Top 10 Lego Sets Based on TV Shows

#10: “Avatar: The Last Airbender”
With only 61 episodes under its belt, “Avatar: The Last Airbender” was a show that left a lasting legacy thanks to its unique stories. From comics to novels to a live action movie, this beloved franchise gave us themes not often found in programming aimed at a younger audience. In 2006, LEGO released a 722 piece “Fire Nation Ship” and a 400 piece “Air Temple,” making them the only two sets based on the now defunct series. Neither of the two are very large, but they still manage to pack plenty of detail for fans.
#9: “The Flintstones”
The mid-20th century was a completely different time when it came to animated programming. Saturday mornings were the preferred time slot for all things cartoon related, and kids got up early on the weekend just to watch the latest adventures of “Bugs Bunny” and Co. However, in 1960, “The Flintstones” became the first animated program to run in primetime. It was then we learned all about Fred, Wilma, Barney & Betty and the adventures of living in the literal Stone Age. Surprisingly enough, it took more than 50 years before “The Flintstones” would be made into LEGO. Released in March of 2019, the set shows the four title characters, a home, and Fred’s infamous car. Yabba dabba do indeed!
#8: “The Powerpuff Girls”
Kindergarten can be tough for youngsters. Getting used to school, meeting teachers, and making new friends can certainly make any kid feel a bit anxious. It only gets more complicated when you’ve got superpowers and really need to find Blankie. Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup all got the LEGO blessing in 2017. It started with a minifig set, but then expanded with the “Bubbles Playground” and “Mojo Jojo” set. Released over the course of two years, these small sets were filled with lots of color, and were not overly complex for youngsters to enjoy.
#7: “Dr. Who”
For a show with over 850 episodes, you would hope they earned the distinction of having their own LEGO set. Released in 2015, this “Dr. Who” themed set gives us a glimpse at a LEGO TARDIS and console room. It comes equipped with two versions of the doctor himself, two daleks, a weeping angel, and Clara Oswald. At 623 pieces, it’s small enough to build quickly, but has more than enough detail to represent the best parts of the iconic television show. It’s made even better having come from the LEGO Ideas brand, an initiative that takes user-submitted LEGO builds and turns them into reality. Nice going!
#6: “Voltron”
Depending on what day you tuned in, you may have seen vastly different versions of “Voltron” in the 1980s. The “lion force” and the “vehicle team” Voltron were two very distinct versions of the robotic hero. This came from the fact that both were based on different Japanese TV shows that had been brought to the US. It was the “lion force” Voltron that became a success in the US, even spawning several different versions, including a Netflix reboot series. In 2018, the “Defender of the Universe” found itself available as a 2,321 piece LEGO set featuring all five lions, not to mention Voltron’s massive sword. Defender of the universe? Absolutely!
#5: “Adventure Time”
Having been on the air for eight years, “Adventure Time” found a connection with audiences worldwide. Unwilling to stick to the typical happy-go-lucky stories, this show seeped its way into far more serious issues, while still managing to keep it light. For the “Adventure Time” LEGO set, we got a collection of the show’s notable characters, but not in the traditional minifig form. Jake & Finn, Princess Bubblegum, Gunter, and even Lady Rainicorn, all get representation in this 2017 release. We love the inclusion of Marceline and her guitar. Plus, the Ice King’s frosty hands give us the chills.
#4: “Stranger Things”
One of the ongoing plot points within Netflix’s “Stranger Things” is the alternate universe known as “The Upside Down”. LEGO opted to immortalize this alternate dimension by creating a set around the Byers home, but with a literal twist. The entire set can actually be flipped upside down to reveal the “alternate” version from the other dimension. The pieces are mirrored, but given slight differences to illuminate which side is which. It has plenty of detail, includes eight minifigs and a standalone version of Hopper’s police vehicle. This set is definitely no strange thing, it’s incredible!
#3: “Scooby-Doo”
It’s almost unfathomable to think that Scooby-Doo has been around since 1969. With multiple animated shows and movies under his, err, collar, it’s surprising that it took so long for LEGO to put out a set for this iconic pooch and his mystery solving friends. It’s primarily focused around the gang’s famous Mystery Machine van, but does include a spooky tree, a sandwich, and a scary zombie. At 301 pieces, it’s admittedly pretty small. And while it’s disappointing that neither Daphne or Velma are included, we will, however, give extra points for not including Scrappy-Doo.
#2: “The Simpsons”
Like some of the other animated shows on this list, “The Simpsons” have been around for a long time, making it odd LEGO didn’t deliver sooner. But, two notable sets based on the show have been released since 2014. The first being “The Simpsons” house itself. A little more than a year later, a set for Apu’s Kwik-E-Mart emerged. Both sets boast more than 2,000 pieces and come with six minifigs depicting characters from the show. The store set is more self-contained though. As for the home set, we love seeing Bart’s skateboard ramp and Homer’s BBQ included!
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
This Set Certainly Isn’t Made of Nothing
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Cowabunga! There’s So Many of These Sets
Justice League
The Gangs All Here
The Big Bang Theory
Even Sheldon Would Enjoy This Brick Version
#1: “Friends”
It may have taken until 2019, but LEGO finally brick-ified the TV show “Friends” with the release of the “Central Perk” set. All six characters from the principal cast can be seen at their favorite coffee shop. Rachel’s serving coffee, Phoebe is on guitar, and even Gunther can be spotted behind the counter. There’s plenty of nice little touches for fans, including potted flowers, and even an espresso machine. LEGO also released an “apartment set” in June 2021 featuring both main apartments on the show. These creations are topped off with large lights hung on either side, reminding builders that they are indeed building a set - a TV set that is.