Top 10 Most Unhinged Taylor Swift Moments

#10: Taylor vs. Taylor (vs. Taylor)
Tyler Swift was not the extent of Taylor Swift’s acting range. In her 2017 music video for “Look What You Made Me Do,” Swift took her public image to a whole new level by playing herself… several times. Playing the various versions of herself created by the media, it’s like a nightmarish psychological thriller in music video form. Even more batty is the behind the scenes footage. Taylor is performing with a capital P. The absolutely acting masterclass of her shaking a body double and screaming, “Get out of my house!” in her face should be taught in drama school. It’s powerful stuff, and honestly, a little frightening too.
#9: Hiding in Her Luggage
Sometimes, you’ve got to find a private place away from all the glitz, glamor, and paparazzi. According to former duet partner Zayn Malik, Taylor Swift found an interesting place to hide from prying eyes. That place is her luggage. Apparently, the rumors that Swift was being carried out of her apartment in a suitcase by her bodyguards turned out to be true. Who knew the pop star was also an escape artist? During her 2023 “Eras Tour,” her illusionist skills became big news again when fan footage confirmed she was being snuck onto the stage before the show in a big janitor’s cart.
#8: Apple Music Ad
In a headline-grabbing ad released on April Fools Day 2016, Taylor Swift showed us the benefits and dangers of an intense cardio workout. The commercial for Apple Music showcases Taylor getting her steps in, dancing and rapping along to Drake and Future’s single, “Jumpman.” But a missed step sends her careening forward until she spills off of the treadmill and onto the cold, hard ground. Although some viewers were able to clock the subtle edit that swaps in Taylor for a brave stunt double, it was wild to see such a big star wipeout so hard. Drake responded in kind with his own Apple Music ad a few months later.
#7: Dang Deer
Could Taylor Swift be the next Meryl Streep? During an early career appearance on the BBC radio program “Switch with Annie and Nick,” Taylor got to show off her talent for mimicry and accents. She chose to do an impression of a disgruntled Minnesota soccer mom for the radio DJs. But even more bonkers than the impression was her improvised story about this dang deer that ran out in front of her car and made her late picking up her imaginary son from soccer practice. Her layered and moving performance had the entire British crew cackling.
#6: Fear of Sea Urchins
A guest on Ellen DeGeneres knows they might have to face their deepest, darkest fears at any given time. A simple leading question about sea urchins gave way to a boatload of neuroses. When Ellen tells Taylor that a sea urchin is fairly harmless, it sends the singer-songwriter on a rant about the potential loss of limb and life posed by these prickly underwater menaces. Sea urchin stings can apparently lead to hands and feet just falling right off. But don’t quote her on this. Although her fear may be a little irrational, she makes a good case for literally never going in the water again.
#5: Commercial with Her Cats
To those of you who aren’t in the know, Taylor Swift really likes cats. She talks about them. She sings about them. She’s even gotten to play one in a movie that gave us many unhinged moments of its own. When she became the star of AT&T’s DirecTV Now commercials, let’s just say her cats were heavily involved. But we don’t get the feeling she’s a stage mom. Taylor takes being a cat mom very seriously, and over the years, Swifties have developed a fondness for her three furry children, Meredith, Olivia, and Benjamin.
#4: The Myspace Era
In the late 2010s, alleged snapshots of Taylor Swift’s Myspace page began circulating. Her profile, again alleged, is a treasure trove of mid-2000s nostalgia, emo aesthetics, and strange comments presented without context. Her pre-fame concerns were pretty simple. She waxes poetic about suspicious vans, lollipops, and her unexplained hatred for sewing machines. Let’s face it: none of us were our coolest and most composed selves on Myspace. But thankfully, most of us aren’t famous enough to have our early social media activities forever memorialized by Internet sleuths. Legend has it she and Grant Wood still have beef. Maybe they’ll make up before the next tour.
The music video for the 2019 hit, “Me!” showed us another one of Taylor’s talents, her amazing French. The video starts with a hysterically dramatic scene where Panic! at the Disco frontman Brendon Urie and Taylor have an argument in French for some reason. “Je suis calme!” she screams in a totally not calme way. This one looks like so much fun to shoot, and behind the scenes footage of the artist rehearsing her French are just as charming as the end result. In all its retro pastel glory, the entire video is so much fun. It even includes one of her more controversial lyrics. Honestly, we have to stan a Phonics queen.
#2: Taylor vs. Banana
Late night host Jimmy Fallon knows just how to bring out Taylor’s silly side, even if it means blindsiding her with an embarrassing video. Swift knew something was going on when Fallon started asking about her recent eye surgery. Then Fallon surprised, or should we say playfully ambushed, Taylor with footage of her in her post surgery painkiller haze. In footage captured by Taylor’s mom, she has a hilariously emotional reaction to a banana and coins the phrase “I’m not asleep, my mind is alive.” Stunned by her on-camera antics, Taylor had to fight to keep it together for the rest of the interview.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
“No Its Becky”
Fans Couldn’t Believe It When Taylor Embraced This Tumblr Meme… or Is That Becky?
She’s 13, She Likes to Eat Apricots, & She Has a Band-Aid Collection
When Taylor Turned Into the Narrator of a Nature Documentary
Recording a Random Sound That Came to Her in the Night
Dressing Up as Olaf from “Frozen”
Because Being a Big Goofy Kid Never Goes Out of Style
#1: “SNL” Monologue Song
If there’s anything Taylor Swift has never been afraid of, it’s poking fun at her star persona. “SNL” has been a place for her to spread her comedy wings, even when she’s not hosting. In her playfully messy opening monologue for this 2009 episode of “SNL,” she got to show off her comedy chops alongside her musical ones. This hilarious and self-parodying musical monologue took playful jabs at Joe Jonas, VMA stage-crasher Kanye West, and even her own habit of writing songs about exes. For a lot of people, it may have been the first time they really got to see her be as silly as her fans knew her to be.
Did we get this one right or is our Swiftie card revoked? Let us know in the comments.