Top 10 Most Wanted Video Game Crossovers

Two of your favourite games merged into one? That can surely only be a good thing. Join as we countdown our Top 10 Most Wanted Video Game Crossovers.
For this list, we're thinking up crossovers of all kinds. Our dream matchups can feature a mixture of characters, settings or gameplay, as long as the individual elements from each franchise mingle in some way.
Special Thanks to our user "Daniel John" for suggesting this topic on our Suggestion Tool at http://www.WatchMojo.comsuggest
#10: Gears of War & XCOM
This one is fairly straightforward: take XCOM’s fantastic turn based strategy and base managing gameplay and have it set in the Gears of War Universe. X-Com has some of the best strategic gameplay available, but the are lacking in the cool department. Thus, the post E-day world of Sera would transfer perfectly into this isometric 3d perspective, injecting grit and fantastic lore into an already proven formula. Strong emphasis on cover and squad mechanic eith fantastic array of aliens to kill – these franchises seem made for each-other.
#9: Mario & Shadow of the Colossus
At first thought a crossover of these two may not make sense, surely Mario would be better off with Sonic in a platform adventure? But let’s think outside the box for a second. Taking a quick look at the concept art by Jason Lupas, all of a sudden it doesn’t seem like such a stretch. Mario’s always running and jumping – so would a little climbing couldn’t hurt. Besides, Mario’s been transplanted into a handful of other formulas and he’s come out on top every time AND both franchises feature damsels in distress and noble steeds. Think about it…
#8: Bayonetta & Devil May Cry
Two of the sexiest characters in gaming could come together as the havoc fuelled gameplay of both titles would merge for some action sequences that would blow player’s minds. Both series have been created by Hideki Kamiya so this perhaps the crossover that makes the most sense on paper. Plus, the two characters have a demonic connection – Dante hunts Demons, Bayonetta uses demons to defeat her enemies – a potential odd couple conflict basically writes itself.
#7: Grand Theft Auto & Saints Row
Two of the best open world titles with distinct approaches on how the universe works, Saints is a bit more off the wall and has already toyed with the use of different realities so what’s to stop their next destination being Los Santos? Why not a gang war between the Grove Street and the 3rd Street Saints? Better yet, why not have Trevor fight aliens for real? With both series featuring a set of characters that roll with the punches and do anything and everything, a matchup seems almost logical.
#6: Final Fantasy & Zelda
Link and Zelda recently got a taste of crossover adventure in Hyrule Warriors so why not something like Hyrule Fantasy? The concept is simple, just take the world and characters of The Legend of Zelda and set it to the classic JRPG style of Final Fantasy. You can also bring in some iconic Final Fantasy themes such as Chocobo’s and maybe even some of their characters as Party member. This is not a novel concept; the last time Square did something like this we got Super Mario RPG, and that was amazing – so doesn’t this seem like a better fit?
#5: Jak and Daxter & Ratchet and Clank
Mascot driven games were all the rage back in the PS1 and PS2 days but now the world has become that much more gritty, so the fuzzy faces have been edged out by realistic titles. Although they we already sort of brought together in Playstation Move Heroes, which was terrible, they really need their own title dedicated to the foursome. It would be oh so easy: both pairs have one small and one big member, the aesthetics are similar and their humour would mesh perfectly. There are enough sci-fi elements in each game to make the crossover feasible and lots of fans would love it.
#4: Assassin’s Creed & Mirror’s Edge
A totalitarian government masked as a utopia – that’s exactly what the Templars from AC want to establish, and that’s coincidentally exactly what Mirror’s Edge hero Faith finds herself living in. Would it be so crazy to suggest that the two worlds are related? Faith could use the animus, or simply work to shut down the Templars in her own way. And that’s ignoring the obvious – Parkour! The two respective franchises are essentially the kings of the free running genre, so it woulnd’t be that much of a jump for them to team up.
#3: Half Life & Portal
It has already essentially been established in both sets of games that Black Mesa and Aperture Science exist in the same universe, so it almost seems likely that the most viable way for either series to continue is with a crossover title. This would finally satisfy the millions of people around the world who desperately want Half Life 3 in some shape or form. Both have rich stories with plenty of gaps to fill and the two coming together could possibly bring some clarity to either’s plot. And having the portal gun as a weapon in an FPS? Please make it so Gabe.
#2: Pokemon & Monster Hunter
Ever wanted to hunt down a Charizard? hack away at it and carve some awesome armour from its carcus? Well if the two biggest game series in Japan were to come together the country would probably implode at the news of “Pocket Monster Hunter”. With this concept you’d take the gameplay structure of Monster Hunter and head out into the world to hunt down large Pokemon, And in place of Palico’s could even be smaller Pokemon like the Kanto Starters. Of course if you’re not fond of the idea of carving up Pikachu … perhaps Pokemon in an Animal Crossing world would be better for you.
Before we reveal our top two games to be merged, lets take a look at some honourable mentions.
Resident Evil & Dead Space
Ace Attorney & Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective
Tomb Raider (pre-reboot) & Uncharted
#1: Mortal Kombat & Street Fighter
Since the inception of the genre, this is the dream crossover many a fanboy has wished for. Any fighting combination of games at all could easily crossover for that matter but it’s these two that the fans would most want to face off – although I’m sure they’d be open to a Killer Instinct Crossover as well. Even though the two games have very different playstyles, watching Lu Kang face off against Ryu to see who’s fireball reigns supreme is a tantalizing thought indeed.
Do you agree with our picks? What video game titles do you think would be an unlikely match made in heaven? There are so many games on so many platforms that we’re sure we’ve missed something. For more well matched top 10s be sure to subscribe to