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Top 10 Most Emotional The Owl House Moments

Top 10 Most Emotional The Owl House Moments
VOICE OVER: Emily Brayton
Disney Channel never fails to hit us right in the feels... For this list, we'll be looking at the most moving scenes from this show's brief but spectacular run. Attention all witches living in the Human Realm, major spoilers ahead! Our countdown includes moments from episodes "Eda's Requiem", "For the Future", "Yesterday's Lie" and more!

Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Emotional The Owl House Moments. For this list, we’ll be looking at the most moving scenes from this show’s brief but spectacular run. Attention all witches living in the Human Realm, major spoilers ahead! Which of these moments brought you to tears? Let us know in the comments.

#10: Eda's Requiem

"Eda's Requiem"
Okay, let’s start with the meaning of the word “requiem”. It’s a “repose for the dead”, which is pretty fitting given the damaging effects of Eda’s song. She and Raine are fully willing to sacrifice themselves in this scene if it means taking down Emperor Belos. While Raine is often seen acting for the greater good, Eda has some other, personal reasons for her passion this time around. With the expectation that both Luz and King will want to be with their real parents soon enough, Eda fears abandonment. The mental state she’s in seems to make self-sacrificing an easy choice but, luckily, Raine is the voice of reason. That doesn’t stop them taking the hit to save Eda, of course, and now we’re hurting all over again.

#9: King Learns the Truth

"Echoes of the Past" & "Edge of the World"
From the moment King hit our screens, we began theorizing about his backstory – after a bit of fawning and squealing, that was. His skull is strikingly reminiscent of the fallen Titan, and fans were right to link the two. King’s backstory is rather tragic all around and the truth was a lot to take in. In “Echoes of the Past”, Eda was finally honest with him about how and where she first found him, and his reaction to the whole thing is just heartbreaking. Of course, the heartbreak didn’t end there. “Edge of the World” only ripped King of any blind optimism he had left. The sight of him in tears is so much sadder than it has any right to be.

#8: Eda's Curse

What is a fantasy series without a little sibling betrayal? So much of Eda’s arc is about her struggle with the Owl Beast and trying to bear her curse. It’s hurt people before, including her father, an accident she never quite forgave herself for. It all comes to a head in “Agony of a Witch” when she’s running out of magic and Luz needs saving. The decision is not a difficult one to make, and Eda’s speech as she says goodbye to Luz is enough to make us hit pause on our screens. Especially after Lilith’s confession, emotions are running high all across the board in this scene. The aftermath is just as somber, too, with how hopeful and unaware King and Hooty are.

#7: Willow's Mental Health

“For the Future”
After starting out as the underdog, Willow slowly but surely began to reinvent herself. She started a Flyer Derby team, and would become as strong, resilient, fair, and loyal as any good captain should be. Through tragedy and turmoil, Willow was always everyone’s rock. But, eventually, we started to see the cracks in the stone. (Getting stuck in a different realm and watching your parents become puppet versions of themselves can do that to a person!) This scene is a prime reminder that stuffing feelings down is not a good idea. Even as she’s losing control, Willow still desperately clings to the narrative that everything is okay. Hunter and Gus ultimately help her through it, and it’s incredibly touching to watch those walls finally come down.

#6: Luz Opens Up

“Reaching Out”
This is a quieter moment, but just as impactful as some of the bigger expressions of emotion. From the very first time we got a glimpse of Luz’s home life, it became clear her father was not in the picture. We weren’t sure if we’d ever get a storyline delving into it, especially because, true to Luz’s character, she never spent any time lamenting over loss. This episode affords a wonderful display of vulnerability from our protagonist as she finally opens up about her father’s death. Watching optimistic characters break down is always difficult and, after this scene, Luz’s video diary hits that much harder.

#5: Luz's Promise

“Yesterday's Lie”
Finding out the daughter who came home to you is actually a basilisk from a different realm where your real daughter has been living for the last few months is a lot to take in. Finding out that your daughter willingly fled and chose to stay in that realm is… a lot more to take in. Camila holds up surprisingly well until the real Luz finally appears in the rain in front of her. Even if she’s not really there, it’s enough to create the semblance of reunion and Camila’s facade quickly crumbles. It’s a jumble of emotions as she finally reacts the way any parent would at the realization that they have no idea where their child is. Aaaand we’re crying.

#4: Hunter's Entire Arc

How does one adopt a fictional character? Anyone have papers we can sign? This poor boy’s life is doused in tragedy. He is, of course, not well-treated by his Uncle Belos in the first place. But then, he comes to find out that he’s been lied to his whole life, he’s not on the right side of the fight, and he’s not even a witch. “Hollow Mind” was a whirlwind of truth bombs for everyone, particularly Hunter, who was left… yeah, traumatized is probably the appropriate word here. As if he hadn’t been through enough, just as Hunter is slowly working through everything and starting to turn over a new leaf, dear ol’ uncle returns to literally take possession of his body.

#3: Luz's Sacrifice

"Watching and Dreaming"
This sequence is just stunning. We begin with the Collector’s backstory, which is emotional enough on its own as Luz helps him work out his feelings. The Collector, as it turns out, is an exceptionally fast learner, and they apply Luz’s advice maybe a little too eagerly. Luz takes the hit and, to the horror of King and Eda, dissipates into a cluster of beautiful light glyphs. These glyphs travel all the way to the Archives, where a puppet-turned Camila seems to be able to sense the loss. It’s an impressively moving scene, made even more so by everyone’s reactions. And it all culminates in Luz finally meeting the Titan, which is also a remarkably poignant event.

#2: Flapjack's Death

“Thanks to Them"
Hoo boy, get out your tissues for this one. Hunter had no one for a very long time. And, then, he had Flapjack. The series spent a good deal of time building their friendship, which is why it was unbelievably crushing when Flapjack was not only deathly injured, but injured at the hands of a possessed Hunter. The damage is so distressing that Hunter actually manages to break free from Belos’ control. Things only worsen from there and Flapjack, teetering on the edge of life, gives his own to save Hunter’s. Everything about this scene is emotionally stirring, from the stellar voice acting to the gorgeous visuals. Thanks for breaking our hearts in super smooth animation, Dana. Just what we needed.

Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Eda's Near-Petrification, "Young Blood, Old Souls"

This Goodbye Is Especially High-Stakes

Lumity Kiss, "Clouds on the Horizon"

One of the Happiest Moments That Had Us in Our Feels

King’s Message, "Eda's Requiem"

King Wants to Be a Clawthorne & It’s Just What Eda Needed to Hear

Luz Reunites with Eda & King, “Watching and Dreaming"

We Can’t Imagine This Kind of Relief

The Nightmares, “Watching and Dreaming"

Their Biggest Fears Playing Out Is So Heartwrenching

#1: Trapped in the Human Realm

"King's Tide"
Maybe it’s because “King’s Tide” is the climax of the entire series, but the whole episode feels supercharged with emotion. The Day of Unity is a whole devastating calamity on its own. But a lot of the heart-pulsing moments take place away from the circle of Coven Heads. Luz and her friends end up with no choice but to take refuge towards the portal and Luz, ever the altruist, makes a desperate attempt to keep the portal open for them. She encourages them to leave her behind, but it’s King who makes the ultimate sacrifice for his surrogate sister. We’re already sobbing at his speech but it’s Luz’s blind determination to get back to him at the end that really pushes us over the edge.

One of the honorable mentions (I'll let you decide which one) made me nearly destroy my phone, so what is that Nolan found it on my phone, so he decided that well since I hated it he should show it to me so i took the phone and chucked it.