Top 10 Most POWERFUL Characters in Star Wars

Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 strongest “Star Wars” characters. For this list, we’ll be going over the most powerful Force users in the “Star Wars” universe. We’ll be discussing their realized strength, rather than their potential strength – we need solid evidence for their rankings. If there’s a character you feel is strong with the Force that we forgot, remind us in the comments!
#10: Ahsoka Tano
This former Jedi is one of the most badass lightsaber duelists in the Galaxy! Once the apprentice of Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano learned plenty from her master, but just as much through practical experience growing up and fighting in the Clone Wars. Her acrobatic style, creativity, and perseverance make her an incredible combatant. Ahsoka has faced powerful opponents like General Grievous and Darth Vader and survived. Her most impressive victory though is the fact that she defeated Maul in single combat and captured him alive! Here’s hoping that her solo series gives her even more chances to show how strong she is.
#9: Mace Windu
A senior member of the Jedi High Council, Mace Windu was proficient in telekinesis and one of the greatest duelists in history, having even developed his own style. The purple lightsaber-wielding warrior was considered a champion of the Order, taking down foes like Jango Fett with ease. He also claims to have defeated over 100,000 battle droids during the war. Granted, the cartoon “Clone Wars” isn’t canon, but honestly, we can believe it! Windu has fought powerful Dark Side users like Mother Talzin and even Darth Sidious. He basically had the latter defeated on the ground until Anakin intervened!
#8: Obi-Wan Kenobi
When people think of the Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi is probably one of the first names that comes to mind. This Jedi Master has used the Force in impressive ways, lifting huge rocks and holding back an ocean. But he’s also skilled in battle, managing to defeat several notable opponents. Obi-Wan bested Maul multiple times, even being the one to finally kill him, and that in a matter of seconds. His duels with Darth Vader are legendary as well. Even in death, Obi-Wan became more powerful than we, or at least Vader, could possibly have imagined.
#7: Rey & Ben Solo
Considering these two are a Force Dyad, it felt right to list them together. Rey and Ben, or Kylo Ren, had powerful grandfathers - Darth Sidious and Anakin Skywalker, respectively. As such, they display incredible aptitude with the Force, including some rare abilities. These include communicating with each other over vast stretches of space, and the power to heal. Rey picks up Jedi mind tricks rather quickly, manages to hold back an entire troop carrier, and even uses Force lightning. While that might be a little convenient, she’s still quite powerful. And who could forget the time Kylo Ren froze a blaster bolt? Ben and Rey’s lightsaber skills are impressive too, whether they’re using them against each other or teaming up.
#6: Bendu
While Jedi and Sith wield the Light and the Dark Sides of the Force, Bendu represents the balance in the middle. As wise as he is gigantic, Bendu acts as a teacher for Kanan Jarrus after he loses his sight. He’s able to appear and disappear as he wills, as well as glimpse the future. While his size is intimidating, Bendu doesn’t usually seek violence. However, when he’s provoked, he wields the Force on a massive and terrifying scale! After the Empire attacks the Rebels on Atollon, Bendu generates a giant storm, raining down destruction. While concentrated blaster fire brings him down, Bendu’s mastery of the Force is incredible.
#5: Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker is the original hero of the “Star Wars” franchise. Naturally, he’s extremely strong. Along with being an ace pilot, Luke becomes supremely skilled with a lightsaber. He even manages to best Darth Vader - at least, after losing his hand the first time around. The ease with which he dispatches dark troopers is breathtaking to watch. As good as he is with a lightsaber, he’s also very strong with the Force. While his prowess with smaller scale telekinesis is much established, his most impressive feat is also his last. In order to buy time for the Resistance, Luke projects his image light years across space to bamboozle his nephew. The effort might kill him, but he becomes one with the Force.
#4: Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader
A vergence in the Force, the Chosen One was miraculously conceived, and had a midi-chlorian count that was off the charts. His potential was unparalleled. Anakin even brought the Mortis Gods to their knees, although he had to draw on the Force within the planet to do so. He was also skilled with a lightsaber, mastering the Form V variant Djem So. However, as Darth Vader, he suffered crippling injuries. This led him to deepen his connection to the Force, especially his telekinetic abilities. Vader can pull ships down from the sky and tear them apart! Arguably, he never realized his full potential, but he was still one of the strongest Force-users in the galaxy - and the most powerful man on life support we’ve ever seen!
#3: Yoda
With the exception of Anakin, Yoda had the highest midi-chlorian count of all the Jedi. At almost nine centuries old, he was also one of the wisest. He was famed as a duelist, remaining incredibly spry even in his senior years. He also had a deep connection to and knowledge of the Force. Even after he dies, he remains powerful, appearing as a Force spirit and even drawing down lightning from the heavens! Speaking of lightning, he can also catch it in his hands! Even so, despite his cunning and strength with the Force, bested Yoda could still be.
#2: Darth Sidious / Emperor Sheev Palpatine
You don’t become Emperor of the Galaxy by being meek and mild, that’s for sure! Darth Sidious is among the most powerful Sith lords to ever live. In his prime, he could battle powerful foes like his former apprentice Maul and his brother Savage Opress simultaneously! He also defeated Yoda. Even dying only made him stronger, since after his resurrection Palpatine displayed the ability to unleash Force Lightning strong enough to blow ships out of the air! But, even with all his unnatural abilities, and the military might of the Empire behind him, Palpatine is still just a man.
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
The Force Priestesses
These Mysterious, Cosmic Beings Have a Close Connection with the Force
Qui-Gon Jinn
He Figured Out How to Become a Force Spirit Before Everyone Else!
Darth Plagueis
Stopping Every Death But His Own? No Problem!
His Death Only Disappointed Because His Power Seemed So Great
Darth Maul
A Fearsome Duelist & a Straight-Up Savage – It Runs in His Family
#1: The Mortis Gods
Also known as the Ones, this trio of Force Wielders is so powerful, they had to withdraw from the temporal world to the realm of Mortis in order to protect the galaxy. Named the Father, the Son, and the Daughter, the ancient, god-like entities embody the Force, with the Son being the Dark Side, the Daughter the Light, and the Father the balance between them. Their powerful abilities include flight, teleportation, shapeshifting, and more. The Father even holds a lightsaber with his bare hand! They can be defeated, and even killed, but the Father claims that his children possess the power to destroy the structure of the cosmos, which is far beyond what any Jedi or Sith are capable of.