Top 10 Must-Watch Thanksgiving TV Episodes

Pass the Thanksgiving special, please. Welcome to MsMojo and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Thanksgiving TV Episodes.
For this list, we’re taking a look at the Thanksgiving-themed television episodes that we’re most grateful for. We’re leaving off animated episodes, so “A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” will have to sit at another table.
#10: “Lockdown”
“Brooklyn Nine-Nine” (2013-)
Thanksgiving is all about coming together, but let’s be honest. Sometimes this holiday can be so tense that sitting around the table feels like being stuck in a prison cell. The second Thanksgiving episode of “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” takes this concept literally as the precinct receives a suspicious package, requiring the whole station to be quarantined. Jake tries to make the experience fun for his fellow officers and other detainees, which inevitably backfires. Seriously, a real fire breaks out. Thankfully, Jake is able to put out both the actual fire and the metaphorical fire with some help from Amy, bringing them one step closer towards becoming a couple. Meanwhile, Captain Holt winds up spending most of his holiday with Big Zeke and “Tiny Terry.”
#9: “Punkin Chunkin”
“Modern Family” (2009-)
Before he was a snowman, Josh Gad dropped by the Dunphy household as Phil’s old protégé, who’s become a billionaire by following his mentor’s advice. This leads Phil to wonder why he himself hasn’t hit the big time, placing the blame on the skeptical Claire. Just as Claire crushes Phil’s aspirations, Jay and Mitchell stomp on the dreams of Manny and Cam, respectively. In typical fashion, the family and all of the subplots cleverly come together in the final act with plenty of heart and humor to go around. Of course, the biggest laugh is saved for last as Alex and Haley’s car accident storyline collides with Cam’s determination to slingshot a pumpkin across a football field. It’s the whipped cream on the pumpkin pie.
#8: “The Gang Squashes Their Beefs”
“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” (2005-)
Overwhelmed with the spirit of the holiday, the Paddy’s Pub gang decides to make amends with their enemies by having them over for Thanksgiving dinner. The episode sees the return of several fan favorite characters, who are all peacefully gathered around the table. Of course, since this is the gang we’re talking about, it isn’t long until these people go from breaking bread to breaking each other. Secrets are revealed, illegal substances are taken, and hatchets are thrown rather than buried. It all accumulates in a fire, which seems to be a trend in Thanksgiving episodes. Instead of extinguishing the fire, though, the gang locks their guests inside to potentially perish. It’s hilariously mean-spirited, but that’s exactly what we’d expect from a Very Sunny Thanksgiving.
#7: “Talking Turkey”
“The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” (1990-96)
When Will’s mother visits for Thanksgiving, Vivian begins to fear that she’s been letting her children live a privileged lifestyle. So, she decides to have the kids prepare Thanksgiving dinner. What could possibly go wrong? Well, the yams are burnt, the stuffing looks more like oatmeal, and the turkey is frozen inside. Oh, and naturally a fire broke out off-screen! Although the dinner is a total disaster, the family can’t help but laugh about it. Will even seems giddy about how terrible the meal is, barely able to contain his smile as each dish is presented. The final embrace between Will and his mother reminds us that when life gives you cranberries, you can always make cranberry sauce… just don’t drop it on the floor.
#6: “Thanksgiving Orphans”
“Cheers” (1982-93)
“Cheers” demonstrated how a close group of friends can be like a family. Carla thus hosts a Thanksgiving potluck for the Cheers crew. Just as families tend to clash over the holidays, however, this Thanksgiving is basically a food fight waiting to happen. “Cheers” has always been an excellent ensemble piece, but this episode finds every cast member firing on all cylinders. From the guys battling over the TV to Diane showing up in a pilgrim outfit, there isn’t a weak link. While most of the food is turned into ammunition, Norm’s turkey is finished by the time they settle down. The ending leaves us on a pitch perfect punchline as we’re finally introduced to Norm’s wife Vera, albeit with pie on her face.
