Top 10 Hilarious Jimmy Fallon Show Moments

Who cares about the monologue when you've got a lip sync battle? Welcome to and today we're counting down our picks for the Top 10 Hilarious Jimmy Fallon Show Moments.
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Who cares about the monologue when you’ve got a lip sync battle? Welcome to and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Hilarious Jimmy Fallon Show Moments.
For this list, we're picking the moments that made us laugh the most.
#10: Jimmy Interviews ‘Khaleesi’
Jimmy rose to fame as a member of “SNL,” and made close friends with some pretty famous names along the way, so it’s always a riot when an old cast mate makes an appearance on his show. Things get particularly giggly when the queen of awkward comedy herself, Kristen Wiig, sits down for an interview. A recurring “Tonight Show” bit sees Wig pose and interview as a famous character – the only problem is she knows nothing about them. Here, Kristen dons hair extensions, royalty-inspired dress, and shoulder-dragon to become “Game of Thrones’” Daenerys Targaryen, hilariously stumbling through questions about Ms. Stormborn. Her answers are way off, but at least they have us on the floor laughing.
#9: Jimmy Has His Ear Pierced by Harrison Ford
If one thing holds true, it’s that Jimmy Fallon is up for ANYTHING if it makes for an entertaining show. In a moment from “Late Night” he’ll surely never forget, Jimmy throws his body on the line, handing Harrison Ford a needle to actually pierce Fallon’s ear on television. The brilliance of the sketch lies in its balance of honesty and showmanship. Fallon is quite clearly legitimately scared, shaking and sweating profusely, while Harrison is as cool as Han Solo, torturing Jimmy and playing up the crowd. Fallon, ever the entertainer, manages to make a few jokes throughout his surgery… well, between the tears.
#8: Bradley Cooper and Jimmy Can’t Stop Laughing
Even the biggest Fallon fans will concede that “The Tonight Show” host isn’t exactly the best when it comes to interviewing guests, but even in weakness he can still bring the laughs. In what should have been a pretty standard interview, Jimmy sat down with Bradley Cooper to discuss his role in the Broadway show, “The Elephant Man.” There was no game set up, no performance or sketch, but there was one catch: each wore a football fan visor with silly wigs attached. Despite their best attempts to get serious, neither Cooper nor Fallon could get over the ridiculous gear the other sported, breaking down in giggle-fits throughout the interview.
#7: Ew! with Seth Rogen and Zac Efron
Can someone tell us why Zac Efron is so attractive even when dressed up as a teen girl? Actually, we’ll get to that in a minute… One of Fallon’s most popular recurring sketches is “Ew!” He’s had stars like Taylor Swift test her acting chops, and while Ariana Grande had a particularly fun appearance, none top Rogen and Efron. As usually, Jimmy is fully committed to his character, Sara, but the hilarity comes from Rogen and Efron. Rogen, stuffed into an ill-fitting dress, sees his chest hair and thick beard proudly on display, while Efron, channeling his “High School Musical” days, fits the role perfectly. Ew?! Well, maybe, but they do take a sidesplitting selfie.
#6: “Whip My Hair” with ‘Neil Young’ and Bruce Springsteen
Jimmy is a man of many talents – more than a jack-of-all-trades, he masters them too. Among those talents are a great ear for music, an extensive arsenal of impressions, and a penchant for creativity. In this performance, under a strategic lone spotlight, Jimmy dons hat, wig, and jacket, taking the stage as Neil Young to sing a folk-rock inspired version of Willow Smith’s “Whip My Hair.” Jimmy’s impression is spot-on, the song is impressively orchestrated, and the crowd loves it. Fallon ups the ante when, halfway through the performance, Bruce Springsteen – the Boss himself – joins Jimmy on stage to finish up the song. We only wish they would have whipped their hair!
#5: Jimmy Fallon Blew a Chance to Date Nicole Kidman
During a “Tonight Show” interview, Jimmy and Nicole Kidman decide to recount the story of how they first met. As Fallon would soon find out, his version of the story and Kidman’s were quite different. To Jimmy, the story begins innocently with a friend telling him he was bringing Kidman to Jimmy’s apartment, but Nicole quickly asserts that she had a crush on Fallon, and that she actually viewed the meeting as a date. This moment is hilarious because Jimmy clearly had no idea she was interested in him, realizing it right there during the interview. Blushing and laughing, Fallon realized he blew a chance with the beautiful Academy Award winning Aussie.
#4: Point Pleasant Police Department with Bill Hader
Like Kristen Wiig, Bill Hader is another friend from Jimmy’s “SNL” days. They must have a close relationship, because there’s no way Fallon could have talked Hader into this outrageous sketch otherwise. The premise is simple: with an ‘80s cop show as the setting, Jimmy and Bill take turns cramming their mouths full of food before spraying each other with the chewed up bits as they come up with every excuse to emphasize the projective letter “P”. Childish? Maybe, but it keeps you laughing from start to finish. Each takes pleasure in preparing final blows, while the other just has to stand there in nervous anticipation. It’s a perfectly presented piece of a playful prop performance.
#3: The Tight Pants Song with Will Ferrell
This recurring sketch may be one of Jimmy’s strangest, but with Will Ferrell in tow, and Jimmy’s commitment at 100%, the “Tight Pants” song and dance gets the laughter rolling. Unbelievably goofy, Ferrell comes out, plastered smile on his face, dressed in ridiculous ‘70s attire, boasting about the tightness and popularity of his white pants. Jimmy joins in on the jingle a few moments later, similarly praising his tight white pants. The duo soon spiral down into a battle of words over whose pants are the tightest and the most talked about, and in classic Will Ferrell fashion, things… get... serious. Ferrell’s deadpan humor is top notch, leaving the audience, but somehow not his pants, in splits.
#2: Lip Sync Battle with Emma Stone
A large contributor to Fallon’s success as a late night host has been his viral fame; he has a knack for creating content that takes the Internet by storm, and no sketch captures that more than his Lip Sync Battles. While it was special to see Jimmy, Lip Sync Battle executive producer Stephen Merchant, and A-Lister Joseph Gordon-Levitt duke it out in a wild three-way fight, it’s his battle with the wonderful Emma Stone, which has over 75 million views, that dominated the Internet. While we’ve come to expect the best out of Jimmy, it was Emma that killed the game with an all-out rendition of DJ Khaled’s “All I Do Is Win.” Just listen to her go.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Emotional Interview with Robert Downey Jr.
Slow Jamming the News with President Barack Obama
Will Ferrell and Chad Smith Drum-Off
#1: History of Rap with Justin Timberlake
Between his tenure on “SNL” and his ongoing run as a late night host, Jimmy’s best-friendship with music superstar Justin Timberlake has served up some amazing skits, but none seem to get a crowd roaring with laughter more than the duo teaching the history of rap. Fallon and Timberlake’s chemistry is uncanny and in sync like, well, NSYNC. The two choreograph each song to roll right into the next, and bust out dance moves to fit the mood. With The Roots playing each hit live in the room, and the Fallon/Timberlake all-star team performing, Jimmy keeps an endless stream of laughs coming whether it’s on “Late Night” or “The Tonight Show.”
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