Top 10 Great Games that Need More Content!

That was good but...we just wish there was more! Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Great Games That Need More Content!
Special thanks to our user “DaveVsTheWorld ” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
It’s nice to get your money’s worth, these games do not follow that principle. Welcome to and today we will be counting down our picks for the Top 10 games that were great, but needed more content.
We’re not saying the following games are bad, not all of them anyways! In fact, many of these games were very memorable and enjoyable experiences to play through. However, once the credits rolled we were left with that empty feeling upon realizing that, when all was said and done, there was nothing to really hold our attention afterwards (or justify the high price of the game itself).
#10: “Evolve” (2014)
Prior to its release, Evolve was being hyped up as the next big thing in the realm of multiplayer shooters, and for good reason. Its premise of one player controlling a monstrous beast and being pitted against multiple opponents was an interesting concept. It’s a shame however, that so much of the extra content behind the game was locked behind paid DLC, which seriously hurt the overall experience, especially considering the developer’s initial promises that most of said DLC would be free. The developers really shot themselves in the foot, as Evolve ended up in a downward spiral of being forced to transition to free-to-play before being shut down entirely. More like “De-volve”.
#9: “Overwatch” (2016)
Blizzard’s latest franchise has become nothing short of a mega hit. Amassing a large online community and raking in several game of the year awards, ours included. But lets all get real here for a second, okay? Overwatch is friggin awesome, but there’s a small handful of maps and no single player campaign. What gives bro? Blizzard is known for delivering large, complete packages – so launching a new IP with a sparse amount of content clearly WORKED, but it’s not ideal. Also, can we get some cooler skins for D.Va while we’re at it I’m not crazy about the current batch…
#8: “Street Fighter V” (2016)
Everything that gamers had come to love about Street Fighter was present here: fast gameplay, insane combo attacks and a catchy soundtrack. So, what was the problem? It was our old friend (all together now!) D.L.C! Many of the characters who were usually commonplace for the series such as Akuma and Guile were unavailable at launch due to paywalls. To pour more salt on the wound, there was a lack of extra modes with the most serious offense being the lack of an Arcade Mode. Seriously how do you have a Street Fighter game without an Arcade Mode? That’s pretty much standard of any major fighting game, retro or modern.
#7: “Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon” (2013)
Far Cry 3 was already a phenomenal game on its own, so the added ‘Blood Dragon’ standalone DLC was icing on the cake. Set in a dystopian sci-fi setting, Blood Dragon drew plenty of obvious influence from 80’s action flicks and video games. It was zany, funny and a blast to play through. So, call us greedy but, this one making the list is a consequence of it being so good but so short! We wanted to see more of this world, hear more synth-pop style music and control principal protagonist Rex Colt through even more perilous and pulse pounding missions. Dear Ubisoft, please give us a full-fledged Blood Dragon game. Please?
#6: “The Last Guardian” (2016)
The Last Guardian’s primary focus was to tell a compelling narrative, fueled by spellbinding thrills and captivating emotional moments. We admire artistic expression by Team Ico and genDESIGN on The Last Guardian for how it represents the game that they set out to make all those years ago, but c’mon now. Once the roughly 12-hour campaign was done, there really was no reason to come back to it. The only unlockable the game offers were some new costumes … and that’s it. C’mon you guys can do better than that. How about some alternate path options, or maybe a mode where you play as Trico instead, where you hear his inner narration instead of the boy’s, How cool would that be?
#5: “Pokémon Snap” (1999)
Pokémon Snap is an undoubtedly special game. Its strange yet surprisingly fun premise of taking photos of Pokémon caught on like wildfire, but unfortunately there were a few chinks in the armor. First of all the game is criminally short, as you could pretty much 100% the game in less than 2 hours. Secondly only 63 of the 151 original Pokemon are featured in the game, so you could probably guess what this game needed more of: Yes more stages and more Pokemon, Hell there’s now over 800 Pokemon, so if this project is picked up again there’s far more to work with.
#4: “Star Wars: Battlefront” (2015)
Oh EA, we’re starting to believe that you actually enjoy fan backlash and angry consumer response. While the actual gameplay is fast paced and action packed, there isn’t nearly enough variety to it. At launch, the game only had five game maps and no single player campaign mode. Even now with the added DLC, it still pales in comparison to other multiplayer offerings. For the sake of comparison, flash back a decade before this game to the release of ‘Battlefront II’, which was packed with more than double the amount of content available in the current version. What was so difficult about just bringing over what was already done and building upon- ohhh, right. Micro transactions. Cha-ching!
#3: “Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain” (2015)
Yes, we know. Metal Gear Solid V is a MASSIVE game as it is. With the main story mode, side-ops, online multiplayer components and just the general shenanigans that can be caused within its gargantuan open world; there are hours of content available here. Even so, we can’t help but feel that it still needs a little bit more. We aren’t going to point any fingers here, but maybe MGSV feeling a bit watered down is because a good chunk of the game was cut out due to a certain company causing certain difficulties with a certain someone. It would have been awesome to get some closure on Eli’s story arc for one thing, but it seems we’ll have to settle with what we already have.
#2: “Vanquish” (2010)
Few action games can reach the high bar set by Vanquish. It’s huge set pieces are exciting and its mind-blowing bullet time gameplay allows us to channel our inner badass. So, the game itself is fantastic, but what we can do once we complete said game is another story. Its overall length is pretty short, only spanning a few hours. You could replay the game on a higher difficulty for extra challenge and intensity on a second playthrough but that’s not what we’re talking about here. How about some side missions? Or how about we go really nuts and add in a multiplayer mode? With the blistering action on display already, just imagine that with multiple people? It would give new meaning to the term “deathmatch”.
#1: “Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor” (2014)
With an original storyline and combining gameplay from Assassin’s Creed and the Batman: Arkham series, this game was a big hit…but far from perfect. The game world while visually stunning, felt barren and we can only run by bushes and enemy outposts so many times. The nemesis system, was great, but it doesn’t help that the game has a serious lack of enemy variety, with you fighting the same three orcs over and over again. Additionally, the missions boiled down to either ‘go there, kill him, get that’ affairs and that gets old fast. Middle-Earth was a good game, but with a little more meat on its bones, it could be the truly fantastic Tolkien based game we all dream of.
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