#5: “Pilgrim Rick”
“This Is Us” (2016-)
A recurring theme in Thanksgiving episodes is that whatever can go wrong, will go wrong. As long as you’re surrounded by loved ones, though, the worst Thanksgiving can turn into a cherished memory. Such is the case for the Pearsons when they experience some car trouble and are forced to spend Thanksgiving in a motel. This unusually touching Thanksgiving marks the beginning of several Pearson family traditions, which continue even in modern day as Kevin lets Miguel don the Pilgrim Rick hat. Alas, not even “Police Academy 3” can put a smile on anyone’s face after Randall confronts Rebecca over a secret she’s been keeping. We’re left on a bittersweet note as the family comes together in the past and falls apart in the present.
#4: “Thanksgiving III”
“New Girl” (2011-18)
Where most Thanksgiving specials mainly take place in the dining room, this “New Girl” episode takes the festivities out into the wilderness. This bright idea stems from Nick, who’s determined to show Coach that he hasn’t gone soft since entering a relationship with Jess. As he tries to prove his masculinity, Jess tries to prove her devotion to Nick by eating his dead fish. Not only does the fish taste horrendous, but it sends Jess into a disoriented haze. We’re not sure what’s funnier, Jess accidentally falling into a bear trap or Nick willingly diving in after her. The night may result in a trip to the hospital, but at least Jess is able to have dinner with her friends… even if she can’t eat.
#3: “Turkeys Away!”
“WKRP in Cincinnati” (1978-82)
Weirdly enough, this sitcom was based on creator Hugh Wilson’s real-life experiences working at the WQXI radio station. Even weirder, this outrageous episode was loosely inspired by an actual incident. According to Clarke Brown, who worked with Wilson at WQXI, the station threw live turkeys out of a truck and into a crowd as part of a Thanksgiving promotion. What they didn’t realize is that turkeys can’t fly, at least not the ones you prepare for dinner. The episode takes the story one step further by having the turkeys dropped out of a helicopter, upping the insanity. While we don’t see the turkeys crashing down, listening to Les Nessman describe the mayhem is even funnier. Oh the humanity… or should we say, oh the turkey-manity?
#2: “Slapsgiving”
“How I Met Your Mother” (2005-14)
We all have our Thanksgiving traditions, but slapping a close friend is definitely a unique one. Continuing one of the show’s best running gags, the Slap Bet, Marshall creates a website counting down to Thanksgiving when he’ll deliver his third smack across Barney’s face. The real tension, however, is between Ted and Robin as they adjust to just being friends after breaking up. The presence of Robin’s older boyfriend only makes matters more awkward. Although the evening is on the verge of being a major buzzkill for everyone, the mood lightens up when Marshall is given permission to deliver a slap and a song. “You Just Got Slapped” may be the most uplifting and the most cynical tune we’ve ever heard. We salute this episode!
Before we get to our topic pick, here are a few honorable mentions:
“Thanks for the Memories”
“Grey’s Anatomy” (2005-)
“A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving”
“Gilmore Girls” (2000-07)
“ Pangs”
“Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (1997-2003)
“The West Wing” (1999-2006)
“Malcolm in the Middle” (2000-06)
#1: “The One with All the Thanksgivings”
“Friends” (1994-2004)
While “The One with the Football” may’ve been the stronger ensemble piece, this classic “Friends” episode is like several Thanksgiving specials for the price of one. Between Joey getting a turkey stuck on his head and Phoebe losing an arm (at least in a past life), there’s no shortage of priceless moments. The main highlights occur in the 80s where we find out what drove Monica to go through a weight loss, which in turn resulted in Chandler losing a toe. This might be one of the darker jokes in the series, which is actually refreshing, especially for a Thanksgiving episode. As grim as matters get, it does work up to a warmhearted ending as Monica and Chandler take a major step in their relationship.