Top 10 Most Badass Video Game Characters of the 90s

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They're the OG B-A-M-Fs you do not want to mess with! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Bad-Ass 90’s Video Game Characters!
For this list, we’re looking at the baddest video game characters to ever strut out of the 90’s. Please note that we’re only counting characters that made their debut between 1990 and 1999. No new millennium wannabes here!
#10: B. J. Blazkowicz
“Wolfenstein” series (1981-)
He is the definition of a one-man army! Over the years, B.J. Blazkowicz has established a career in fighting hordes of Nazi soldiers, whether it’s storming Castle Wolfenstein guns blazing or infiltrating behind enemy lines and dispatching them a tad more quietly. On top of taking down the Nazi regime, he’s also managed to defeat Mecha-Hitler! Seriously, how many dudes have taken down the world’s most infamous dictator who is piloting a mech suit equipped with four chain guns?! You’re a real hero to the world, B.J… even if you do get unnecessarily brutal at times.
#9: Gordon Freeman
“Half-Life” series (1998-)
Gordon Freeman may not be a man of many words, but his silence speaks volumes - he’s seen some s***. Inbetween watching scientists get murdered left and right, Gordon can often be found bashing in headcrabs, zombies, and aliens with his trusty crowbar. However, he's not a one-trick pony when it comes to weaponry. Whether it’s basic firearms or using deadlier weapons like the Gauss Gun or Hivehand, Gordon can get creativity morbid in how he disposes of the dangerous creatures he encounters...or he just go back to using the crowbar.
#8: Turok
“Turok” series (1997-)
Most video game characters tend to hunt various animals or a few vicious beasts. Turok, on the other hand, hunts goddamn dinosaurs! He’s taken down raptors, triceratops, and a T-Rex, all while fighting aliens! Did we mention he’s also been able to time-travel? During his journey to recover the Chronoscepter, Turok has proven to be handy with bows, shotguns, rifles, fusion cannons, you name it. His story may be on the more ridiculous side, but when it comes to combat, just remember this: he’s taken down a T-Rex. Anything smaller is mere child’s play.
#7: TJ Combo
“Killer Instinct” series (1994-)
On the outside, you wouldn’t find Mr Combo that interesting. He’s just a normal dude who likes to box and wear patriotic colors a la Apollo Creed! He was even a heavyweight champ for five years straight... until he left the sport in disgrace because it was revealed he was using cybernetics in his arms. Cheating may not be badass, but have you see the competition he’s up against? Look, when a man beats down foes like a fire-breathing raptor, a literal killing machine, and a cartoon toad, you know he wants that belt back badly! Dude was even willing to test his jabs against a half god!
#6: The Worms
“Worms” series (1995-)
Don’t underestimate these tiny dudes! For the past couple of decades, they’ve done nothing but constantly fight and blow each other up with every weapon known to man. They've got dynamite, shotguns, airstrikes, the odd holy hand grenade, banana bombs, and explosive sheep. By the end of every match, the Worms have managed to destroy so much of their environment that you can barely remember what it looked like before. There’s just no denying it; these guys are soldiers of fortune, and should they turn you into ashes, the Worms won’t hesitate in celebrating your demise.
#5: Chun-Li
“Street Fighter II: The World Warrior” (1991)
She’s got legs, and she knows how to use them! Since her debut in “Street Fighter II,” Chun-Li has become not just one of the most famous characters in the series, but an iconic character across gaming history. With the ability to deliver rapid-fire kicks at incredible speeds, Chun-Li is capable of defeating “Street Fighter’s” toughest contenders. We certainly aren’t jealous of the person on the receiving end of her Lightning Kick or Spinning Bird Kick. Mess with her and she might leave an imprint of her foot on your face!
#4: Duke Nukem
“Duke Nukem” series (1991-)
When it comes to characters built on cheesy action movies, there’s no other hero quite like the Duke. Like another gaming icon, Duke Nukem wields a large assortment of weapons and gadgets: pipe bombs, flamethrowers, rocket launchers, shotguns, chain guns, rocket launchers... oh, and we can’t forget about the Mighty Foot! While some may find his one-liners a tad cringe-inducing, others say it fits well with his character. Besides, if you have the balls to say such ridiculous things in the middle of a crisis, that makes you badass in some way, right?
#3: Doomguy
“Doom” series (1993-)
Known today as “the Doom Slayer”, this guy has been slaughtering the forces of hell for over twenty-five years now. He’s gone up against dozens, hundreds, even thousands of demons, and no matter how hard they try, they still end up blasted with shotguns, hacked with chainsaws, or just beaten to death by Doomguy's fists of fury. There's no problem he can't solve with overwhelming violence. Whatever you do, though, don’t take over the Earth and kill his pet bunny! Hell’s demons learned that the hard way in “Doom II.”
#2: Lara Croft
“Tomb Raider” series (1996-)
She may not have a massive arsenal of weapons or even be all that aggressive, but Lara Croft is still a certified badass. Our British explorer has traversed ruins and temples filled with deadly traps and unstable structures, and maybe the occasional ancient beast in need of being gunned down. In addition to her physical prowess, Lara has proven her impressive intellect by solving the various puzzles she comes across. By the way, most of the time, she’s often exploring these dark and mystical ruins by herself, no back up. Good thing too, they probably just slow her down.
Before we reveal our top pick, here are a few Honorable Mentions.
“Mega Man X” series (1993-)
“Final Fantasy VII” (1997)
“Quake” series (1996-)
#1: Scorpion
“Mortal Kombat” series (1992-)
Say it with me now - GET OVER HERE. Not only does this ninja have top tier fighting skills, an awesome outfit and a chained kunai that can impale an opponent faster than they can blink, but he can also set people on fire with a single breath! After he's removed his face to reveal the flaming skull underneath, of course. Pity those who get him particularly bloodthirsty, because they'll likely be consumed in hellfire or pulled apart by his various clones. When it’s time to finish his foes, Scorpion isn’t afraid to make his fatalities sting!