Top 10 Great Movies That Should Have Made Good Games

You had so much good material here! What they heck is wrong with you?! Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Great Movies That Should Have Made Great Games.
Special thanks to our user “Dan Paradis” for suggesting this topic using our interactive suggestion tool at http://WatchMojo.comsuggest
So much wasted potential! Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Movies That Should Have Made Great Games.
For this list, we're looking at movies with tie-in games that failed to live up to the expectations created by their film counterparts. To be clear, we're not saying that all these games are necessarily bad, only that, when compared to their source material, they leave a lot to be desired.
#10: "The Incredibles" (2004)
This Pixar giant took the world by storm thanks to its family-friendly take on the superhero genre. The action-adventure beat 'em up of the same name? Not so much. While it did sell well, a lack of originality in gameplay and level design stopped it from having any staying power. It didn't help that the game didn't feature any multiplayer options, even though each family member has unique power sets. While it's sequel, "Rise of the Underminer" did have multiplayer, you could only play as Mr. Incredible and Frozone. Perhaps with the release of the sequel we'll be able to get a game worthy of this Pixar favorite. We can only hope.
#9: "The Fifth Element" (1997)
A cult classic today, this film was a pretty big hit when it debuted in the 90s. It's a shame, then, that it only received one video game adaptation that has since faded from most people's memories. Or maybe not, seeing as how badly received the PlayStation version was. It lacked any of the aspects that made the film so delightfully charming and odd, leaving many critics without anything positive to say. It COULD have featured some fun third-person shooting and action adventuring but instead was highlighted by awkward controls, poor level design, and an annoyingly sticky camera. This tie-in majorly failed to live up to the name of the Sci-Fi classic.
#8: "How To Train Your Dragon 2" (2014)
While the first film in the franchise also got a video game adaptation, it was the second film that could have made for a more enriching game experience due to its higher focus on action and more mature themes. Unfortunately, what we got was an underwhelming collection of flying minigames. While you can choose from an assortment of flyers and dragons, the game offers little else in terms of variety. The minigames can be fun (for a time), but there is no story mode to be found. And playing through some of the action sequences in the film, such as the climactic fight against Drago, could have been truly breathtaking.
#7: "X2" (2003) & "X-Men: The Last Stand" (2006)
While it's true that there have been successful video games featuring the X-Men, none of them have really focused on the film version of the team. That is, except for 2006's "X-Men: The Official Game," a tie-in for the second and third film in the franchise. Players mainly got to play as Wolverine, Iceman, and Nightcrawler, with other team members popping up in cameos. Not only was there a lack characters, but the game was also seen as a generic beat 'em up due to its repetitive gameplay and poor enemy A.I. With the expanded roster the film series has given us, we definitely think this one needs to be revisited.
#6: "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (1991)
As one of the greatest action movies ever made, you'd think it would have produced a pretty great game, right? Well, you'd be mistaken. There were multiple versions of this tie-in released, on consoles such as the NES, SNES, and even the Commodore 64. While there was an arcade version of the game that did well, the Nintendo versions, in particular, suffered due to their poor graphics and confusing gameplay. Many critics also criticized the game for having unnecessarily tough enemies, making the T-800 look like kind of a wimp. In an era of wonderful side-scrolling action adventure games, this game, unfortunately, failed to reach the heights of its cinematic counterpart.
#5: "Pacific Rim" (2013)
With a plot that sounds like a video game already, this digital download tie-in was a no-brainer and should've made for a successful fighting game. While it was praised for its faithfulness to its source material, the game was still bogged down by bland environments, tedious gameplay, and clunky controls. It was almost universally criticized for feeling rushed just to cash in on the popularity of the film. It even featured in-game purchases for stat upgrades for your fighters, but who would want those? Many of the fights in the film can only be defined as "epic," so it's a shame that we never got that same feeling with the video game.
#4: "Avatar" (2009)
Being one of the most popular movies of the 21st century, it was no surprise that James Cameron's "Avatar" received a video game tie-in. And depending on which version you look at, the reception was lukewarm at best. Some of the highlights of the film were its flying and action sequences, and being able to explore the vast world of Pandora could've been a treat to gamers everywhere. But outside of being able to choose to side with the Na'vi or the humans, the gameplay is pretty linear, especially within the leveling up process. Bad camera work and weak combat also stopped it from being more than just an average tie-in.
#3: "The Matrix" franchise (1999-2003)
This groundbreaking Sci-Fi classic has given fans a couple of games, though none of them quite lived up to the expectations that the original film built up. 2003's "Enter the Matrix" tied in story elements from the second and third film, though players could only play as two supporting characters and critics noted that it felt rushed and the control system couldn't match up with the fight choreography of the movie. Players were allowed to play through Neo's storyline in "The Matrix: Path of Neo," but that game also failed to set itself apart from other games in the genre. There was also the MMORPG, but that had little to do with the franchise storyline.
#2: "Iron Man" (2008)
When the first film in the MCU came out, it crushed all expectations and is still considered to be one of the best in the entire franchise. So it's pretty disappointing that it's tie-in video game rightfully received low scores across the board. The cut scenes look and sound terrible, the gameplay is frustratingly repetitive, and the enemies can be overwhelming. Even with the ability to customize the weapons on your suit, the game does little else to entice players to stick around. Gone is all of the charm that made the film such a hit, and all that people are left with is a wearisome mess.
#1: "Aliens" (1986)
Although Konami published a well-received arcade shooter based on this Sci-Fi juggernaut in 1990, this film is on this list for an altogether different game, 2013's "Aliens: Colonial Marines." The hype was pretty high for this one, as it was considered canon to James Cameron's film, taking place several months. But that hype was absolutely destroyed when the final version was released. The story actually had several continuity errors and the already unbalanced gameplay suffered from bugs, bad A.I., and unimpressive graphics. "Aliens" is a tense and brilliant blend of action and horror, while Colonial Marines is anything but.