in those original pilot photographs. We definitely would have remembered if the photos in Rachel’s locker showed Jeff Goldblum and Brian Stokes Mitchell from the beginning. But we’re willing to let it slide considering how perfectly cast they were as Rachel’s dads.
#6: How Can Finn Be in 2 Places at Once?
This blink-and-you’ll-miss-it error is hard to spot initially, but once you see it you’ll wonder how this ever made the final cut. Puck recruits all of the boys of the glee club to help him perform a cover of Kiss’ “Beth”, dedicated to Quinn and her child that he hopes will be named after the song. Finn was sitting behind Quinn initially before getting up to sing with the rest of the boys. But a reaction shot of Quinn shows him - or at least his shoulder! - sitting behind her again. It’s pretty impossible that Finn could magically be in two places at once. So, this has to be a mistake that just slipped past “Glee’s” otherwise top notch editors.
#5: Will Schuester’s Unmemorable Vest
We all know Mr. Schue is fond of a good vest. Apparently his collection is so vast, that even he can’t keep track of them all. When Mr. Schue and Emma are going through his vests, Will points out a gray patterned vest that he says he was wearing when they first met. However, in a later episode, we see a flashback to the moment Will and Emma met. The vest he’s wearing is a brown one that’s completely different from one he showed Emma. He may have forgotten which vest he was wearing, but at least he says he’ll never forget how he felt in that moment. We guess that's sweet enough to make up for it.
#4: Blaine’s Age Changes
When Blaine was first introduced, he fulfilled the role of a sort of mentor to Kurt as someone who had been out of the closet a little longer and was more self-assured in his sexuality. Though never explicitly stated, it was implied this meant Blaine was older than Kurt. But Blaine refers to himself as a “junior member” of the Warblers in the same year that Kurt is a junior. Later on, Blaine is established officially as a junior though. He canonically remains one year behind Kurt for the rest of the series. It appears the writers changed Blaine’s age to whatever the plot needed it to be, resulting in quite a confusing timeline.
#3: Sugar Motta Can’t Sing
Sugar Motta’s audition for the New Directions is definitely one of the most memorable of the entire series, but not for the right reasons. Like a bad American Idol audition you can’t look away from, she was off-key and tone deaf. This made her become the first person to actually be rejected from the glee club. Later, Sugar joins the Troubletones and eventually becomes part of the New Directions. Though she doesn’t ever get any big solos like Rachel or Mercedes, her terrible singing is never brought up again. So, this is either a total plot hole or Sugar has an amazing vocal coach.
#2: Artie’s Age Changes
In season one of “Glee”, Artie says he was in a car accident when he was eight years old that left him wheelchair bound. Later, it’s revealed he’s been in his wheelchair for eight years, making him sixteen years old. This would mean he could be a sophomore or even a junior during season one. But in season three he’s confirmed to be a junior, despite the fact that he would actually be between 17 or 18 years old if you considered the time that has passed . It seems like the writers were pretty flexible when it comes to character ages. But since they seemed pretty deliberate in the planning of Artie’s age at the beginning, it was weird to see them completely and obviously backtrack seasons later.
#1: Sue’s Hair Backstory
Sue Sylvester’s signature tracksuits are as iconic as her short blonde hair hairstyle that’s just as no-nonsense as she is. While it’s always a treat to hear more of the backstory behind the legendary Cheerios coach, there’s a hairy problem with her history. Sue’s hairstyle actually has two conflicting backstories that just make everything plain confusing. In season one, she tells Kurt and Mercedes she has to wear her hair short due to a hair bleaching accident in her youth. However, Sue tells Becky in season 5 that she cut her hair short after starting her career to seem more strict and serious. These contradictory stories make no sense together. But they do add even more mystery and intrigue into the true story around Sue Sylvester.