Top 10 Most Bashed RuPaul's Drag Race Queens

#10: Jade Jolie
Season five of “Drag Race” certainly had its fair share of villains, and Jade Jolie was one that audiences loved to hate. On first glance, Jade came across as a sweet and kind queen, but viewers quickly came to learn that she could come across as arrogant, immature and pretty shady to the other queens. She fell out with several queens during the show and on “Untucked”, annoying her competitors with her poor attitude and frankly bitchy behavior. Coming for the legend and fan-favorite Alyssa Edwards was never going to earn Jade Jolie much love from the “Drag Race” community, but at least we can be thankful that this drama created the iconic ‘backrolls’ moment.
#9: Serena ChaCha
Serena had just graduated art school when she entered the competition, a fact that she was not afraid to remind the other girls of throughout her two-episode run. Sadly, her age and her fine art education didn’t help her performance, and she was disliked by the others from the start for coming across as arrogant and annoying. She came for other queens about their age and educational status, even going as far as to call them ‘ghetto’, and she was the target of one of Detox’s famous quotes. It turned out audiences at home had ‘officially’ had it with Serena’s behavior too, as it became a trend to bash her after long after season five ended.
#8: Gia Gunn
Is Gia a fierce queen? Absolutely! Unfortunately, she was a little too fierce during her time on the show. Known in season six for her scathing reads and bitchy confessionals, Gia Gunn’s shadiness would have made her the villain of the season if she hadn’t been so iconic. However, on “All Stars 4”, Gia shook up the werkroom when she came for Farrah Moan over some drama that happened off the show, in a salty confrontation that appeared less like a tongue-in-cheek read, and more like an attempt to sabotage Farrah’s performance and get in her head. Unfortunately for Gia, the other queens were not having it, calling out Gia for her bad attitude and eventually sending her home.
#7: Roxxxy Andrews
Roxxxy Andrews didn’t do herself any favors during her run on season five when she repeatedly picked on fan favorite and eventual winner Jinkx Monsoon, coming for her looks, her performance and even her sweet and gentle personality. In “All Stars 2”, Roxxxy was indeed ‘here to make it clear’ that she’d changed since season five, apologizing for her behavior and saying she was ‘gonna make it right’. Although she’d left her bitchiness behind, she was the target of further criticism from fans when she was deemed undeserving of being in the top four, when bestie troupe Rolaskatox saved her from going home several times over fan favorites like Alyssa Edwards and Tatianna, proving that cliques and “Drag Race” don’t always mix.
#6: Mimi Imfurst
With a name like Mimi Imfurst, it was no surprise that this queen came across as pretty obnoxious when she first appeared on season three. For a queen without much screen time, she’s had her fair share of drama-filled moments. Her “Untucked” fight with Shangela is still iconic to this day, and we were just as gagged as Ru when Mimi decided to pick up her rival queen during a Lip Sync for Your Life, teaching us all that drag is NOT a contact sport. Unfortunately she didn’t manage to redeem herself in “All Stars 1”, and was criticized by the other girls in yet another Mimi-focused “Untucked” fight that left audiences shook.
#5: Darienne Lake
Darienne Lake’s fierce and funny nature meant she could read any queen to filth - it was just unfortunate that this talent was showcased way more often than necessary. She came across as a bit of a villain on season six and audiences noticed she could be catty, particularly towards Miss Congeniality BenDeLaCreme. Audiences weren’t too thrilled when DeLa was eventually sent home by Darienne in a nail-biting Lip Sync for Your Life. A lot of viewers were left yelling at their TV screens when they disagreed with Ru’s choice, but we must admit, it did make for a dramatic ending to this entertaining feud.
#4: The Vixen
The Vixen came to fight - and that’s just what she did. While The Vixen had an incredibly important point to make about how the “Drag Race” fandom have treated queens of color, her message was often overshadowed by petty drama that unfortunately took over her storyline, which peaked when she walked out of the season ten reunion episode. The Vixen has also fought with many queens since her appearance, meaning her contentious reputation hasn’t been dropped just yet. Her most recent Twitter spat with Manila Luzon took a nasty turn when she brought up Manila’s late boyfriend Sahara Davenport, in a move that had a lot of viewers declare her ‘cancelled’.
#3: Eureka O'Hara
Being loud and lively may be part of the Eureka brand, but there’s a fine line between bubbly and brash. When she had another shot at the crown on season ten, the return of her overbearing attitude meant she got a fair deal of bashing. She often interrupted other queens and at times came across as obnoxiously confident. Whether it was a technique to get screen time or her authentic self, a lot of viewers were not impressed - and her behavior since the show hasn’t improved her reputation. She’s got into many embarrassing fights with other queens online, and recently got into hot water when she declared she ‘wished she was black’. Yikes!
#2: Phi Phi O’Hara
Phi Phi O’Hara was definitely the villain of season four. Viewers thought she came across as bitchy and bratty, and she was often accused of attempting to sabotage her fellow queens in the competition. She consistently flew off the handle during disagreements, most famously with winner Sharon Needles, giving us the iconic ‘go back to Party City’ argument. Despite stating how she wanted redemption when returning for “All Stars 2”, Phi Phi unfortunately did not escape the villain edit, again appearing to put doubts into the heads of her competitors and eventually being sent home in what audiences saw as a pretty satisfying moment of ru-venge.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
Kennedy Davenport
Alexis Michelle
Laganja Estranja
Delta Work
Derrick Barry
#1: Tyra Sanchez
Tyra may have won season two, but that didn’t stop her from becoming one of the most bashed queens of all time. Tyra was not popular in the werkroom - she came across as obnoxious and cocky, at times seemingly trying to annoy competitors on purpose to throw them off - resulting in the infamous ‘Tyra is a complete bitch’ moment. Since the show, Tyra has had a tumultuous career with several messy moments on Twitter in particular, sparring with other queens and even telling fans to ‘die slowly’. In 2018, many fans reported her to the FBI after fears of violence when she threatened the safety of DragCon, an event that she is now banned from attending. Oh, how the mighty fall!