Top 10 Most Unhinged The Big Bang Theory Storylines

#10: Sheldon Hangs Out with James Earl Jones
“The Convention Conundrum”
When “The Big Bang Theory” enlisted James Earl Jones for a guest appearance, the audience (and Sheldon) got more than they bargained for. Sheldon approaches the actor when he tries to launch his own comic-con but soon learns that the voice of Darth Vader has a quirky side. The duo ends up spending a boisterous evening together that involves a Q&A over a banana split, riding a Ferris wheel, and singing karaoke. Let’s not forget they also play a round of Ding-Dong-Ditch on Carrie Fisher. Seeing Sheldon pushed so far out of his comfort zone is nothing short of hilarious. Whoever booked James Earl Jones for this guest spot certainly got their money’s worth!
#9: Sheldon & Amy vs. The Fermilab Physicists
In season 12, Sheldon and Amy’s shot at winning a Nobel Prize feels just within reach, but then the writers toss in one more hurdle. They face off against two scientists who accidentally proved their theory, thrusting them into the running, too. Understandably, our Nobel hopefuls grow frustrated as the clueless Fermilab physicists steal their spotlight, and eventually, Amy lets rip. Things get even more unhinged when they discover one of the scientists is a notorious plagiarizer. While they decide not to expose him, his colleague has other plans. Still, by the time the Fermilab guys are out of the picture, we’re left scratching our heads, thinking, “Did that actually happen?”
#8: Josh Wolowitz
“The Fortification Implementation”
The trope of a long-lost family member showing up unannounced always serves up some grade-A drama. Indeed, that’s exactly what happens when a young man claiming to be Howard’s half-brother turns up at his and Bernadette’s door. Howard is initially freaked out, but as the evening unfolds, they find some common ground and even start bonding. You might think this is the beginning of a great brotherly relationship, right? Well, you’d be wrong. After this episode, Josh vanishes without a trace, and Howard never mentions him again. Meanwhile, audiences are left wondering: why drop such a bombshell storyline only to leave it hanging forever?
#7: Howard Goes to Space
When Howard announced NASA picked him as a payload specialist for a mission to the International Space Station, we all went, “Huh?” Have you met Howard Wolowitz? Not exactly your typical astronaut material, is he? Plus, he barely survived the training! What did he expect the real deal to be like? Speaking of training, regular astronauts invest years for these missions, but Howard? He gets a quick crash course. Real NASA astronaut Mike Massimino was apparently impressed by the accuracy of the Space Station set, but that’s pretty much where the realism taps out. Don’t get us wrong, it's a fun ride, but the writers basically went off the Earthly map with this one.
#6: Penny Wakes up Next to Raj
“The Roommate Transmogrification” & “The Skank Reflex Analysis”
After a few drinks, Penny confesses to Raj that she regrets breaking up with Leonard. But he’s moved on, so what can she do? Well, she ends up spending the night with her buddy, throwing us all for a loop. We were just as surprised as she was waking up next to Raj, and she doesn’t even get the chance to sneak out before the whole gang finds out. The next episode is a full-on cringe-fest as Penny grapples with the aftermath of the night before. Just as we thought this story couldn’t have any more twists, Raj makes one more revelation that suggests all of Penny’s fretting may have been a tad… premature.
#5: Howard’s Creepy Antics
Before Penny introduced him to Bernadette, Howard made some seriously questionable moves. Remember the disturbingly extreme lengths he took to find the “Top Model” house? How about the time Penny promises to introduce him to her friends if he keeps Leonard out of the apartment before his birthday party? So what does he do? Eats a granola bar containing peanuts despite being super allergic. And who could forget the time he used his engineering skills for personal perks? Talk about nuts! Penny’s ultimately the one who knocks some sense into him, but we have to wonder what was going on in the writers’ room when these storylines unfolded.
#4: How Leonard & Sheldon Became Roomies
“The Staircase Implementation”
If you were in Leonard’s shoes, at which point would you have turned and run? When Sheldon’s last roommate warned you to? When you saw that chilling graffiti on the bedroom wall? Or perhaps when your new roomie hands you a novel-length roommate agreement? Despite a sea of red flags, Leonard goes ahead and signs. Things take a weird turn when Leonard reveals that Sheldon’s complete and utter lack of social skills actually saves him from potentially serving time. Plus, the tale of the out-of-use elevator adds another layer to this unpredictable origin story. But hey, it all marks the beginning of a weird, wacky, and, yes, beautiful friendship.
#3: The Guys Enjoy Some Special Cookies
“The Adhesive Duck Deficiency”
Leonard, Howard, and Raj venture into the desert for the Leonid Meteor Shower, but a batch of special cookies throws their cosmic plans off orbit. The idea of a moving planet becomes too much in their desert delirium, but that’s nothing an astrophysicist can’t solve— apparently. Soon, the meteors are forgotten, and the guys spill their innermost thoughts – from name complaints to dreams of rabbit diplomacy and cringe-worthy family reunion tales best left buried in the sand. Then, the munchies kick in, and thanks to Mrs. Wolowitz, they’re saved! They might miss the meteor shower, but they’re shower audiences with stellar hilarity and wild antics.
#2: Howard & Sheldon’s Park Spot Fight
“The Parking Spot Escalation”
The friends have had their share of chaotic feuds throughout the series. Remember Sheldon and Penny’s clash in season two? And who could forget Sheldon’s revenge Bed and Breakfast after his spat with Leonard in season ten? But we really had to buckle up for the showdown between Howard and Sheldon over a parking spot. When Sheldon fails to understand why his spot was reassigned to someone who actually drives, he and Howard end up embroiled in a fierce clash. Both try to one-up each other and at some points, revenge is dished in the buff. The ladies aren’t spared either. It may spiral frantically out of hand, but it’s pure comedy gold.
Before we unveil our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions.
Amy Schemes to Make Sheldon Love Her, “The Launch Acceleration”
Real-World Love Spell Vibes, but Seriously, Shouldn’t Sheldon Have a Say?
Penny’s Married!?, “The Thanksgiving Decoupling”
It’s Thanksgiving! But Zack’s Getting Served More than a Turkey Dinner!
Penny Pretends She’s Still Dating Leonard to Impress Her Dad, “The Boyfriend Complexity”
As if Their Relationship Wasn’t Weird & Complicated Enough!
The Wedding Present Scavenger Hunt, “The Wedding Gift Wormhole”
Sheldon & Amy Go off the Rails Unravelling Their Mystery Wedding Present
Howard Absorbs Estrogeon, “The Deception Verification”
We See a Whole New Side of Howard & It Leads to Some Pretty Strange Moments
#1: Dr. Lorvis Traps the Guys in His Basement
“The Misinterpretation Agitation”
Didn’t the guys’ parents ever teach them about stranger danger? Apparently not! Leonard gets uneasy meeting one of Penny’s admirers but soon enough, he wins everyone over with gross celeb memorabilia. He lures them to his basement with promises of cool stuff, and they’re like kids in a candy store – until they realize they’re locked in. Meanwhile, where’s Dr. Lorvis? He’s heading back to the apartment to shoot his shot with Penny— that is, until he meets Amy. This episode is practically a red flag parade, leaving us slightly in disbelief that it even exists. Every moment, a new layer of unhingedness seems to unfold, and it’s beyond wild.
Which “The Big Bang Theory” moment do you think is so nuts that you’re still waiting for the “Bazinga?” Let us know in the comments