Top 10 Hated Anime That Are Now Loved

#10: “Digimon Frontier” (2002-03)
No Digimon? No problem! In one of the franchise’s biggest departures, this fourth iteration of the Digidestined were not given any digital partners, having the kids themselves transform into Digimon. This didn’t sit too well with some who found the connection between partners the highlight of the series. In its absence, Frontier went out of its way to deepen the lore, bring some creativity to its fight scenes, and deliver some of the best Digivolutions the franchise has ever produced! No wonder so many consider it a sleeper hit.
#9: “Mr. Tonegawa: Middle Management Blues” (2018)
Kaiji may have had its lighter moments, but it in no way could be considered a comedy. This spin off is unabashedly a comedy, which is crazy considering it focuses on one of the series’ signature villains as he tries to manage working for a psychotic chairman. It’s such a deviation from the original it rubbed plenty of fans the long way. Trading in life-or-death gambles for twitter escapades does seem like a bit of a step down. Outside of the tonal shift, the series itself proved to be pretty solid due to an oddly charming sense of humour. It's almost enough to make you forget that time Tonegawa got set on fire.
#8: “Fairy Tail” (2009-19)
This series has always been contentious among fans of fantasy-style shounen, and while some have never quite veered away from hating on Natsu and the rest, the Grand Magic Games and Final Season did a wonderful job at helping Fairy Tail carve out identity. It was a bit of an uphill battle though, since there was a time where it was not so lovingly referred to as “Bleach Piece” by the masses. That Gildarts/Shanks comparison didn’t help matters either. Either way, when people actually gave the series a try they realized its hotblooded fight scenes and genuinely lovable cast made it stand out from the rest!
#7: “Beastars” (2019-)
It wasn’t so much the 3D CGI that had fans turning their noses up, it was more mainly the Zootopia vibes, some even considering it bait for furries. Oh, how wrong they were. Legoshi and Haru’s struggle to navigate a world of beasts dominated by prejudice, cravings, murder, and lust is fascinating, especially when all those aspects start blending together. It doesn’t hold back on its social commentary, its cast are painfully (and ironically) human, and by the end will have you rooting for an innocent wolf boy to romance a promiscuous bunny.
#6: “Arifureta: From Commonplace to World’s Strongest” (2019-20)
You can’t deny the trashiness of this series. It’s got terrible CGI, so much edge you’re liable to cut yourself on it, and hits every single trope when it comes to the monster girl harem genre. So, what changed peoples’ minds? Well…its trashy, got so much edge you’llcut yourself and got a monster girl harem. It’s such a shameless power fantasy, what with a one-eyed gunslinger shooting giant monsters while holding a vendetta against the world, you can’t help but be swept up by it. The fact it’s getting a second season is proof enough!
#5: “Higurashi When They Cry – Gou” (2020-)
There was a lot of hype going into this one when people realized it was a sequel, after all it had been years since the last instalment of this time-twisting, gore-feast. Who knew what carnage it would bring? Well, any thoughts of that were shot down when fans began to realise that Gou was retreading old ground. The idea of this being a slightly shinier remake didn’t sit too well with people, at least until it finished the recap…and became an ACTUAL sequel to the original. Its totally insane but somehow works for a franchise as messed up as this one, and fans have been riding the murder train ever since!
#4: “Dragon Ball Super” (2015-18)
Expectations could not be higher for an official sequel to Dragon Ball Z. Following on from the brilliant Battle of Gods movie, there was no reason for this not to succeed. And then the animation happened. Goku’s fight with Beerus was shockingly atrocious, and put the future of the series into question. While there were a few hiccups down the line, many would agree that as soon as they got to the Goku Black saga it was awesome! Given how Goku unlocking Ultra Instinct literally broke the internet, we’d say Super redeemed itself twice over.
#3: “Yu-Gi-Oh GX” (2004-08)
Jaden Yuki and his merry adventures at Duel Academy certainly seemed like a step down when compared to the outings of the original King of Games. The fact there’s a Duel Academy in the first place was already a tough pill to swallow, and the opening arcs weren’t exactly that impressive. However, by the time the evil spirits, supreme kings and other end of the world shenanigans started to crop up, the series finally found its feet. Even Jaden and his “radical bro” mentality started to become endearing after a while! The monster cards were pretty sweet too!
#2: “Lucky Star” (2007)
Nowadays we all know this series as one of the quintessential slice of life comedies, filled to the brim with quickfire, low-key gags courtesy of the savage that is Konata. However, during its infancy, there was a lot of disappointment voiced by the fans. The jokes were decent but the direction in the opening episodes were…lofty at best. So much so that the director was replaced! Whatever the new blood changed must have worked since episode four and onwards caused Lucky Star’s popularity to explode.
#1: “Black Clover” (2017-)
Once upon a time this series was the unwanted step-child of the shounen genre. It brought little new to the table, the first thirty episodes were slow-paced, and the animation wasn’t exactly the best. Then everything changed. Maybe Pierrot decided to up their game, maybe it was the source material’s developing narrative, but whatever it was something clicked, and before everyone knew it Asta’s journey to become the Wizard King was one of the best modern battle shows out there. The quality of its fights, the fun of its characters, the slickness of its pacing, almost overnight Black Clover went golden.