Top 10 Most Confrontational Eric Andre Show Interviews

Top 10 Confrontational Eric Andre Show Interviews
Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Eric Andre Show Interviews.
For this list, we’ll be looking at interviews from this cringe comedy talk show where tensions ran high and the host put in as much effort as possible to get a rise out of his guest. Who is in on the joke? To quote Queen: “Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?”
Which interview shocked you the most? Let us know in the comments.
#10: Amber Rose
As if Hannibal 9000 didn’t make things uncomfortable enough, this interview kicks off with Andre nonchalantly picking his rose in front of the popular model. Asking Rose about her dating life, Andre delivers what may be the most awkward pick-up line ever uttered on a talk show. Where Rose laughs this off, matters get heated when Andre claims that she made an offensive statement on Twitter. The tweet he speaks of was 100% fabricated and Rose is quick to shoot down Andre’s accusations. Rather than dwell on it, Andre proceeds to talk about Rose’s haircut and a nonexistent song. While a confused Rose manages to keep her cool, Andre loses it when a “Pee-wee’s Playhouse” reject emerges. How else could this interview end?
#9: Seth Rogen
Being a comedian, Rogen knows how to take a joke, but Andre manages to get under his skin. Although Rogen isn’t especially shocked by Andre’s wardrobe malfunction, he doesn’t appreciate the idea of having his cell phone number displayed for the world to see. Rogen’s annoyance only becomes more apparent as Andre pries into his love life. The interview is capped off with a velcro suit bit stolen from David Letterman. It doesn’t exactly go according to plan. By the way, apparently, that was Rogen’s actual number on screen. Later on, when Andre visited Conan O’Brien’s talk show, they called up Rogen and left a voicemail. When Rogen “called back,” he claimed that Andre had ruined his life and unwisely shared his new number.
#8: Dennis Rodman
Most of the time, Andre is at the root of his show’s surreally uncomfortable nature. In this interview, however, even Andre seems caught off guard by Rodman’s bizarre behavior. And keep in mind that the segment begins with Andre falling back in his chair and Hannibal losing a fake pair of teeth. Rodman one-ups both of them when he starts eating candy off the carpet. Although Rodman initially refuses to talk about Kim Jong-un, he suddenly does a 180, claiming that the North Korean leader showed him his frozen father and grandfather. Rodman also shares too much information when asked about getting up close and personal with the deceased. The fact that Rodman is draped in sweat doesn’t make the interview any easier to watch.
#7: Lou Ferrigno
You wouldn’t like the Hulk when he’s angry, which is precisely why Andre decided to press Ferrigno’s buttons when he dropped by. The interview starts off fairly chill with the bodybuilder turned actor wearing a friendly smile throughout. Even as Andre shoves doughnuts in his mouth while talking about death and taxidermy, Ferrigno remains a good sport. Things take a tense turn, however, when actor Sun Jae Kim comes out dressed as the Hulk, complete with green body makeup. As Ferrigno shares an anecdote, the scrawny Hulk gets a little too close for comfort. This is what pushes Ferrigno over the edge, threatening to leave if he gets any green makeup on his arm. The segment ends before Ferrigno can hulk out, though.
#6: Jennette McCurdy
Andre is at a loss for words when this former Nickelodeon actress arrives. Literally, several seconds of silence go by until Hannibal reminds Andre that talking is part of hosting a talk show. When Andre does start asking questions, the tension only escalates. Andre touches upon McCurdy’s relationship with an NBA star and some controversial leaked photos, although he gets several details wrong. Believe it or not, seeing Andre wrestle with his microphone isn’t even the most jarring part of the interview. Andre becomes extra invasive as he gets within mere inches of McCurdy’s face, asking for help and declaring his love for her. He does all of this while whispering, making his final exchange with McCurdy feel like something out of a stalker movie.
#5: T.I.
T.I. got more than he bargained for when the rapper agreed to appear on the show. Not only does he have to deal with Andre’s antics, but a few unexpected guests intrude on the interview. T.I. gets defensive when Andre attempts to touch him. So, you can imagine his frustration when a zombie crawls out of the floor and grabs at him. If you think that’s insane, Kraft Punk also sneaks up on him from behind. T.I. finally decides that he’s had enough when a pantless guy wanders onto the set - and that’s not even this interview’s first case of indecent exposure. Just to hammer home how irritated he is, T.I. purposely knocks over a gold lion statue before storming off.
#4: Lauren Conrad
In what might be the show’s most famous, or infamous, interview, Andre found a way to alienate Lauren Conrad for life. The fashion designer wasn’t prepared for the show’s random humor. You can tell from the uneasy look on her face as Andre puts on lipstick while Hannibal eats lettuce. While Conrad attempts to soldier on, she finally walks off when Andre vomits over his desk and starts slurping it up. Granted, it was only oatmeal, but Conrad didn’t know that. According to Andre, Conrad was so disturbed that her publicist threatened to make sure that he never worked in that town again. He believes that Conrad will hate him forever, but Andre thinks that she’s “fantastic.”
#3: Lance Reddick
Speaking of vomit, the woman behind the camera sets a cringe-y precedent for this interview upon upchucking. Although Reddick is best known for his roles on shows like“The Wire,”Andre just wants to talk about Claymation, baseball, and Justin Bieber. Reddick has a knack for playing intense characters and that intensity shines through here. Bored by Andre’s nonsensical comments, Reddick walks off the set, but not before slamming his fist on the desk. Even Andre appears surprised by Reddick’s outburst. Just when it seems like Eric and Hannibal have seen the last of him, Reddick returns dressed as… well, check it out. Way to out-Andre Andre, Mr. Reddick.
#2: Flavor Flav
Who knew that Flavor Flav was a civil rights leader? This interview actually starts off friendly, as the rapper and Andre greet each other with open arms. Flav is willing to play along with Andre’s absurd questions about Malcolm X, and Hannibal sneaking a selfie. He loses it, however, when a crew member reaches below the belt to fix his mic. When Andre does the same, Flav is prepared to challenge him to a fight. Instead of breaking out the boxing gloves, Andre breaks out a bathtub and his birthday suit. The interview almost ends without any physical harm, until Hannibal seemingly kicks Flav in the face. On Facebook, Flav claimed that Hannibal didn’t really deliver the blow and this was all an editing trick.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Jack Black
He Wasn’t Expecting the Coffee Incident
Jillian Barberie
She Should’ve Brought More Wine
Eric Balfour
This Interview Will Bring a Single Tear to Your Eye
Ryan Phillippe
He Deserves the Pencil Award After That
Jack McBrayer
Even Nice Guys Have Breaking Points
#1: Steve Schirripa
It only makes sense that an interview with a “Sopranos” actor would get confrontational. Schirripa appeared on the show to plug his line of pasta sauce, but Andre has an interesting way of promoting the product. While it does get a laugh out of Uncle Steve, he’s not particularly thrilled with how Andre uses the sauce. Andre attempts to break the ice by repeatedly offering Schirripa ice, but that just makes the conversation more heated. When Andre sticks his microphone in an uncomfortable area, Schirripa makes good on his promise to mess him up… although he doesn’t say “”mess up. It’s a good thing that Schirripa isn’t really a mobster, or else Eric might have wound up sleeping with the fishes.