Top 10 Memorable Queer Eye Season 1 Moments

WRITTEN BY: Hannah Collins
Script written by Hannah Collins
This show will make you cry! For this list, we'll be choosing the standout moments that made us laugh and cry the most from the first season of Netflix's “Queer Eye” remake. The Fab 5 bring out the best in these men who desperately need a makeover. Whether they think they're too ugly to be fixed or not, this show shows us that with with a little self love, you can be a beautiful swan.
This show will make you cry! For this list, we'll be choosing the standout moments that made us laugh and cry the most from the first season of Netflix's “Queer Eye” remake. The Fab 5 bring out the best in these men who desperately need a makeover. Whether they think they're too ugly to be fixed or not, this show shows us that with with a little self love, you can be a beautiful swan.
#10: Neal’s Sasquatch-To-Sexy Makeover
“Saving Sasquatch”
As well as being fabulous entertainment, “Queer Eye” is a makeover show; and we want to see some ugly ducklings realize that they’ve secretly been beautiful swans this whole time. (They just didn’t know how to make their inner swan come out.) Of all the participants - or “heroes” as they’re dubbed on the show - Neal’s was by far the most dramatic. The app developer was practically a hermit when the Fab Five surprised him in the second episode. The only thing hairier than him was his dog. (His sofa was a close second.) Neal was nervous to lose his locks, but allowed grooming expert Jonathan to tame his caveman realness into hipster chic.
#9: Remington’s Time Capsule House
“The Renaissance Of Remington”
“Queer Eye” isn’t just about making over a person’s appearance - it’s about making over their whole life. And what’s bigger in a person’s life than the home they make for themselves? For episode six’s Remington, that home never really felt like his own. Passed on to him by his late grandmother, the house hadn’t been redecorated since the 1970s, and it REALLY showed. From the tacky mustard and gold color scheme, to the mural wallpaper and shag carpets, Remy’s house was a kitsch relic that belonged in a museum - not in the ownership of a young bachelor. Of course, the Fab Five were in camp heaven, with Karamo wasting no time raiding granny’s vintage wardrobe.
#8: Dancing with Firefighters
“Hose Before Bros”
The season finale gave the Fab Five a chance to let their collective hair down. And we mean that literally in the case of Jonathan. As the episode went on, unleashing the guys on a group of unsuspecting hunky firefighters ended up feeling like less of a challenge and more of a reward for a season well-done, especially when Karamo signed them up for dance lessons. What began as “Dancing With The Stars” ended up more “Magic Mike” as everyone took turns prancing, crawling and even skidding across the dance floor. We’re still not entirely sure what the point of it was but, hey, it sure was fun to watch.
#7: Making Over the Fire Station
“Hose Before Bros”
Okay, so Antoni made hot dogs, Karamo organized dance lessons, Tan bought a suit and Jonathan made facial scrubs. And what did Bobby do? Oh yeah - HE MADE OVER A FIRE STATION! Sure, it was really just the living area, but it was still an impressive feat all the same. Bobby took a drab and utilitarian breakout space and made it more beautiful and more functional at the same time. He also raised the station’s appliance game by trippling the fridges and doubling the microwaves. Considering how much time firefighters spend at work, it was nice to see the “home” put into their work-home balance. People in the life-saving business deserve as much R&R as possible.
#6: Bobby & Jonathan Schooling Tom on Stereotypes
“You Can’t Fix Ugly”
Trucker Tom was a real sweetheart in the first episode of the series. Though he was tough on the outside, it became clear from the moment the Fab Five invaded his life that he was actually a total softie. Even when Tom slipped up, his gentleness shone through. On the way to buy a new mattress, Bobby told Tom that he was married, to which Tom innocently asked him who was the “man” and who was the “woman” in the relationship. Bobby would have been within his rights to be angered by this heteronormative assumption, but instead, he and Jonathan patiently broke down why that question was offensive to Tom, who listened with equal patience.
#5: Bobby Getting Real About Growing Up Gay and Christian
“Camp Rules”
Although “Queer Eye” is mainly here for frothy entertainment value, the remake didn’t shy away from real issues that affect the LGBTQ community. In the fifth episode, we met “hero” Bobby Camp, a hardworking father of six. Bobby was also a devoutly conservative Christian, something that the Fab Five’s Bobby could relate to. “Queer Eye”’s Bobby revealed that he’d had a similar upbringing, but came to feel alienated by the homophobic beliefs held by some in the Church. Bobby Camp later assured Bobby - and the rest of the Fab Five - that they are loved in his house.
#4: Karamo And Cory’s Heart-To-Heart
“Dega Don’t”
The third episode of the new “Queer Eye” has proved to be its most divisive. The episode begins with the Fab Five being pulled over by a cop, which, with Karamo in the driving seat, made both the group - and viewers - feel very tense. This was quickly revealed to be a prank, as the cop was actually the one who’d signed up the episode’s “hero,” Cory, for the show. The stunt also paved the way for an important discussion later on between Karamo and Cory, who was also a cop, about racial profiling, police brutality and Black Lives Matter. Though Cory didn’t quite concede to Karamo, he did listen, and they parted on good terms.
#3: Tom Reduced to Tears
“You Can’t Fix Ugly”
As soon as Tom claimed “you can’t fix ugly,” our hearts melted at his lack of self-confidence. Through the bushy beard, jorts and skin problems, it was clear that this lonely trucker was a diamond in the rough. (VERY rough if the butt-groove in his recliner was anything to go by.) Though they worked hard to sand down Tom’s deceptively hard exterior by revamping his home and giving that beard a much-needed trim, the most important lesson the Fab Five wanted Tom to learn was that there was nothing more attractive than confidence. And, when they succeeded in giving Tom his mojo back, he, like us, was overcome with emotion.
#2: Tom Reconnecting With His Ex
“You Can’t Fix Ugly”
Tom, again. Hey, the debut episode alone gave us almost too many great moments to choose from! In addition to seeing Tom giggling like a schoolgirl while mattress shopping with Bobby and Jonathan, nothing made us punch the air with joy more than seeing Tom successfully woo his ex-wife. Tom was actually quite the player, with not one but three ex-wives, Abby being the most recent. When he revealed that he maintains a friendship with Abby, the Fab Five made it their mission to reunite the couple, as Tom was clearly not over her. By the end of the episode it was mission complete.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Remington’s Mother Is Delightful
“The Renaissance Of Remington”
Joe Scores A Date
“Below Average Joe”
Hosing Down the Firefighters
“Hose Before Bros”
#1: AJ Finally Coming Out to His Stepmother
“To Gay Or Not Too Gay”
This episode broke with tradition by making over a gay man (that’s why the “...For The Straight Guy” was dropped from the show’s title). Though AJ had a serious boyfriend, the Fab Five discovered that he was still living a semi-closeted life, as he had yet to come out to his stepmother. They decided that a party, mixing AJ’s closest friends, his boyfriend and his family, would be the perfect way to bring his two lives together. The moment of truth packed an extra emotional punch as AJ chose to reveal the truth to his stepmom by reading out a letter he’d written to his deceased father. He cried, she cried . . . we ALL cried.