Top 10 Movies That Were Hated Before They Were Released

Some movies manage to get a bad reputation before they even hit theatres! WatchMojo presents the Top 10 Movies That Were Hated Before They Were Released! But what will take the top spot on our list? Will it be The Emoji Movie, Death Note, or Ghostbusters? Watch to find out!
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You can’t always judge a book by its cover, but you can't stop people from trying. Welcome to and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Movies That Were Hated Before They Were Released.
For this list, we’re taking a look at movies audiences widely criticized before they even got a chance to see them. While a few of these went on to achieve critical success once they actually came out, we’re mainly focusing on the initial backlash that predated their release.
#10: “Jack and Jill” (2011)
Although a lot of his work has fallen flat, fans still hold onto the hope that Adam Sandler will make a comeback. After the trailer for “Jack and Jill” came out, however,” even Sandler’s most devoted followers felt that he was about to hit a new low. The idea of Sandler playing a man and his twin sister sounded incredibly lazy on paper. Jill’s aggravating accident and Al Pacino’s inexplicable presence didn’t make people any more optimistic. “Jack and Jill” looked so awful that “South Park” actually called it out months in advance, and few would disagree with their assessment.
#9: “Battleship” (2012)
When news broke that a “Battleship” movie was in development, audiences were convinced that Hollywood had run out of ideas. The original board game doesn’t have any established characters or story, so what could you possibly adapt? For that matter, why spend over $200 million to do it? People only became more skeptical once it became clear that the film was basically just going to be “Transformers” at sea. The only selling point the movie had going for it was that director Peter Berg was re-teaming with some of his “Friday Night Lights” alumni. Nevertheless, audiences still jumped ship long before it set sail.
#8: “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” (2014)
Michael Bay’s involvement was already enough to prompt protests. But announcing that the mutated turtles would actually be aliens only made things worse. To add insult to injury, Caucasian actor William Fichtner was cast as the Shredder, a character typically portrayed as Asian. Due to the negative response, the film endured some reshoots with Fichtner’s character being downgraded to a supporting villain and Japanese American actor Tohoru Masamune playing the Shredder. As for the turtles, the whole alien thing was dropped, with the backlash even being referenced in the finished film. Despite the changes, fans still managed to find something to hate – the wonky-ass character designs.
#7: “The Amazing Spider-Man” (2012)
It’s completely acceptable to reboot a popular film franchise after an appropriate amount of time has passed. To fans, five years was not the appropriate amount. People simply weren’t that interested in seeing another origin story, especially since the 2002 film was barely a decade old. “The Amazing Spider-Man” just looked like Sony’s shameless attempt to keep the film rights tangled in their web. Meanwhile, fans desperately wanted to see Spidey team up with the Avengers and this reboot seemed to confirm that it would never happen. Fortunately, Spider-Man would get a proper homecoming later down the line.
#6: “The Last Airbender” (2010)
Fans of the hit animated series had plenty to dread with this live-action adaptation. The show left little room for improvement and condensing a season’s worth of episodes into 100 minutes didn’t sound like a very good idea either. It also didn’t help that director M. Night Shyamalan was fresh off critical duds like “Lady in the Water” and “The Happening.” In a particularly controversial move, hardly any actors of Asian decent were cast in major roles, despite the fact that the source material drew inspiration from Eastern philosophies and culture. All of this had people certain that the Ember Island Players could put on a better show.
#5: “Ghost in the Shell” (2017)
2017's “Ghost in the Shell” adaption was bombarded with whitewashing accusations from the moment Scarlett Johansson was cast in the lead role. Of course where “The Last Airbender” was based on an American show, “Ghost in the Shell” stemmed from a Japanese manga and anime, making the early outrage even more passionate. While most people agreed that Johansson is a fine actress, this was a golden opportunity for the studio to shine the spotlight on an actor of Asian heritage, but they took the so-called “safe route” instead. If the filmmakers couldn’t get the casting right, fans had little reason to believe they’d do the material justice.
#4: “Fifty Shades of Grey” (2015)
Long before the film adaption, “Fifty Shades of Grey” had already gained an infamous reputation in the literary world. While author E. L. James had written a trilogy of bestselling books, they weren’t exactly viewed as high art. Critics almost universally panned the erotic romance novels for their one-note characters and laughable dialog. So when the film moved towards production, the haters were ready to rip the movie a new one – which, ironically, it probably wanted... On top of that, the film inspired protests based on the assumptions that it encouraged physical abuse, promoted pornography, and depicted BDSM in an inaccurate light.
#3: “Death Note” (2017)
If we've learned anything today, it's that not every anime or manga needs the Hollywood treatment. But if you proceed, then maybe cast some Japanese actors in lead roles? 2017’s “Death Note” fell into an all-too-familiar trap, enlisting mostly Caucasian actors and changing its setting from Japan to America. While the trailer wasn’t without some cool imagery, fans were convinced that the final product would lack the depth of its source material, playing out more like a horror flick riddled with teen angst. We’d say the film was dead on arrival, but it was arguably dead before even leaving the station.
#2: “The Emoji Movie” (2017)
Do we really need to explain why people weren’t eager to see this one? Granted, sometimes even the dumbest ideas can produce something smart, original, and even groundbreaking. Once the trailer for “The Emoji Movie” hit, though, audiences knew what they were going to get: a lame cash grab that ripped off “The Lego Movie,” “Wreck-It Ralph,” and various other animated features. Just a few days before its release, the film conjured more bad press upon tweeting an advertisement that parodied “The Handmaid’s Tale.” Given that show’s subject matter, some called the tweet tasteless while others were left asking, “what’s the joke?”
Before we get to our top pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“Transformers: The Last Knight” (2017)
“The Passion of the Christ” (2004)
“Noah” (2014)
#1: “Ghostbusters” (2016)
Since the original “Ghostbusters” is a comedy classic, this reboot was bound to generate a few preconceived notions. Fans were upset that it wasn’t a sequel with any of the original actors reprising their roles, killing any hope for “Ghostbusters III.” They also took issue with the movie’s theatrical title, which made no effort to distinguish itself from its 1984 predecessor. Meanwhile, others shunned the film for having an all-female cast. In the midst of all this criticism and controversy, the trailer for “Ghostbusters” became the most disliked film preview on YouTube. Ultimately, people didn’t answer the call for a variety of different reasons.