Top 10 Greatest Female Ensemble Movies

There aren't a lot of female ensemble movies yet but these are best 10! For this list we're looking at films that have two or more main female characters who are of equal importance as one another. We've included films like Charlie's Angels, Hidden Figures, Little Women, Steel Magnolias, The Joy Luck Club, 9 to 5 and more!
#10: “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” (2005)
A great movie depicting female friendship, “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants” shows us what anyone with good friends already knows: that no matter what happens in your life, your best friends are going to be there for you, even if they have to travel halfway across the world to do it. In this comedy-drama, four teenagers part ways for the summer but are linked together by a pair of jeans that they send to one another in various parts of the world. As they go through love, loss, and loneliness, it’s not difficult to believe that those jeans really do have some kind of special magic.
#9: “Charlie’s Angels” (2000)
These three private investigators, all working for the mysterious Charlie, band together to save lives and kick butt. While each of them brings a unique set of skills to the table, together they can do everything from infiltrating high security buildings to taking down the bad guys in back alleyways. Even though they are each fully capable of taking care of themselves, it certainly helps in dangerous situations to know that someone has your back, and that’s always true with the Charlie’s Angels. This is female action comedy at its best.
#8: “9 to 5” (1980)
In “9 to 5”, three women struggle while working in an office environment where their sexist boss is constantly making life difficult for them. Whether it’s a matter of passing over the more qualified female employee for a promotion in favor of a man, or spreading rumors that he’s sleeping with one of the secretaries, there’s no doubt that Hart is a familiar figure to many. What makes this film brilliant is that the three women team up, temporarily remove their boss from the office and prove that a move toward equality isn’t only progressive, but also a massive improvement for the company.
#7: “Waiting to Exhale” (1995)
Finding love is hard, and these four women learn that you can’t always hold your breath and wait for it. Each of them faces a struggle, whether it’s being a single mother, being left for another woman, having a relationship with a man who won’t leave his wife, or having to give up on her dreams to become a wife. Ultimately, this is a movie about sacrifice and the things that women think they have to give up in order to find happiness. Thankfully, it also proves this notion wrong and each of the four characters goes on to recognise her own worth outside of her relationship with her romantic partner.
#6: “The Joy Luck Club” (1993)
“The Joy Luck Club” stands out for covering a topic that hadn’t really been explored in a major studio film. Not only does it focus specifically on the experiences of the Chinese who emigrated to America, but it also looks at the tales of the women who had to leave their homeland and who subsequently had to struggle with adapting to a foreign culture while navigating parenthood. What results is a powerful film that showcases the difficulties of parenting and the way that daughters come to understand and appreciate their mothers, and visa versa.
#5: “The Women” (2008)
This movie takes the idea of an “all female cast” to new heights. While there are no shortage of films in which no women appear, there are few that do the opposite. “The Women” is carefully crafted so that not only is there not a single male cast member, with the exception of a baby boy born at the end, but also there aren’t even any male extras! The commercially successful movie is one in which women support one another, and are not afraid to put everything on the line to follow their dreams. It touches on motherhood, marriage, career and friendship, showing that women are complex and capable in the face of adversity.
#4: “Hidden Figures” (2016)
The aptly named “Hidden Figures” documents the stories of the African American women who played an important part in the space race. It looks at the lives of three women, each of whom face discrimination and other hurdles during their time working for NASA, but who ultimately stand their ground and achieve their potential. While it might not be the most historically accurate film ever made, it raises the bar about what type of stories can and should be told, as well as pointing out the roles of women in important historical events.
#3: “Steel Magnolias” (1989)
There are few movies that feature a protagonist with diabetes, and “Steel Magnolias” does not shy away from the harsh reality of the disease. With a large cast of women, each of whom is intent on living their best life, this film is a comedy-drama about life and love and all the complexities between. It depicts the battle that Shelby must face as she gets married and then goes through the difficulties of pregnancy, which are compounded by her health problems. At times hopeful, at others heartbreaking, this movie proves that women can be tough as steel, and as fragile as magnolias all at the same time.
#2: “Bridesmaids” (2011)
Weddings can bring out the worst in people, and often the lead-up to them is fraught with social drama. In this hilarious comedy, competition between the maid of honor and one of the bridesmaids takes center stage as the planning of the wedding is almost derailed. With disaster after disaster, something gives when maid of honor Annie realises that her rival has stolen all of her ideas and is taking credit for organising various pre-wedding events. While it might seem that this movie is just another film pitting women against other women, it redeems itself with the honesty of its characters and the side-splitting humor.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are some honorable mentions:
“Now and Then” (1995)
“Mean Girls” (2004)
“Clueless” (1995)
#1: “Little Women” (1994)
It might be difficult to accept that a film adaptation of Louisa May Alcott’s novel, which captured the imagination of generations of readers, could do the book justice, but this movie certainly proves that translating a story from one medium to another can add more depth. With a fabulous cast who bring the much loved March family to life, this family drama chronicles their lives during in the time of the American Civil War. The story is an intimate one, and this works in its favor, as the characters are given room to grow and we, the audience, come to love them as if they were our own family.