Top 10 Legendary How I Met Your Mother Lines We Use All the Time

#10: “What Up?”
There’s a “What Up” for practically every occasion. Need a casual greeting? Just chuck ’em a “What Up.” Want to flag a double entendre? Throw in a “What Up!” Want to amp up the awesomeness? What do you say? Exactly! In a nutshell, those two little words can pretty much cover it all. “HIMYM” fans have seamlessly woven this into their everyday talk, helping us nail various points (or sneak in a few cheeky innuendos). Also, when you hear a “What Up,” you know a high five is just around the corner. Barney has given us so many variations on the classic gesture, and we all have our favorites.
#9: “Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M.”
Late-night decisions, eh? How many of us have made one of those only to regret it the following day? But thanks to Ted’s mom, we now have a golden rule we repeat that saves us from doing anything stupid or shameful. By 2 A.M, our decision-making skills have clocked out, signaling it’s time for us to do the same! Mrs. Mosby’s advice probably spared us many needless purchases, a few too many drinks, and some questionable swipe rights. Too bad Ted ignores her wisdom when he pays Robin a late-night visit despite being in a long-distance relationship with Victoria. His hard-learned lesson is a cautionary tale that ensures it’s lights out for us by 2 A.M.
#8: “Lawyered”
You don’t have to be a lawyer like Marshall to use this one. Ever used logic to checkmate your opponent in an argument? Well, why not double down on your triumph with this lawyerly mic drop? Of course, it does help if you have Big Fudge, later Judge Fudge, and eventually Fudge Supreme’s credentials. Who’s going to object to getting lawyered by an actual lawyer? That’s especially true if you’ve got a truth-twisting friend like Barney. It’s a cuttingly witty way to end any argument, making folks think twice about challenging you if it means getting taken down by this epic final zinger. Hey, Judge Fudge, how do you feel about the fans adopting your catchphrase?
#7: “Right? Right?”
You know that feeling when you’re amped up or fired up about something, and then someone else chimes in with the same excitement? You’re both on the same wavelength, and it’s like, “Right? Right?” It’s perhaps one of “How I Met Your Mother”’s more underrated running gags, usually initiated by Ted, but it’s an effective way for people to voice their shared appreciation. It’s also a nifty tool to drive a point home, get reassurance, or casually inform people that you know you look good. Just a heads up, though — you might end up in a loop with other like-minded enthusiasts, and nobody wants that. “Right? Right?”
#6: Saluting the Majors, Generals, Corporals, Colonels & Privates
Quick, don’t even think about it; what’s your gut instinct when we say general knowledge, major pleasure, or that we have a kernel stuck in our teeth? If you just saluted each of those while parroting them back, then there’s a good chance you’re a major “How I Met Your Mother” fan (see what we did there?). It starts as a private joke (oops, we did it again) between Robin and Ted when they first date and later helps them reestablish their platonic bond after breaking up. Just know that once you start doing it, you won’t be able to stop. Sure, it might earn you some major eye rolls, but general laughter is guaranteed.
#5: “True Story”
While we'd generally recommend steering clear of many of Barney's so-called life lessons, there's one that might be worth following. Yes, he arguably overuses the word “awesome,” but couldn't we all use just a little more awesomeness in our lives? True story. Barney's known for spinning tall tales throughout the series, whether about his life or rewriting history. He typically ends these yarns with a heartfelt and almost convincing “True Story.” We're not suggesting you take as much creative liberty with reality as he does. But come on, ending your story with his iconic phrase just adds a little extra oomph to even the most mundane anecdotes. True story.
#4: “Challenge Accepted”
If there’s one thing Barney can’t resist, it’s a challenge, even if no one actually, you know, challenges him. Still, the gang delights in his inability to resist even the wildest tasks. While most of us might not take on such offbeat missions, we’re grateful to Barney for this catchphrase. Declaring “challenge accepted” turns even the most boring jobs into epic adventures. Assemble flat-pack furniture? Challenge accepted! Unload the dishwasher? Challenge accepted! Grab some diapers and samosas? You get the gist. Suddenly, those tasks feel way more exciting, “Right? Right?” We challenge you to find a single chore that can’t be hyped up with those two words.
#3: The Bro Code
We’re not saying that Barney necessarily invented the Bro Code, but it seems like he’s the one who coined the term! It’s like a rulebook or guidelines for friendships, typically aimed at guys, but we think it works beyond gender lines. Essentially, it’s a great way to avoid any friendship drama — stick to the code, and you’re golden! While we’re talking about Barney’s life hacks, have you ever tried out one of his theories? The Platinum Rule? The Three Days Rule? The Lemon Law? Perhaps you also tell your friends that you “only have one rule” practically every other day. They’re not all winners, but there’s virtually a Barney-ism for every situation.
#2: “Haaaaave You Met Ted?”
Meeting new people is hard, even in the digital age! Wouldn’t you rather bypass all that awkwardness and just go for a “How I Met Your Mother” style introduction instead? It’s simple, direct, and if they laugh, you already know you have something in common! Perhaps you’ve even used the classic phrase to help a friend; you’re at a networking event or social gathering where they don’t really know anyone else. So, you whip out an elongated “Haaaaave you met” and help two people get acquainted. While it may not suit the more reserved personality types, we have it on good authority that this method has an 83% success rate (if you know, you know).
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“Suit Up!”
Nothing Suits Us Like a Suit... True Story
We Said It, You Know What You Gotta Do!
“Nobody Asked You...”
A Moment of Silence for All the Patrices Out There
“You Sonuvab*tch”
When You Use This Line, Do You Pair It with Lily’s “You’re Dead to Me” Glare?
“Just... O.K.?”
Of Course We Included This One Because Just... O.K.?
#1: “Legen... Wait for It... Dary”
Barney sure finds a lot of things legendary — like a lot. This is perhaps his best-known and most used catchphrase, and definitely one that’s caught on with the fans. Unlike Barney, we get it: not every day is going to be legendary, but that just makes the ones that are so much better. So, we’re willing to “wait for it” and truly soak in those epic moments. Whether we’re cheering our own wins, jazzing up the mundane, or describing something mind-blowing, it has become our go-to adjective. Barney’s wise words remind us that the best moments are the ones you enjoy with your friends. He’s inspired us to find the legendary gems in our everyday lives.
Which “How I Met Your Mother” line do you often find yourself quoting? Haaaaave you seen the comment section where you can share it with us?