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Top 10 Most Unforgivable Big Bang Theory Moments

Top 10 Most Unforgivable Big Bang Theory Moments
VOICE OVER: Sophia Franklin WRITTEN BY: Jesse Singer
In no universe are these "Big Bang Theory" moments forgivable. For this list, we'll be looking at insulting jokes, misunderstood characters and insensitive storylines from “The Big Bang Theory” that were played for laughs - but are, in reality, no laughing matter. Our countdown includes judgmental Raj, shaming Penny, Amy's childhood in the closet, and more!

#10: Judgmental Raj
“The Brain Bowl Incubation”

Raj’s relationship with Caltech Janitor Issabella María Concepción in season 10 is an example of both the wonderful and the unforgivable aspects of Koothrappali’s character. On the wonderful side is how he won Issabella’s heart by cleaning the offices on her route so that she could take a little break and have dinner with him - a dinner he prepared and set up at the university. Super romantic, right? However, on the flip side is Raj being so embarrassed by Issabella’s job that he lies to his friends about it. Super douchey, right? At least he was man enough to admit his prejudice and apologize. Although, we never see her again after that, and we find out they broke up a few episodes later.

#9: The French Maid Costume
“The Hawking Excitation”

We can’t deny the fact that Sheldon is often quite mean to Howard - making fun of, and demeaning him on numerous occasions. However, just because Sheldon can be cruel, that doesn’t make the way Howard treats him in “The Hawking Excitation” any less forgivable. In the episode, Howard agrees to give Stephen Hawking Sheldon’s paper if he accomplishes a number of degrading and embarrassing tasks and challenges. Maybe none more embarrassing than making him walk into the University cafeteria wearing a sexy French maid’s costume. Like our parents always told us - two wrongs don’t make a right. And this form of hazing is just wrong!

#8: Shaming Penny
“The Robotic Manipulation”

Throughout the series, there were countless jokes made at Penny’s expense regarding her dating history. Some are subtle and some, like in the season four premiere, “The Robotic Manipulation”, are outright and direct slut-shaming. When Penny chaperones Sheldon and Amy’s first date, the conversation turns to the number of men she’s dated/had sex with in her life. The number, and Penny’s embarrassed reaction to it, is all meant to imply a promiscuity that she should be ashamed of. And just in case it wasn’t clear, Amy outright asks her [“ you consider yourself slut”] Nothing subtle about that!

#7: Howard’s Multiple Mistreatment Claims
“The Egg Salad Equivalency”

Howard’s harassment towards women improved after he met Bernadette. But prior to him settling down, no woman was safe from his creepy, nonconsensual charms - of which his attempt to get an upskirt video of Penny is just one example. Many more examples could be found at the university where, as he himself pointed out - he was very familiar with the HR department and its administrator, Janine Davis. The joke plays out even further as Howard greets Ms. Davis by her first name and asks about her kids. It’s played for laughs, but we doubt it was very funny for the females at the university who he harassed in order to be sent to HR with such frequency in the first place.

#6: Amy’s Childhood in the Closet
“The Bachelor Party Corrosion”

Keeping children in a closet is cruel - this is not up for debate. And just because the revelation that Amy Farrah Fowler’s mother used to punish her by putting her in a “sin closet” came with a funny joke - doesn’t make it any less unforgivable. Nor does the fact that her mother treats her the same way even as an adult, sending her to Penny’s closet after finding out she pierced her ears and made penis cookies.

#5: Regular People
“The Hesitation Ramification”

Although all of the guys are, shall we say, less than smooth around women, Raj and Stuart are maybe the most awkward when it comes to interacting with the opposite sex in pursuit of a relationship. In season seven’s “The Hesitation Ramification,” Howard - not usually known for his wisdom about women - actually has some good advice for them. Before trying to talk and flirt with pretty girls, they should go out and just try talking to regular people. To which Raj responds…(“you mean like fatties and uggos”: You can even hear the shocked reaction by the studio audience on this one.

#4: Depression

Fans who’ve watched the show from the beginning will be aware of the way Stuart’s character changes over the course of the series. While he begins as the nerdy, naive but somewhat suave-around-the-ladies owner of the comic book store - he rather quickly becomes the depressed, desperate and barely able to speak to women guy we all remember him best as. And with that transformation, he becomes a much more regular cast member and the butt of many, many jokes - with much of that “humor” focused on his pill-popping, life-barely-worth-living depression. Given our society’s emphasis on, and understanding of, proper mental health, the jokes often feel out of place.

#3: Leonard's Mom Pretending She Cares
“The Maternal Conclusion”

Leonard and his mother, Beverly Hofstadter, never had a close relationship. Although she’s a world-renowned psychiatrist, neuroscientist and author, who wrote books on child-rearing, her techniques were anything but loving. Leonard spent most of his childhood as a test-subject for her theories, never getting the affection from her that he so desperately craved. That’s why it’s so heartwarming to witness, in the final season, when Beverly comes to visit and seems to be genuinely taking an interest in her son, his life and his work. But, that’s also why it’s a total gut-punch to him - and to the audience - when it turns out she was just, once again, doing research for a book. Leonard, for his own well-being, forgives her for everything. But we don’t!

#2: Stalking the Models
“The Panty Piñata Polarization”

There’s nothing wrong with watching “America’s Next Top Model” and wishing you could meet the models. It’s probably a thought most people watching the show have had at one time or another. However, it’s one thing to think it and it’s another to use a spy drone to pinpoint the location of the house where they’re staying, dress up as cable guys and lie your way inside. Which, as we all remember, is exactly what Raj and Howard did. And while their actions are definitely unforgivable, we do appreciate the fact that Leonard called them out on the creepiness of it all. At least we aren’t alone.

#1: Fat Shaming

From Howard’s mother to girls at the renaissance fair, the show made a habit of laughing at the overweight. Mrs. Wolowitz was the butt of most of the fat jokes, but the show’s extensive fat-shaming wasn’t just about simple jokes. There were multiple instances wherein overweight females were talked about in negative ways. From Howard hypothesizing that female grad students who put on a little weight would be “needy and vulnerable” to Raj recounting his and Howard's Comic-con threesome and emphasizing the largeness of the girl in between them. Even Sheldon gets in on the action when Penny eats the last dumpling at dinner and he shames her by pointing out her genetics don’t bode well for her weight in the future.
