Top 10 Hit By A Bus Scenes in Movies

Always look both ways before you cross the street! Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 hit by a bus scenes in movies. For this list, we're taking a look at scenes where unsuspecting characters come face to face with buses, whether they're played for drama, comedy, or a little bit of both.
Special thanks to our user MikeMJPMUNCH for submitting the idea using our interactive suggestion tool at /suggest
##10: Rocket Launcher
“The Tournament” (2009)
Caught in the middle of a brutal battle to the death where the world’s toughest criminals are competing for £10 million – and their lives – innocent Father MacAvoy is out of his element. After he accidentally swallows one of the tournament’s tracking devices, he ends up with a bunch of hardened killers hunting him – including “Long Shot” Topuzov. Topuzov seems invincible as he roars down the highway on a motorcycle, carrying a rocket launcher. But he should’ve pulled over before trying to fire! Just as he prepares to shoot, a bus crashes into him, sending the rocket flying haphazardly into the air.
##9: Come At Me, Bus
“Day Watch” (2006)
If you must get hit by a bus, might as well do it in style. In “Day Watch,” the forces of good and evil are at odds, in the form of super powered humans called The Others. This showdown sees Svetlana, a Light Other, attempt to save her friend by taking on the Dark Others herself. She magically causes a bus to appear and crash into her opponent. But Zavulon is the immortal leader of the Dark Others, and can’t be stopped by something as pedestrian as a bus. In one of his most badass moments ever, Zavulon stands in its path, arms spread, roaring, waiting for it to hit him – and is some kinda pissed when it does.
##8: Bounce It Off
“Bubble Boy” (2001)
Jimmy Livingston has lived his whole life inside a bubble, so he doesn’t know how to function in the real world. On his first journey outside, he wants to take thebus, but he never learned that you’re supposed to look before crossing the street. As a result, he’s hit by a bus while waiting for the bus. Luckily, his bubble suit is good for more than just protecting him from germs. Instead of dying from the bus crash, Jimmy just bounces back a few feet. Definitely a creative take on the hit-by-a-bus trope!
##7: Satan Rules
“End of Days” (1999)
The end is nigh, and Satan has possessed a human man in order to walk the Earth. Probably not the best time to be wearing a “Satan Rules” t-shirt. That is, unless you want to attract His Satanic Majesty’s undue attention. If Satan comments on your choice of attire, you really shouldn’t drop an F-bomb and skateboard away. Alas, the skateboarder in “End of Days” makes just that mistake, and the Father of Lies, ever proud and vengeful, decides to have him run over by a bus. See youin hell, kid.
##6: Apex Predator
“Chronicle” (2012)
After coming across a mysterious crystal, Andrew, Matt and Steve gain telekinetic powers. While Matt wants to use his powers for good, Andrew uses it to get revenge on his enemies. Cue the telekinetic battle over the city. Having trained their powers to move bigger and heavier objects, Andrew is now so strong he can make a bus appear out of nowhere and crash straight into his adversary – while the two are floating in mid-air. Maybe he really is the apex predator he claims to be...
##5: Red Light
“Margaret” (2011)
This is not a sudden moment of shock or humor, or a device to kill off an established character; it’s the event that kicks off this movie’s entire plot. Lisa Cohen is your average 17-year-old, more concerned with where to find a cowboy hat in Manhattan than the rules of the road. When she spots a bus driver wearing just the kind of hat her friend is looking for, she tries to get his attention. Distracted, the bus driver runs a red and hits a pedestrian. The pedestrian dies in Lisa’s arms, severely traumatizing the teenager, and setting up the rest of the film, which explores how the characters deal with what happened.
##4: Jungle Freak
“Mean Girls” (2004)
Regina George, the quintessential mean queen bee, has been pushing people around throughout the whole movie. She lies, starts rumors, feeds on insecurities, and generally bullies everyone in school. When it’s revealed that Cady, the new girl, has only become her friend to take her down, Regina slowly crosses the street, insulting Cady with every step. It’s already established that the street is a dangerous place, because earlier in the movie Cady barely avoids getting hit by the school bus. It’s still a shock, though, when the bus slams into Regina mid-sentence. Don’t worry, though, she survived...somehow!
##3: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
“Ghost Town” (2008)
Frank is having a very successful day. First he manages to convince his wife that he isn’t cheating on her, despite ample evidence to the contrary. Then he narrowly avoids being crushed by a falling air conditioner. But that is where his luck runs out, because he has to step backwards into the street to avoid the AC unit. Just as he starts to brag about the near miss, a bus runs him down. That’s not the last we see of him, though, as he then becomes a ghost to haunt Dr. Bertram Pincus – who also later gets hit by a bus.
##2: Flesh-Eating Virus
“Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever” (2009)
The first movie in this franchise saw Paul left lying in a stream, infected with a terrible flesh-eating virus that killed most of his friends. As the sequel begins, he drags himself out of the woods, leaving a trail of body parts and skin as he goes. This is the opening scene, so it sets the tone for the rest of the movie, where the mysterious ailment makes its way through the human population even more. Paul finally makes it to the road and we think he’ll make it to safety… until a schoolbus full of high school students comes out of nowhere and practically vaporizes him. Welcome to “Cabin Fever 2.”
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
- The Power of Love
“Scary Movie 4” (2006)
- Nothing Can Stop This Kid
“The Comebacks” (2007)
- Fatty and the Brain
“Accident” (2009)
- Cans!
“Speed” (1994)
- On a Mission
“Little Nicky” (2000)
#1: Moving On
“Final Destination” (2000)
Terry and her friends survived the crash of Flight 180, but now death is on the hunt, killing them off one innocent teenager at a time. Having just learned that death is big on foreshadowing, Alex sees a reflection of a bus in a window, but no bus driving past – so, we know something bad is going to happen. In spite of that ominous clue, Terry is not about to let some dumb curse ruin her life; she is moving on. In this beautifully ironic scene that’s as shocking as it is hilarious, Terry is midway through telling off her boyfriend with a poor word choice, right as a bus slams into her.
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