Top 10 Most Mysterious One Piece Characters

#10: Bartholomew Kuma
A titanic former member of the Seven Warlords, Bartholomew Kuma has always been a puzzling figure in “One Piece.” Although once a Revolutionary, Kuma agreed to work with the World Government he once fought against, even consenting to experiments that turned him into an emotionless cyborg husk of his former self. He has acted both for and against the Straw Hats in their journey, although the majority of his actions have been for their benefit, even if it didn’t seem like it at the time. The manga is only now providing some insight into Kuma’s motivations, but even now some mysteries remain. Like, what’s the deal with the bible he always carries?
#9: Marshall D. Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard
Believed by many to be one of the series’ final antagonists, Marshall D. Teach, better known as Blackbeard, is like a dark mirror of protagonist Monkey D. Luffy. While both are impulsive dreamers, Blackbeard is opportunistic and cruel in his pursuit of his goals. Despite his prominence, many mysteries remain about his character. Blackbeard is the only character in the entire “One Piece” world known to have the powers of more than one Devil Fruit. He also, for reasons yet unknown, never sleeps. Does one of these abnormalities have to do with the other? And what motivates the gap-toothed member of the Four Emperors, besides his understandable love of cherry pie?
#8: Gol D. Roger
The original “One Piece” enigma, Gol D. Roger was the Pirate King. While we have learned a lot about him over the decades, including bits and pieces of his famous journeys, members of his family, and how incredibly powerful he was, we still don’t know everything. What drove Roger to become a pirate? What of his actions at the famous God Valley incident? And most importantly, what did he discover at Laugh Tale that made him laugh, and what did he make of the True History? Roger’s story is intrinsically tied to the lore of the world, so we likely won’t know everything about him until the story’s end.
#7: The Five Elders a.k.a. Gorosei
These five World Government officials are so mysterious, we don’t even know what their individual names are! Supposedly the highest authority in the World Government, more on that later, the Five Elders, or Gorosei, can give orders to the Marines, Cipher Pol, and even the Seven Warlords. They ordered the massacre at Ohara, and are the brains behind many of the Government’s atrocities and villainous policies. Most intriguing of all, are the many questions surrounding them. If they’re Celestial Dragons, as is implied, why don’t they dress like the others do? And why don’t they seem to age? Are they immortal? And what’s their relationship with a certain pirate? Hopefully we won’t have to wait until we’re elders to find out!
#6: Dr. Vegapunk
The World Government’s leading scientist, Dr. Vegapunk has long been one of the most elusive characters in “One Piece.” He’s the one who modified Kuma into a cyborg. He apparently knows the secrets of Devil Fruits. He also created the Punk Hazard laboratory, and collaborated with other genius scientists. But it isn’t until recently in the manga that he, or rather, they have appeared in person in the story. For the “Naruto” fans out there, he basically “pulled a Pain.” Every week recently feels like it unravels a new layer of Dr. Vegapunk’s secrets. His connection to the Revolutionaries is particularly intriguing. Speaking of which…
#5: Monkey D. Dragon
For being the leader of a major faction of the “One Piece” world and the protagonist’s father, we still know surprisingly little about Dragon. The head of the Revolutionary Army, a massive worldwide effort to overthrow the World Government, Dragon first appears saving Luffy in Loguetown. He was later revealed to be Luffy’s father. While he has been seen prominently in background events since, Dragon remains a big question mark. We don’t know why he’s so hellbent on bringing the World Government down, why he didn’t raise Luffy, or what his powers are (though wind or storm abilities seem like common theories). Dragon has a veritable hoard of secrets, and we can’t wait to uncover them all.
#4: Rocks D. Xebec
A pirate so dangerous his name was practically erased from history, Rocks D. Xebec is quite a mysterious figure. Supposedly Roger’s first and most dangerous rival, Rocks also counted 3 of the 4 future Emperors among his crew. Rocks’ goal was apparently to be king of the world. He supposedly met his end during the equally murky God Valley Incident, which saw Roger and Garp team up to take him down. How he died, how strong he was, his full appearance, and his personality are all unknowns at this point. Rocks has been ripe for theorizing since his introduction, but we have no doubt that the truth about will “rock” us harder than any theory.
#3: Shanks
Besides Roger himself, Shanks has been the biggest question mark for the longest time in the series. One of the Four Emperors and the pirate that inspired Luffy and gave him his signature hat, Shanks is a figure always lurking on the periphery of the story. He was an apprentice on Roger’s crew, and one of the strongest pirates alive, but he’s also able to get a solo meeting with the Five Elders! Shanks’s backstory and motivations are on many “One Piece” fans’ most wanted lists. And now that the manga is in the endgame, we’re finally getting more of the red-haired pirate, even if it’s just more teases so far.
#2: Joy Boy
To be clear, we mean the original Joy Boy here, not his successor. A figure of legend who lived during the 100 year gap in history, Joy Boy was apparently the original owner of the One Piece, having left it where Roger rediscovered it. He also made some sort of promise to the mermaid princess of the time related to the enormous ark, Noah. It’s also highly likely that Joy Boy also ate the same Devil Fruit as Luffy, using its ridiculous powers to bring smiles to all, hence his “joyful” title. However, Joy Boy’s true name, appearance, and role in history are all unknown, but given how important he is to the True History, we’ll happily wait to find out.
#1: Im/Imu
While the Five Elders nominally stand above everyone, even they answer to someone - a mysterious figure known as Im, or Imu (depending on the translation). Their appearance has only been seen in shadows and even their gender remains unknown. Imu rules the world in secret, having convinced everyone that their throne is empty. They can also apparently order, or cause whole islands to be vaporized with a powerful weapon or force. The questions about Imu are many, but some that come to mind are: How long have they ruled the world? Why do they do it anonymously? And what’s with the huge straw hat in their freezer? The only thing we’re certain of is that Imu won’t be sitting on their throne by series’ end.