Top 10 Most Awkward Moments on The View
![Top 10 Most Awkward Moments on The View](/uploads/blipthumbs/MM-TV-Top10-Most-Awkward-Moments-on-The-View_E1O3R2-ALT-1W_480.webp)
#10: “If You Can’t Handle a Fart, You Can’t Handle Me.”
Whoopi does a whoopee. Not just once but twice. Host Whoopi Goldberg has never let live television blunt the course of nature. During Claire Danes’ appearance on ‘The View’ in 2011, some unexpected wind sent the audience into hysterics. Serious talk cut short when Goldberg quipped: [SB: “Excuse me, I think I just blew a little frog outta there.”] After another incident, Goldberg explained that she was covering up for an unplanned sound effect, but then unabashedly embraced it: [SB: “If you can’t handle a fart, you can’t handle me.”]! It was maybe a little uncomfortable for some at the table, judging from the sheafs of paper being fanned, but she certainly did own it.
#9: Raven Symoné Takes Pause
Working as a talk show host is not always an enviable job. No one’s perfect and you’re bound to misstep, leaving room for what you say to come back to haunt you. Host Symoné felt the sting first-hand when notorious political commentator Ann Coulter returned to ‘The View’ in 2015 to promote her latest book. Known for stirring the pot with hateful rhetoric, Coulter came prepared to attack. Symoné took the bait, seeking to stamp out Coulter’s inflammatory statements on immigration with: [SB: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”] Coulter’s response? [SB: “I’m at least talking about policy. You have a position on what people’s names should be. ‘Watermelondrea’. I mean, you’ll insult people for their names.”] Symoné quickly chose silence, realizing it was perhaps her only option. The awkward look on her face says it all.
#8: Whoopi Goldberg Defends Mel Gibson
In 2010, heinous audio recordings were released of actor Mel Gibson verbally abusing his then-partner, Oksana Grigorieva. It was far from the first time he’d made discriminating comments, and public response was unanimous in condemning his threatening and racist language. Naturally, it was discussed on ‘The View’, with Joy Behar taking a firm ‘buh-bye’ stance on the matter. However, co-host Goldberg had her own take to contribute in his defense, arguing that she knew Gibson personally and he wasn’t racist. Standing at complete odds to the reality of his words, this was an awkward statement to make. Behar responded succinctly, saying: [SB: “Well, that language certainly sounded racist to me.”]
#7: The Miss America Backlash
Joy faded quickly after she and co-host Michelle Collins made fun of a Miss America candidate in 2015. Nurse Kelley Johnson, aka Miss Colorado, took to the stage for the talent portion of the pageant to speak passionately about her work with an Alzheimer’s patient. What she didn’t expect was that heartfelt disclosure would lead to primetime mockery of her wearing a stethoscope ... The backlash was instant, with online users rushing to champion a burgeoning #nursesunite movement. Advertisers Johnson & Johnson and Eggland’s Best pulled their spots in support. Collins and Behar walked their comments back, with Behar admitting she thought the outfit had been a “costume”. SB [“One thing that became abundantly clear this week was that nurses wear stethoscopes…”] Yes. Yes, they do.
#6: Joy Behar Didn’t Miss Meghan McCain
Ah, the McCain and Behar saga. Soap opera lovers know at some point to expect an evil twin reveal. Lovers of ‘The View’ know it’s only a matter of time before McCain and Behar come to… well, metaphorical blows. The dissent between these co-hosts ranges from heated disagreements, to open insults. Remember when Behar quipped that at least she and the previous conservative seat, Elisabeth Hasselbeck never fought off-stage? Well in 2021, she decided to get going with a bang. On day two after McCain returned from maternity leave and suggested Behar had missed her, the latter remarked very plainly that she did not. Awkward...
#5: Rielle Hunter Gets a Grilling
Star politician John Edwards found his reputation tarnished with the revelation of his extra-marital affair with Hunter in 2008. The presidential hopeful vehemently denied his infidelity and child with the film producer for years, while his wife Elizabeth was battling breast cancer, to which she eventually succumbed. This was publicly unforgivable. Hunter appeared on The View in 2012 to promote her tell-all book, in which she was highly critical of Elizabeth. Her angle for a comeback did not go according to plan, with the hosts calmly but pointedly posing awkwardly illuminating questions.
#4: Star Jones Quits Live On Air
One of the OG hosts of ‘The View’, Jones was told that after nine years, her contract would not be renewed. When she announced her departure in an emotional statement on-air, her co-hosts were blindsided by the disclosure, which came two days sooner than planned. This led ABC and Barbara Walters to reference her lack of transparency and bench Jones, effective immediately. In the years since, the network cited diminishing public approval as contributing factors to the decision, after Jones misled viewers about her weight loss, and plugged products that she benefited from promoting. Perhaps what was most awkward was Jones’ return to ‘The View’ in 2012. She clearly did not want to talk about bygones, but… Walters insisted. Yikes.
#3: Joy Behar's Halloween Photo
While Behar discussed a New York Times op-ed championing naturally curly hair in 2016, viewers got to see a questionable photo of her from the 1970s. While it was intended to showcase Behar in all her curly glory, viewers and co-hosts alike were taken aback by her seemingly darker skin. Behar explained that she was dressed for a Halloween party, which included dark makeup. Obviously, this led to accusations of blackface. In 2020, this was dredged up again when Kim Klacik referenced the photo to dodge a question from Behar. However you put it, it’s just… not comfortable.
#2: Whoopi Goldberg & Rosie O'Donnell Throw Down
The hosts of ‘The View’ found themselves watching a shouting match between Goldberg and O'Donnell during a Hot Topics segment in 2014. Under discussion was the Obamas’ statement that they’d been mistaken for valets and store attendants. The table entered into fierce conversation, with some believing it was due to lack of attention. O’Donnell however, argued that this was symptomatic of racism. Goldberg was infuriated, staunch about the country being more layered. The temperature quickly rose: [SB:“You are a white lady telling me what is racist!”] The two had at it as their shocked co-hosts looked on. Goldberg did settle down to explain to viewers that contention is what the show is all about, but O'Donnell was visibly ruffled.
#1: "Who Will Clean Your Toilets?"
Our crowning glory is a passionate defense gone SO wrong. In 2015, while discussing Donald Trump’s lead in the polls, Kelly Osbourne made an odious comment rebuking his attitude towards immigrants: [SB: “If you kick every Latino out of this country, then who is going to be cleaning your toilet, Donald Trump?”] From the look on her face, and the reaction of her co-hosts, she got the sinking feeling very quickly that what she said was… more than misguided. Whatever the intention, her words were unnecessary, and played to stereotypes about the Latinx community in the United States. It was a moment that was more than uncomfortable, sparking a considerable backlash. Osbourne quickly apologized on social media, but it didn’t take away the sting.