Top 10 Likeliest Theories About Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Everyone's talking about the new Star Wars movie, and everyone's got their own fan theory, but out of all of them, which ones are actually likely to come true? WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Most Realistic Fan Theories! But what will take the top spot on out list? Will it be Rey's Parentage, the Gray Jedi, or the Journal of the Whills? Watch to find out!
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This might not go the way we think, but it’s always fun to guess. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Likeliest Theories About “Star Wars: The Last Jedi.”.
For this list, we’re taking a look at theories and predictions for “Star Wars: Episode VIII” that just might come true. In case you’re not caught up on all the “Star Wars” movies, keep in mind that there may be a few spoilers ahead.
#10: Luke Will Turn to the Dark Side
One of the most popular fan theories surrounding “The Force Awakens” was that Luke Skywalker would turn to the dark side. Some even predicted that he was the one behind Kylo Ren’s mask, although that didn’t pan out. Considering how little screen time Luke got in “Episode VII,” however, his fate is still very much up in the air. “The Last Jedi” trailers have made one thing abundantly clear: Luke has been through a lot! Haunted by the past and seemingly stripped of all hope, Luke may be tempted to give in to his anger. Even if he doesn’t turn to the dark side, we’re bound to see a dark-er side of his character.
#9: Snoke is Anakin’s Father
In “The Phantom Menace,” Shmi Skywalker explains to Qui-Gon Jinn that Anakin didn’t have a father. While there are a few different ways you can read into her words, it’s widely believed that Anakin was immaculately conceived through the Force. Later, in “Revenge of the Sith,” Palpatine tells Anakin about a Dark Lord of the Sith who could manipulate midi-chlorians to create new life. According to this theory, Supreme Leader Snoke is so powerful that he was able to use the Force to impregnate Shmi. This would technically make him Anakin’s real father and Kylo Ren’s great-grandfather, tying into the Skywalker family’s long history of daddy issues.
#8: Finn is a Double Agent
In “The Last Jedi” trailer, Finn can be spotted wearing a First Order uniform. Could this mean that the former stormtrooper has teamed up again with the dark side? Well, considering that he risked everything to rescue Rey from Starkiller Base, it’s highly unlikely that Finn would turn his back on the Resistance at this point. On top of that, the First Order probably wouldn’t welcome back a traitor. Chances are that Finn is merely on an undercover mission, donning a First Order outfit to infiltrate the enemy. Whatever the reason, we can definitely count on seeing an intense showdown between Finn and his old superior, Captain Phasma.
#7: Kylo Ren Will Return to the Light
Another highlight from “The Last Jedi” trailer found Rey seemingly turning to Kylo Ren for guidance. While this may be a case of tricky editing, it could also be a sign that Rey will dabble in the dark side. Whatever path she takes, we have a feeling that Kylo is going to betray the First Order and get back in touch with Ben Solo. Seeing how he murdered his own father, many would argue that Kylo is beyond redemption. Then again, Darth Vader murdered countless innocents, yet ultimately killed the Emperor to save his son. Since Kylo’s story arc has practically paralleled his grandfather’s so far, he might see the light before it’s too late.
#6: Snoke is Darth Plagueis
This theory ties into our previous hypothesis that Snoke is Anakin Skywalker’s father. As Palpatine mentioned in “Revenge of the Sith,” Darth Plagueis was the Dark Lord who could influence midi-chlorians in ways unheard of. Plagueis has only been referenced in the “Star Wars” movies, never making an onscreen appearance… or has he? If Snoke shares the same knowledge of midi-chlorian manipulation, could he be Plagueis? Granted, Palpatine also claimed that he killed his master in his sleep. Then again, honesty was never Palpatine’s strong suit, which means that Plagueis could still be alive under the guise of Snoke. Based on his face, the Supreme Leader probably knows a thing or two about cheating death.
#5: Force-Sensitive Trees Will Have A Big Impact
In “The Clone Wars” animated series, we learn about the Great Tree that grew in the middle of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. This force-sensitive tree also played a significant role in the “Star Wars: Shattered Empire” comic series, which bridges the gap between “Return of the Jedi” and “The Force Awakens.” When the Jedi Temple was converted into the Imperial Palace, the ancient tree was removed, but two fragments remained. Luke eventually claimed one part of the tree while the other went to X-Wing pilot Shara Bey, Poe Dameron’s mother. Could this mean that one, or both, of these trees will factor into “The Last Jedi?” Footage from the trailer appears to indicate so.
#4: The Knights of Ren Are Luke’s Ex-Students
First mentioned in “The Force Awakens,” the Knights of Ren are loyal followers of Snoke. We already know that Kylo Ren is part of this organization, but could he also be the founding member? Before turning to the dark side and changing his name, Ben Solo was among a new generation of Jedi training with Luke. It’s been implied that Kylo betrayed and murdered Luke’s other Padawans, earning him the nickname of Jedi Killer. Killing a Jedi can mean multiple things, though, as Obi-Wan Kenobi demonstrated when he told Luke about his father. So maybe Kylo actually led some of his fellow students in a revolt, destroying the Jedi Order and leaving Luke broken inside.
#3: The Journal of the Whills Will Make An Impact
George Lucas originally intended the Journal of the Whills to provide a link between the “Star Wars” universe and our reality, chronicling stories that happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Although Lucas dropped this idea, the Journal became part of the official “Star Wars” canon when it was mentioned in the novelization of “The Force Awakens.” While the Journal didn’t appear in the actual film, it’s possible that we got a glimpse of it in “The Last Jedi” teaser. A brief clip reveals a shelf of ancient books, one of which possesses the Jedi symbol. Is this book the Journal of the Whills? If so, what changes will it bring?
#2: Rey is Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Granddaughter
Honestly, this entire list could’ve been dedicated to theories regarding Rey’s parentage. If we had to single out the most likely theory, it would be that Obi-Wan Kenobi is her grandfather. This would not only explain why the Force is so strong with Rey, but also offer insight into what Obi-Wan was up to during his years as a hermit. Rey’s connection to Obi-Wan was subtly hinted at during her vision in “The Force Awakens.” Both Obi-Wan actors make voiceover cameos: Alec Guinness can be heard saying, “Rey,” and Ewan McGregor states, “These are your first steps.” This seems like a pretty obvious indication that Rey has some Kenobi blood in her.
#1: Jar-Jar is the Last Jedi
Okay, okay, just kidding.
#1: Here Come The Gray Jedi
What exactly does Luke mean when he says, “it’s time for the Jedi to end?” As the film’s title suggests, we may indeed be down to the very last Jedi, but the end of this era will make way for a . . .well, new hope). It’s been speculated that Rey is the Gray Jedi, which refers to Force-users who walk a fine line between the light and dark sides. By finding middle ground, Rey could truly bring balance to the Force. “The Last Jedi” poster appears to back this theory up, as Rey drives a lightsaber between Luke and Kylo Ren. Hey, Daisy Ridley even mentioned in a Vogue interview that her favorite color is gray.